Businesses in NJ and VA Shutdown by Tesla Crashing Into Them

Many homes and businesseses around America have had a Tesla crash into them, suffering significant damage like an American version of the Hezbollah pager attack.

It’s tragic how often there’s yet another of these “Kool AI Man” Tesla stories, especially given Elon Musk boasts to consumers that his cars are magically safer than all others. In fact, when you really think about it, Hezbollah bought explosive sabotaged communications technology on the basis of believing incorrectly they were safer than all other options.

Targeting Hezbollah with bad tech is one thing. Why is Elon Musk apparently aiming to seriously harm American businesses and homes, killing hundreds so far, with his deceptive and defective products? Tesla is basically like a cheap unsafe knockoff of a real car — Hezbollah pager of the road.

Just this week a hair salon in Virginia and a catering company in New Jersey have reported being hit hard by Elon Musk’s centrally planned and controlled loitering munitions.

There are so many examples, it’s a wonder Tesla is allowed to operate on public roads. These two come right after many reported a New Jersey home was hit by one of Elon Musk’s explosive Tesla robots like a bomb went off.

American Diesel Cheaters Acting Like VW Never Happened, Hit With Measly $10M Fine

As I’ve said since forever, VW was a much easier target for America than America was. Dropping a regulator hammer on the Berkeley Professors and Marin Dairy Farmers driving a diesel VW station wagon is like a walk in the park.

Sure, VW got raked over the coals and there was serious fall-out in Germany (e.g., a $4.3 billion fine). In some sense, idling with low emissions isn’t quite the problem people made it out to be, which is why lying about it was such a stupid strategy. But the real story always was that direct action against the huge number of American diesel cheaters was only being signaled instead of enforced — a big overseas takedown on VW was like warning shots that every diesel-head should have heeded immediately.

It’s almost like regulation in Europe somehow emboldened those prone to abuse in America. In fact, on the news of VW getting in hot water, Tesla’s CEO ran out and started operating a huge bank of dirty diesel generators. It was egregiously bad behavior, made even worse by Tesla marketing these generators as clean energy because they were wrapped up and sold as an EV charging station.

And now, finally, wheels of justice are starting to make the rounds on the actual emissions problem being in America. It’s amazing just how intentionally dumb and blind about harms the good ol’ American “tuners” have acted, flaunting laws, even while watching regulators clean up Germany.

Feds Nail Another Diesel Shop With $10M in Fines for Deleting Emissions Equipment: It was caught selling, installing, and manufacturing tuning devices that imitated another company’s products.

So dumb. And of course it was run out of the infamous “what do you mean slavery is wrong” state of North Carolina.

That $10 million seems pitifully low for the intentional harms that generated huge revenues in the 10s of millions. When set low, the fines become rationalized as a cost of doing business instead of a proper prohibition to exploitative practices.

“Those selling defeat devices are willing to pollute the environment so that they can personally profit,” said U.S. Attorney Matthew M. Graves for the District of Columbia. “Today’s sentencing makes clear that there will be significant consequences for those who traffic in these devices. Anyone considering peddling or installing these devices is on notice of the substantial costs of doing so.”

Fun history fact, the Department of Justice and National Parks were created by President Grant after he won the Civil War, to stop the KKK-minded southern states from trying to profit from massive systemic harms in America including pollution.

Fast forward to today and the Department of Justice is busy shutting down dangerous and dumb North Carolina business models like it’s the 1870s again.

But my favorite part of the story is actually this buried lede:

Rudy’s then started faking these tuners in-house. This involved an $850,000 laptop purchase, as the computer contained the software to convert other tuners into Mini-Maxxes and XRT Pros. Until stopping in July 2018, Rudy’s sold nearly 44,000 imitation tuners and generated about $33 million in revenue from them. All this is as reported by the DOJ.

In 1808 America banned import of slaves so North Carolinians started making them “in-house” (systemic rape of Black women) instead.

See the parallels?

And should we really call it an $850,000 laptop purchase? The computer “contained” valuable software, while the laptop was likely worth next to nothing on its own. The idea someone could license software on just one laptop for nearly $1M tells you just how stupidly lucrative causing intentional environmental harm had become even after the VW takedown.

To put it another way, think about a $10 million fine as the cost of 10 laptops on a diesel cheater’s balance sheet. Is there a business that can afford to buy 10 laptops?

Related: North Carolina was the first to secede to start a Civil War meant to preserve their business of slavery. As the rest of the world was very openly ending slavery towards the late 1700s (shout out to the colonies of Vermont and Georgia), America primarily fought its Revolutionary War to preserve and expand slavery instead. George Washington literally recruited soldiers to fight by asking if they opposed their British King being too progressive and setting free the Blacks in America. And Washington himself went on to keep his slaves even when it became illegal in Pennsylvania, ordering his lawyer to find loopholes that allowed keeping hostages and raping them for profit. Thus we see precedent for the haters in North Carolina who apparently had a hard time accepting a regulation that ended harms. It’s on that note we can see how President Grant was the best President in history. And Washington? An awful cheater. French historians now say he didn’t even fight his own battles.

Italy Races to Protect “Super-Encrypted” Drives in Bayesian Shipwreck Safe

It’s like a Harry Houdini story. A drive is “super-encrypted” and put into a safe, hidden in a large ship sunk hundreds of feet under water. Can Harry get the data? The Italians say yes, and they’re apparently very concerned.

Italian prosecutors fear that would-be thieves might try to reach the wreckage in order to loot expensive jewelry and other valuable objects onboard, including intelligence data, CNN reported, citing unnamed sources. The authorities are reportedly concerned that two super-encrypted hard drives in the sunken yacht’s watertight safes could fall into the wrong hands.

Let’s set aside the fact that “super-encrypted” doesn’t mean anything. It’s interesting that the drives being harder to get to now, as opposed to when they were above water, makes them more vulnerable than before. To be fair, divers can come from anywhere and slip around unobserved (let alone submarines). I suppose this worries the Italians the most that there is no clear boundary underwater.

If the most important control was simply observing access (ostensibly the main difference being in an obfuscated remote shipwreck), then it seems the obvious answer here is to put a hidden camera on that safe. But then the simpler question is maybe why not float that safe out to where it can be more easily observed?

Still can’t believe someone called anything “super-encrypted”. And on that note, when I read criptato in Italian I always think of a crispy potato. Can encryption be crispy?

Germany Provides Ukraine 2,667 Crypto Phones

Hot off the press is a Federal Government news release itemizing “arms and military equipment Germany is sending to Ukraine“.

This list provides an overview of military assistance provided by the Federal Republic of Germany to Ukraine. This military assistance is delivered in two different ways: on the one hand there are the Federal Government funds for security capacity building, which are used to finance deliveries of military equipment and other material from industry. On the other hand, there are deliveries from Federal Armed Forces stocks. In total, the Federal Republic of Germany has so far provided or committed for future years military assistance with a value of approximately 28 billion euro.

Of course 84 outboard motors are something I’d love to discuss, but the more notable items for this blog are the nearly 3,000 Crypto phones and… all those drones.

  • 318 reconnaissance drones VECTOR with spare parts* (before: 288)
  • 269 reconnaissance drones RQ-35 HEIDRUN* (before: 249)
  • 70 unmanned surface vessels* (before: 50)
  • 19 reconnaissance drones SONGBIRD* (before: 7)
1948 Selva Outboard Manufacturing