Free exploit automation: Pmcma released

Funny intro in the README

Is this tool for me ?


As a script kiddie, you may have found a piece of code you don’t understand on the internet, but are nonetheless decided to go to jail.

In all those cases, and surely many others, Pmcma was probably made for you.

I think they mean that if you run Pmcma on code without authorization and get caught you will go to jail. The decision to go to jail? That sounds like a protest. I don’t think that fits with the motive of someone who wants to run scripts in the sense of a “kiddie”. Perhaps it could be translated into French like this:

En tant que pirate adolescent vous voulez tester le logiciel sur Internet et ne se soucient pas d’aller en prison.

Ok, that’s my attempt at Canadian French, but still…I put the emphasis on being unaware of consequences rather than making it a decision to go to jail.

Anyway, Pmcma offers to automatically write exploits for flaws it finds in software (given it has root privilege) without the need for sourcecode.

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