EFF proves NSA facility at AT&T

Hot off the press:

…after negotiations with AT&T, EFF has filed newly unredacted documents describing a secret, secure room in AT&T’s facilities that gave the National Security Agency (NSA) direct access to customers’ emails and other Internet communications

Secret, secure room makes me think of The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, or maybe Alice’s Wonderland.

The timing might be coincidence a subpoena vote is about to be set for the US government’s wiretap records, according to the NYT:

The Senate Judiciary Committee is set to vote Thursday on whether to authorize subpoenas to gain access to Justice Department documents related to the National Security Agency’s domestic wiretapping program, including a series of secret legal opinions.

The vote comes a week after Democratic leaders on a House Judiciary subcommittee threatened to issue subpoenas for the same documents.

I wonder who Bush would be in Wonderland.

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