Tesla May Have Lit Its Own German Factory On Fire To Hide Collapse of Sales

Rumors are circulating in Berlin anti-terror channels (perhaps a local attempt at dry humor) that Tesla probably attempted to pull a “Reichstag Fire” to win public support (and collect insurance, plus write off losses) for rapidly sinking car sales.

Elon Musk’s German Tesla plant suffers close to $1 billion in damages after attack by the ‘dumbest ecoterrorists on earth’

Elon Musk calling out the “dumbest ecoterrorists on earth” sounds like projection. Isn’t that what we should call Tesla owners with their cars on fire, throwing away a years worth of water for a whole town in just a day, or dumping their cars in a junkyard before 10,000 miles on the odometer?

I know one thing for certain, that anyone claiming “huge losses” from shutting down a factory making cars that nobody wants to buy… is blowing a lot of big smoke.

Germans are saying the math is totally cooked, such that any claimed losses are likely low if any loss at all. The supposed billions in damage from a simple power outage might have actually been a huge gain to an unnecessary factory making cars that aren’t selling. Not to mention claiming that a power outage causes losses in the billions makes Tesla look like they don’t understand anything about manufacturing.

Dumbest factory ever?

Whether or not Elon Musk paid the Russian mob to blow up his own factory power system in a ham-fisted attempt to childishly frame “left wing” groups while trying to stick his hand out for government aid, the fact is Tesla car sales continue to plummet and they should close the factory anyway.

It’s so bad now that while German car sales overall climbed in 2024 at nearly 10% (20% higher in April alone), Tesla slipped and fell down 36.3% in the first quarter of 2024 versus last year.

Yes, that’s right, nearly 40% fewer Tesla were registered in Germany so far this year as compared to last year. Meanwhile car sales are way up for other brands.

Why would anyone in Germany buy a Tesla? If the factory isn’t able to handle a power outage just imagine how poorly they design cars. Probably a death trap.

Something that may have helped protect the sanity of German car culture from falling prey to Tesla insanity and vulture tactics is a national resistance to the kind of high-pressure lies and propaganda that burns so many Americans.

Compare and contrast March to April and Tesla looks absolutely desperate to prey on fools.

March: Prices going up!

April: Haha suckers!

That biggest-ever stockpile would have been even bigger if the factory hadn’t been mysteriously forced to shutdown “by the ‘dumbest ecoterrorists on earth’”.

You can see the stockpile here: https://maps.app.goo.gl/giPenEYnHaMM5fCg7?g_st=ic

Update three days later, due to weak demand:

…production at the Grünheide Tesla plant southeast of Berlin will cease on May 10…

Who is to blame now?

Russia’s sabotage campaign has, at times, smacked of a shotgun approach carried out by amateurs. Some of the crimes linked to the campaign have not had obvious links to the conflict in Ukraine; Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk publicly suggested that a fire at an IKEA in Lithuania could have been the work of Russia, for example. In Poland, CNN has reported, a Ukrainian man was recruited over Telegram by a Russian handler he never met in person and was paid just $7 to spray anti-war graffiti. Later, he was asked to plant surveillance cameras and burn down the fence of a Ukrainian-owned transportation company.

“Tesla tried to do the least possible [safety] remedy to see [how many deaths] they could get away with”

Here’s the buried bombshell lede in the latest safety news about childish milquetoast fiddling that Tesla still tries to pass off as engineering.

Phil Koopman, a professor at Carnegie Mellon University who studies automated driving safety, said the letter shows that the recall did little to solve problems with Autopilot and was an attempt to pacify NHTSA, which demanded the recall after more than two years of investigation.

“It’s pretty clear to everyone watching that Tesla tried to do the least possible remedy to see what they could get away with,” Koopman said. “And NHTSA has to respond forcefully or other car companies will start pushing out inadequate remedies.”

Tesla not only is below the baseline of basic safety, it is clearly attempting to ruin the market by pulling all safety down and get more people killed unnecessarily.

So many die from Tesla design failures versus all other brands on the road, it’s a wonder the company is even allowed to continue selling cars.

Upper right red circle all alone: Tesla kills. Source: Alshival Data Service

It’s not even close because without fraud there would be no Tesla. Remember my stark warnings from 2021, if not throughout the five years before that?

Tesla deaths compared to all other EVs shows the obvious problem. It’s about accountability for lies, all about the Tesla CEO who regularly lies. Source: tesladeaths.com

“Equipo D” Documentary: Spanish Republican Cryptanalysts Who Broke the Nazi Enigma

As long as I’m posting about very unfortunately overlooked stories about the Polish cryptanalysts of WWII who were the first to break the Nazi Enigma in the early 1930s… I should also mention here that Spanish cryptanalysts collaborated with the Poles yet are even lesser known.

1942 photo of the Spanish and Polish cryptanalysts at the Cadix center in Uzès, France. Left to right: Marian Rejewski, Edward Fokczynski, unknown Spaniard, Henryk Zygalski, unknown Spaniard, Jerzy Rozycki, Antonio Camazón, Antoni Palluth, unknown Spaniard

I just noticed that an hour-long 2019 documentary about them was posted online by RTVE (“EQUIPO D: LOS CÓDIGOS OLIVDADOS” or The Lost Codes) to help bring this chapter of history to light.

Here’s my very rough translation of its synopsis:

This documentary sheds light into the WWII story of Allied codebreakers. It was a strategic chess match in the shadows, involving the brightest minds of the era, whose outcome was crucial to speeding up a violent end to German and Italian fascism. The role of Spanish cryptographers was both pivotal and yet largely unnoticed until now.

Previously, we knew just that a group of Republican codebreakers, imprisoned by Franco’s regime, had been rescued by French military and put into service against Germany. They were joined with elite units of Allied minds (American, British, French, and Polish) to work on deciphering the Nazi Enigma machine, a tool essential to the communication of Hitler’s troops.

This film delves into the identity and contributions of this small Spanish group of codebreakers known as Team D. Overlooked by history, they courageously risked their lives in the world-wide fight against fascism.

And here’s the RTVE trailer released five years ago for a documentary called “EQUIPO D: LOS CÓDIGOS DESCONOCIDOS” (The Unknown Codes) that so far has exactly only 184 views on YouTube.

CA Tesla Kills One on Scooter

The report so far reads like a Tesla ran a stop sign and pulled out in front of a scooter, throwing the injured victim into traffic where he was then run over.

The crash happened about 1:38 p.m. near the intersection of South 10th Street and Elizabeth Street, San Jose police said in a news release Monday.

An adult man was riding a Ninebot electric scooter on South 10th Street when he crashed into a Tesla Model Y turning from Elizabeth Street onto South 10th.

Source: Google Maps

Police have said that while the accident was April 30th, the hospitalized victim succumbed to injuries on May 2nd.