There seems to be some kind of buzz around a story on water-bottles as a light source. The past couple days it’s been mentioned numerous times. The story I heard first was from Brazil. This video was posted May, 2008:
Then in 2009 or 2010 I heard about it in Africa. Apparently the new story is from Indonesia, in an advertisement.
It’s a great story of finding efficiencies on several levels. It reminds me of the large tubes of water in some high-end solar homes that connect to the roof and not only light a room but heat it as well. They are more than just sun tunnels but actual vertical columns of water that run floor to ceiling in a room and radiate energy. Of course I can’t find any images of one right now…need some buzz to get them to appear again. Maybe the water-bottles will help.
actually, the more recent video is from the Philippines