NZ Tesla Kills One, Airborne for 30m

An alleged wealthy self-obsessed liar is in court to face charges that he murdered a woman with a Tesla.

Johnston found Sharma lost control of the Tesla after hitting the “dip” travelling at more than 100km/h, while noting there were no warning signs of the dip.

The dip and speed were contributing factors in the crash; Sharma losing control of the Tesla was a causative factor.

He was able to track the car’s movements by using the skid marks, which showed the vehicle going straight.

Sharma told Constable Daniel Zainey at the scene the crash occurred because he swerved to avoid a raccoon.

“As someone born and raised in New Zealand, I’m aware that we don’t have raccoons but it didn’t seem the time and place to point that out,” Zainey told the court yesterday.

Zainey added Sharma seemed concerned about what was going to happen to him when questioned at the scene after the crash.

“He said, ‘am I going to jail, what’s going to happen?’ … he was really concerned,” Zainey said.

Trying to save a raccoon? Will the court please give this caring, warm nature conservationist a medal?

Oh, right, racoons don’t exist in New Zealand (North and Central America only), which begs how the accused dreamed up that excuse.

And the facts from the January 4, 2022 crash are that he was speeding unnecessarily in a notoriously dangerous car when he coldly and cruelly murdered his friend… witnesses adding that he whined to them about avoiding accountability.

The Curious Missing History of Corn Nuts

“Corn Nuts Toasted Corn” seems redundant until you read the history of the brand

Corn Nuts, a well-known brand, essentially offer fried and salted corn. While this snack isn’t particularly novel, as variations exist worldwide, its marketing suggests a significant influence on American culture. It’s almost a given that any rural gas station will stock bad coffee and Corn Nuts, highlighting widespread popularity of the snack. However, what’s intriguing is how a single American brand came to dominate such a simple and common food without any real explanation.

But I’m getting ahead of myself.

Initially, the brand originated in Oakland, California, where a man named Olin Huntington invoked the well-known “Brown Jug” drinking song that had surfaced in 1869, shortly after the Civil War.

Source: Official Gazette of the US Patent Office, 10 August 1937

My wife and I lived all alone,
In a little log hut we called our own;
She loved gin and I loved rum,
I tell you we had lots of fun.

Chorus: Ha! Ha! Ha! you and me,
Little Brown Jug don’t I love thee!

‘Tis you who makes my friends and foes,
‘Tis you who makes me wear old clothes,
Here you are so near my nose,
So tip her up and down she goes.

When I go toiling to my farm
I take little brown jug under my arm,
Place him under a shady tree,
Little brown jug, ’tis you and me.

If I’d a cow that gave such milk,
I’d clothe her in the finest silk
I’d feed her on the choicest hay,
And milk her forty times a day.

The rose is red, my nose is too
The violet’s blue and so are you;
And yet I guess, before I stop
I’d better take another drop.

Went for a walk on the railroad track,
Little brown jug on my back.
Stubbed my toe, and down I fell,
And broke that little jug I loved so well.

Isn’t it catchy? It’s worth noting how famous the Brown Jug still was by the 1930s, when Olin’s particular version of salted fried corn started appearing for free in Oakland bars.

Moreover, again considering the Civil War influence on American culture, Olin’s recipe perhaps resembled a snack known very well by soldiers, as described by Serious Eats:

…regular dry corn, which tended to be stolen from local fields and was used to make [pinole] (parched corn ground to a fine powder, seasoned with salt or sugar and eaten dry)

It seems at the very least that Confederate soldiers were familiar with a food preservation technique that meant roasting or parching stolen corn kernels. This method likely provided pro-slavery militants with a comfort food during long and desperate retreats renowned for drunken looting and pillaging.

How and why did toasted corn also migrate West? Some could argue Americans on the California Trail through the late 1800s needed a convenient, light and durable food option that could withstand rigors of travel and provide much-needed energy. Others rightly might argue those are the exact same reasons that pinole had long been a common staple of native Americans and other long hunters. In other words, was any food in the 1930s (after prohibition) more comforting than a drink with some familiar corn on the side?


While Olin’s Brown Jug Toasted Corn might sound like an odd brand to someone today, in 1936 that combination of words probably sounded more like someone saying water is wet. It was brilliant marketing for his day.

Thus the Oakland bars serving toasted corn rapidly grew the snack’s popularity until they ran directly into fierce political headwinds. A huge influx of hungry immigrants to California generated intense resentment towards “Okies” seeking a better life during the Dust Bowl. Free food? Suddenly a Brown Jug Toasted Corn model of handing out bar snacks was basically regulated out of business.

A man named Olin Huntington created a toasted corn product called Brown Jug and sold it to bars, which handed it out to patrons for free. The toasted corn was legendarily so popular, especially with children, that kids were often caught dashing into taverns to grab handfuls.

But shortly thereafter, California passed a law making it illegal to give away food at bars, spelling disaster for Brown Jug’s business model.

An ages old concept of using corn to feed starving Americans on long journeys became very popular with starving kids during the Dust Bowl? You don’t say.

One of the most famous photos of the Dust Bowl starvation-level struggles for American families. “I wish she hadn’t taken my picture. I can’t get a penny out of it. [Lange] didn’t ask my name. She said she wouldn’t sell the pictures.” Florence Owens Thompson. Source:

The new laws were apparently too much for Olin, so he threw in the towel and sold his company. The transfer of Olin Manufacturing and their Brown Jug Toasted Corn business to a new entrepreneur (Albert Holloway) included a huge marketing reversal. Not only did the product now distance itself from an association to drinking, it added a 5 cent charge. The new focus shifted to selling small bags into schools as wholesome snacks for children… if they could pay ($1.50 in today’s terms).

1949 Corn Nuts marketing to parents and kids. Click to enlarge

The product was renamed based on what bar patrons, and possibly children, reportedly called out when they didn’t want salted peanuts: “hey bartender, how about some more of those corn nuts”.

Lastly, after all that history being said, the appeal of Corn Nuts lies in what reporters called a “pure and simple” concept. Something that seems very well-known around the world – oily corn with salt is delicious, and sustaining on long journeys. No wonder it’s in every gas station.

White men in California wearing suits wrote themselves into history as being the “capitol” of fried corn snacks. Click to enlarge. Source: Chicago Tribune, 12 Jun 1972, Page 73

The perplexing part of the story is how a single brand with a single product came to dominate the American market to such an extent, given such obvious potential for numerous producers of salted fried corn to emerge.

However, dominance might be linked to the obscure politics of its origin story. It benefited from a hard turn away from the common snack associated with drinking and starving, into a conveniently packaged snack for kids… if they could pay.

By distancing from America’s controversial yet widely recognized Civil War, Brown Jug and Dust Bowl history (let’s face it, who today knows those lyrics), Corn Nuts successfully fabricated a strangely abrupt “pure and simple” origin story to build a dominant position in the convenience snack market.

Interestingly, this mirrors an abrupt and controversial racist origin to Doritos corn chips.

It begs a question of how and where the mostly forgotten Olin Huntington came upon his recipe that was then purchased and repurposed into a Corn Nuts empire. So far, I’ve found no evidence of Olin’s major influences, perhaps by design. It’s almost impossible to find any mention of Olin himself.


  • Cancha is the word used in Peru and Ecuador for corn that has been soaked and then toasted in a pan with oil and salt. There tend to be different sizes, textures and regional variations.
  • Cancha Chulpi is harvested young and tender, then toasted with seasoning and salt until it pops, emphasizing crunch.
  • Cancha Pescorunto is a smaller corn often toasted with seasoning and salt until it pops, again emphasizing crunch.
  • Cancha Serrana, or Andean corn, is found in Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and Colombia. Very large kernels are known for more of a starchy texture, frequently found in soups, stews, and side dishes. Like Cancha Chulpi and Pescorunto it can be toasted with salt.

Russian Immigrants Bringing Deadly Contagious Measles to Florida

Russia has been suffering one of the world’s worst measles virus outbreaks due to weak vaccination policy enforcement.

“Russia’s measles cases have been growing since late 2022. The rise in cases is due to the cyclic nature of the infection, stemming from a gradual increase in the number of people without immunity,” the spokesperson said.

Russians not vaccinated against measles and unvaccinated people coming to Russia from the neighboring countries make the majority of new patients.

Unvaccinated people coming…

The news hints at a return towards prevaccine days when Russia reported child fatality rates around 10%.

In the prevaccine era, 500,000–1,400,000 measles cases were reported annually in the Russian Federation, with an incidence ranging from 700.0 cases per 100,000 persons in 1950 to 1192.0 cases per 100,000 person in 1957 [1]. Peaks in measles incidence, usually occurring every 1–2 years, define a typical pattern of measles epidemics during this period. As one of the common childhood infections, measles was a major cause of child mortality, with the mortality rate substantially exceeding that for diphtheria. High case-fatality rates for measles (8.1%–11.1%) were reported in the country until the 1950s, when the rate decreased to 1.3%–1.5% after the introduction of sulfonamides and antibiotics. By 1958, the case-fatality rate had stabilized at <0.1%.

That’s right. Russia’s dictator after 2016 has been failing to maintain a vaccination policy, despite it being proven extremely effective since the 1950s.


Scientific researchers say Russian social-media trolls who spread discord before the 2016 U.S. presidential election may also have played an unintended role in a developing global health crisis.

They say the trolls may have contributed to the 2018 outbreak of measles in Europe that killed 72 people and infected more than 82,000 — mostly in Eastern and Southeastern European countries known to have been targeted by Russia-based disinformation campaigns.

When you put these stories together, it should be easy to see the next chapter.

The flow of contagious anti-vaccine Russians to Florida has created an “epicenter” for predictable American political and public health disasters.

‘Measles is the most infectious pathogen in humans that we know of,’ Kimberlin explained.

‘It’s like a heat-seeking missile. It will find the people who are not immune, and they’re going to get sick.’


Measles is a highly contagious, airborne virus that mostly affects children under five years old.

It can be prevented by two doses of the MMR vaccine and more than 57 million deaths have been averted since 2000, according to the WHO and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The recommended two doses of the MMR vaccine are 97 percent effective against measles, the CDC reports.

We know already why vaccines most likely were not happening among the 2019 immigrant wave of Russian women who played Trump for access to America.

Social media is full of Russian women boasting about coming to America to give birth, sometimes staying at Trump properties. […] Roman Bokeria, the state director of the Florida Association of Realtors told NBC News that Trump- branded buildings in the Sunny Isles Beach area north of Miami are particularly popular with the Russian birth tourists and Russian immigrants.

Fast forward to today, given Trump’s role in unvaccinated immigrants landing in Florida, measles is spreading where we should expect and for reasons easy to identify.

Florida refuses to bar unvaccinated students from school suffering a measles outbreak

To be clear, Trump has publicly stated he opposes foreigners coming to America to give birth and he supports measles vaccination. In other words, he created the perfect big lie for him to import unvaccinated Russian women to give birth and infect Florida with measles.

There is a kind of madness here. Arendt described the “active, aggressive capability” to believe in lies (as compared to passive gullibility) that distinguishes modern political lying. Lies like this are grandly shameless, blatantly, and obviously fake.

In the spirit of John Snow, maybe it’s time to measure Trump properties for measles. Remove the pump handle, stop the spread.

Related: “Samoa’s Perfect Storm

How a collapse in measles vaccination rates [caused by RFK Jr] killed more than 70 children

How Disney’s 1964 Robotic President Lincoln Ended Up Training U.S. Military Today

This is an old obscure story but, with all the talk lately about robots manufactured by and for militant racists (e.g. Tesla), I thought it would be worth revisiting.

Disney made a robotic President Lincoln in 1964, which lectured audiences for dramatic effect. It since has been used as a model to train U.S. troops.

Having watched the facial animation progression from Wathel’s first efforts in 1955, thru Jack Gladish’s first Chinaman, then the 1964 Lincoln [through today]… We first implemented this sort of work in our projects for the US Marines in the Infantry Immersion Trainer at Camp Pendleton. We created a series of animatronic townspeople to populate the immersive training environment—some of them were slated to be hostile combatants.

Did I just read that a fake Lincoln was staged as a hostile combatant for Marines to train against?


Allegedly the justification for turning Disney’s Lincoln into enemy combatant was that animatronics were easier to build than using human actors. Does this mean no actors were willing to play Lincoln as an enemy of the Marines for some particular reason?

I mean the underlying theme of this story reminds me of…

…Camp Pendleton in Oceanside, California was a hotbed of KKK activity–an open secret that was tolerated or aided by Marine Corps brass… white marine Klansmen openly distributed racist literature on the base, pasted KKK stickers on barracks doors and hid illicit weapons in their quarters…

Camp Pendleton, racist hotbed of the KKK, trained Marines with an animatronic staged as their enemy combatant… based on President Lincoln? What would President Lincoln say about that?

Oh no! Not the KKK again!

Were they training Marines on assassinating him? Here’s a 1977 interview of a Marine about their environment.

Q. Do you think the Klan has been rooted out of Pendleton?

A. Definitely not. Definitely no. It’s still here and they’re still organizing here. They might have calmed down a little bit; kept their stuff under cover a little bit more, but as far as being rooted out–no.

Lincoln blithely portrayed as the basis for enemy combatants seems to fit a sad narrative. Misuse of technology easily can poison human U.S. troops against democracy.

Robots manufactured by and for militant racists is a fascinating chapter of disinformation tools in American history, no?

Who regulates robotic “moments” for safety and integrity such as authenticity, and under what authority? Historians always want to know.