FL Tesla Kills One in “Veered” Crash

Another day, another “veered” Tesla crash, where police wonder why a brand new car suddenly at high speed drives into a fixed object and kills everyone inside.

The Broward Sheriff’s Office is investigating after a driver was found dead inside a burning 2024 Tesla in Broward County on Sunday morning. BSO deputies and Fire Rescue crews found the damaged car on fire near Bonaventure Road and State Road 84 in Weston at around 3:30 a.m. Cameras captured smoke coming from the Tesla’s wreckage Saturday morning. Investigators said the driver of a 2024 Tesla Model 3 was traveling eastbound on State Road 84 approaching Bonaventure Boulevard. As the Tesla entered the U-turn lane to proceed under the Interstate 75 overpass, the driver somehow lost control and drove off the roadway, striking the support column for the I-75 overpass, according to BSO.

Instead of turning, the Tesla drove into the concrete pole. Source: Google Maps

This comes after two other recent “veered” Tesla crashes among many prior ones.

Solid Pods Tackle AI Information Integrity Threats

In a scenario where an AI system is responsible for delivering real-time updates on the latest advancements in research, drawn from various publications and preprint repositories, several challenges arise due to the dynamic nature of knowledge dissemination. Human experts such as historians, who are trained in such analysis, can carefully assess the validity and relevance of publications, but AI systems must autonomously sift through vast amounts of data, distinguishing valuable information from irrelevant noise and providing coherent updates.

This poses a multifaceted challenge for AI-driven information retrieval and generation. Firstly, coping with the sheer volume and speed of publications requires sophisticated data crawling and indexing mechanisms to ensure comprehensive coverage and timely updates. Secondly, AI models must deeply understand domain-specific concepts and methodologies to accurately interpret and contextualize research findings. Thirdly, confidentiality and integrity must be maintained in compliance with emerging regulations that protect data owners from breaches. Finally, they need mechanisms to track and resolve conflicting information across different sources to ensure the integrity and reliability of the generated insights.

Addressing these challenges involves advancements in natural language processing, knowledge representation, and domain-specific ontology development. Techniques like semantic search, entity linking, and context-aware inference enable AI systems to navigate information intricacies effectively, safely extracting meaningful insights to support informed decision-making in research and development.

Collaborations between AI safety researchers, domain experts, and data scientists are vital for deploying innovative solutions that tackle integrity challenges in AI-driven information retrieval and generation. Leveraging the open standard W3C Solid framework, which offers a distributed approach to data management and access control, is one such solution. By adopting Solid, organizations empower users to maintain control over their data while enabling secure and interoperable data sharing across systems.

Implementing Solid-compatible data repositories and access control mechanisms establishes AI trust frameworks, ensuring data integrity and provenance in intelligence-driven decision-making processes. This allows AI systems to access and analyze data from various sources while meeting stringent privacy and security requirements, reducing risks associated with data exposure, manipulation and misinformation.

Embracing Linked Data and semantic web technologies enhances the discoverability and interoperability of knowledge repositories, facilitating more efficient data retrieval and synthesis by AI systems. Combining AI-driven analytics with Solid’s distributed data management capabilities unlocks opportunities for collaborative research, innovation, and knowledge dissemination, leading to safer transformative advancements in human inquiry and discovery.

In contrast to conventional data storage solutions, Solid offers distinctive advantages, particularly in providing users with granular access control over their owned data (Pods). This nuanced control not only enhances privacy but also promotes high-performance aggregation of data of higher quality and quantity.

Solid Pods diverge from traditional data storage mechanisms by granting users unprecedented sovereignty over their data assets. Through fine-grained access control mechanisms, users can meticulously manage who can access, modify, or share their data, thereby safeguarding privacy and ensuring data integrity.

This heightened level of access control fosters an environment conducive to the aggregation of data so critical to AI success. Users are incentivized to contribute data of greater reliability and relevance, knowing they retain far more meaningful control over its dissemination and utilization than with centralized systems lacking transparency.

Furthermore, Solid Pods empower users to curate data ecosystems tailored to their specific needs and preferences. By enabling seamless interoperability between disparate data sources while upholding rigorous access control standards, Solid Pods facilitate the synthesis of comprehensive datasets and customization of high-efficiency small models, enriched with high-quality information.

In essence, the distinctive feature of access control imbued within Solid Pods not only fortifies data privacy and integrity but also cultivates an ecosystem conducive to the accumulation of superior-quality data assets. This paradigm shift in data storage fundamentally alters the AI landscape of safe information management, fostering richer insights and more informed decision-making.

Tesla Cybertruck Owner Slits Wrist on Delivery

The Cybertruck target market is truly bizarre because after complaining about everything wrong on delivery, a brand new owner concludes that his horrible experience is “great”.

This was said even after he literally slit his wrist on a body panel, losing so much blood he had to go to the emergency room, all documented online.

In summary, his truck arrives late, unclean, with parts hazardously falling off, with an unfinished edge so sharp “inadvertently brushing against” it sent him to the hospital.

That’s great?

Also note that Tesla has said to owners they should expect to buff this truck regularly, like at least daily, to prevent rust spots yet on his first buffing attempt he nearly kills himself?

Death cult?

Here are just a few examples from the glaringly awful story, which looks like a safety warning to others in the Cybertruckownersclub forum.


German Court Rules Elon Musk’s Communications With AfD as Extremist (Nazi-related)

Elon Musk repeatedly has tried to weigh into German political affairs with his clear support for the AfD party, widely recognized today as Nazis.

Recently, for example, Musk used his social media platform to downplay the harm of Nazi propaganda. He passively suggested that well-known Nazi slogans shouted at a German political rally should not be illegal.

Björn Höcke, the chair of the far-right Alternative for Germany party (AfD) in the eastern state of Thuringia, was found guilty of intentionally deploying a slogan used by the Nazi party’s paramilitary wing in a speech at a campaign rally. He has to pay a 13,000-euro fine

That AfD leader was found guilty of a crime against democracy. He chanted a phrase so well known among Nazis that it would be equivalent to someone in Texas yelling “remember the Alamo” to incite violence against Mexicans. Musk pretended he was too stupid to understand the connection, as if it’s a valid tactic to “know nothing“.

Notably a conviction came despite Musk campaigning globally against censorship of Nazi propaganda, after he was in direct and even public communication with the AfD and Höcke.

The AfD “finding itself again” platform (FIA) is really just a poor translation and imitation of the KKK’s “Make America Great Again” (MAGA) platform, if that’s not obvious.

Asking any German “why is [promoting Nazism] illegal” is the peak of playing dumb, especially given Musk’s grandfather was convicted of being a threat to democracy and moved his family to South Africa expecting to build a white ethnostate there. He might as well be asking “why did grandpa go to jail in Canada and I had to grow up in South Africa”?

In other words look at how and why Elon Musk fled the end of Apartheid in 1988 to become an illegal immigrant in America, yet repeatedly sides with political parties that hate immigrants. Apparently it is because… racism.

Now the German courts have ruled Musk communications with the AfD are to be treated as extremist, a formal threat to democracy on the grounds of illegal racism.

…the court suspects large parts of the AfD of wanting to create a two-tier society, where people judged to be “ethnically German” would have more rights than people whose families originally came from abroad. This, according to the German constitution, would be illegal discrimination.

The far-right AfD is suspected of extremism, and their communications will be monitored due to the perceived threat. Meanwhile Elon Musk apparently changed the Twitter logo to a swastika to orchestrate the largest hate rally in history.

For example Musk fomenting German anti-Islamic hate groups on his swastika site garnered urgent attention and very personal invitation from infamous AfD leader Alice “Nazi-Schlampe” Weidel.

Awful, on so many levels. To be clear, the “Nazi-Schlampe” reference is rooted in around a decade of her being implicated in Nazism.

In the case of Alice Weidel, [a social psychologist at Germany’s Hochschule Niederrhein University] said, her anti-Muslim rhetoric allows her to distance herself from her outsider identity…

Worse? AfD politician Marie-Thérèse Kaiser was convicted of incitement to hatred. She received a fine for anti-Muslim hate speech on social media. The court specifically found her in violation of laws against incitement to hatred… and guess who tried to weigh in on her legal trouble?

Once again Musk “plays dumb” about obvious Nazi propaganda by asking if “anything inaccurate” was said in racist hate speech. A regional German court (Landgericht) convicted her on the basis of fairly clear violations of law.

Das Landgericht urteilte: Der Beitrag ist in zweifacher Hinsicht volksverhetzend. Einerseits habe Kaiser mit dem Post zu Hass aufgestachelt, erklärte eine Gerichtssprecherin. Zum anderen handelt es sich um einen „Angriff auf die Menschenwürde“ einer klar abgrenzbaren Menschengruppe – besagter 200 Ortskräfte.

I would translate that as “On the one hand, the court spokesperson explained Kaiser incited hatred with the post. On the other hand, the post constituted an ‘attack on the human dignity’ of a clearly identifiable group of people — 200 workers.”

She addressed a specific group using gross misstatements (falsely accusing them of gang rape culture) with a call to violence, in no way prioritizing accuracy.

Was anything inaccurate? Yeah.

Elon Musk raised a completely bogus question of inaccuracy, in what appears to be his attempt to defend an AfD politician caught spreading weaponized lies meant to incite targeted hate.

Höcke, Weidel, Kaiser, Chrupalla… communications these with AfD politicians trying to end democracy is clear. Apparently he cares a lot about a German platform bringing Nazism back to mainstream. This all comes after he had very loudly retweeted hate towards immigrants with a shout-out to Germany, including a not-so-subtle hope that AfD wins elections.

All that, and I haven’t yet even mentioned the AfD leaders charged with treason.

Related: AfD 2024 leadership now in “turmoil” due to open Nazi remarks by its board member.

Maximilian Krah steps down from AfD board and suspends campaigning after saying not all SS members were criminals.

And on that point, for easy historical reference:

The number of suspects that have been brought to trial is a tiny percentage of the more than 200,000 perpetrators of Nazi-era crimes, said Mary Fulbrook, a professor of Germany History at University College London. “It’s way too late,” she told CNN of the latest trials. “The vast majority of perpetrators got away with it.”

Is it too late?

The AfD leadership — along with Elon Musk’s loud English dog whistles of “why is shouting Nazi slogans illegal” and “what’s inaccurate in hate speech” — appears to be giving German lawyers a new chance at prosecuting Nazis today.