Putin Dismissed Crocus City Hall Warnings and Sent Russians to Their Death

The reporting and advance warning was unmistakable.

On March 7, the U.S. government went public with a remarkably precise warning: The U.S. Embassy in Moscow was monitoring unspecified reports that “extremists have imminent plans to target large gatherings in Moscow, to include concerts.” It warned U.S. citizens in Moscow to avoid big events over the next 48 hours.

Yet as the U.S. warned privately and publicly of danger to Russian civilians, the Russian dictator ran angry counterspin propaganda to undermine safety in his own country.

Putin’s public reaction was dismissive. Three days before the attack, he condemned what he called “provocative statements” from the West about possible attacks within Russia. Such warnings were aimed at intimidating Russians and destabilizing the country, he said.

The US embassy posted a public warning to avoid gatherings, yet Putin didn’t.

Sending Russians to an early grave has been a hallmark of Putin, given hundreds of thousands killed by him on suicide missions invading neighboring countries.

Now the dictator is in a pickle, trying to somehow connect his own orders to commit mass murder of Orthodox Slavs in Ukraine to his gross negligence of Islamist terror attacks in Moscow.

In a sad twist, Putin also has put egregious scenes of illegal torture into the public view, emphasizing death as the better option for Russians than staying alive.

…the Russian Constitution outlaws torture. It is also part of the United Nations Convention Against Torture. Since torture is a crime both under international law and in many countries, defense lawyers would normally seek to have any testimony extracted under torture thrown out because it is notoriously unreliable, said Scott Roehm, the director for global policy and advocacy a the Minnesota-based Center for Victims of Torture, which works around the world.

Rumor has it that several poor, innocent immigrant men were just tricked by Russia into accepting money for “work” only to be tortured and thrown in front of a kangaroo court. Putin throws away lives to prove he doesn’t care about lives, similar to how Elon Musk runs Tesla. It’s also similar to the recent human trafficking system Russia was caught running on YouTube to advertise false jobs that instead sent Indian men to front lines of war and almost instant death in Ukraine.

Texas Warns Its Dairy Cows Are Suffering Bird Flu Outbreak

The state of Texas has posted a notice that dairy cows are being impacted by a bird flu outbreak.

A mysterious disease has been working its way through the Texas Panhandle, puzzling the agriculture industry. Today, Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller received confirmation from the United States Secretary of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack, and the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) that the mystery disease has been identified as a strain of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) commonly known as Bird Flu. To date, three dairies in Texas and one in Kansas have tested positive for HPAI. The Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) is vigilantly monitoring this outbreak.


Did he say Kansas?

How long before that one little Kansas case is linked into nearby research at the new bioweapon lab in a prominent agriculture research university?

Just thinking out loud since Kansas ranchers have complained about lab leaks. Maybe Texas has a much louder political voice, which is what’s going on, and why they pulled in the feds. And maybe the WHO is right, cattle were inevitable.

Courts Block Elon Musk’s Punitive Censorship of His Critics

As if it wasn’t obvious enough to everyone in the world, the courts have ruled. Elon Musk uses his ill-gotten gains to punish speech and censor critics.

“Sometimes it is unclear what is driving a litigation,” wrote District Judge Charles Breyer, of the US District Court for the Northern District of California, in the order’s opening lines. “Other times, a complaint is so unabashedly and vociferously about one thing that there can be no mistaking that purpose.”

“This case represents the latter circumstance,” Breyer continued. “This case is about punishing the Defendants for their speech.”

[Elon Musk] “wishes to have it both ways,” trying to impose “punishing damages” on CCDH but without having to clear the high bar of a defamation suit.

See also: strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPP).

…lawsuits meant to censor, intimidate, or silence critics by saddling them with legal defense costs until they drop their criticism.

Since taking over… Musk has allowed Nazis and the Taliban on Twitter—and even verified them. He also has done nothing to rein in antisemitic and transphobic speech on the platform. If anything, he’s one of the main sources of it.

Nazis and Taliban were welcomed, while antisemitic, racist, transphobic, mysogynist attacks were promoted via robots as if by design.

Then Elon Musk tried to censor prominent researchers who exposed the obvious hate rally.

If anything, America should (in these troubled times of Twitter and Palantir attempting extrajudicial control over society) acknowledge a significance of the 1837 murder of Lovejoy. A man was attacked by white supremacist mobs, who murdered him and destroyed his printing press, because he dared to report on their threats to democracy.

Related: Boeing is alleged to have assassinated a prominent whistleblower.

Also related: Russian leaders continue falling to their death

FBI Opens Criminal Investigation of Boeing, Not Yet Tesla

This could pave the way of justice for the five hundred people killed by Tesla. Boeing safely landed the criminally defective plane, testament to having a professional human pilot on board, which can not be said for Tesla.

Published reports and government officials have said the U.S. Justice Department has opened a criminal investigation into whether the panel blowout violated terms of a 2021 settlement that let Boeing avoid prosecution for allegedly misleading regulators who certified the 737 Max.


The decision to designate the Alaska passengers as potential crime victims is a turnaround for the Justice Department, which a few years ago argued that families of passengers who died in the Max crashes did not meet the legal definition of crime victims.

A federal judge in Texas, however, ruled that the families did meet the standard. He said that under federal law, the Justice Department should have told them about secret negotiations with Boeing that produced the 2021 settlement.