Peter King is targeted by the Daily Show for his contradictory positions on terrorism.
John Oliver tries to explain the difference: “Hamas is an Islamic organization and doesn’t drink. The IRA has a slightly different policy on that…”
The Guardian hints that Representative King may be trying only to foment fear and raise “ultra-rightwing” capital to win votes, regardless of actual security concerns:
As his star witness, King invited the credential-free Dr Zudhi Jasser, who wears the honourable badge of being “Glenn Beck’s favourite Muslim”. Jasser, unknown to mainstream Muslim communities, once anecdotally claimed that 3-5% of US Muslims are militant and nearly 40% do not approve the principle of the separation of church [sic] and state. Jasser also narrated the notorious “Third Jihad” video, produced by the clandestine and ultra-rightwing Clarion Fund and briefly used to train NYPD officers on counter-terrorism. After seeing the video, an NYPD officer remarked, “It was so ridiculously one-sided. It just made Muslims look like the enemy. It was straight propaganda.”