Nazi Porn X Twitter “Worst Performing Business in History”

Have you heard the news?

Elon Musk is the “most prolific liar in the history of American business”

Saying Hitler’s constant lies ruined Germany, or that Elon Musk’s apartheid-promoting family ruined South Africa, should be self-evident. The fact that a rotten apple has fallen not far from its tree-of-hate, isn’t really shocking to anyone who understands the science of Newton’s gravity or Hume’s ethics.

However, some people still dwell on trying to make sense of the fraudulent “business” logic of such value-destroying fascists, as if abrupt awful decisions for humanity are supposed to make sense on any normal profit ledger.

“Which of the following three activities are you most likely to be fired from your job in media? One: you start calling your assistant juggles. Two: you bring your mushroom chocolates to work and put them in the refrigerator with your name on it, saying do not touch property of you. Or three, you advertise on Twitter? What is a bigger risk to your career? I didn’t know what was going to be next to Nazi porn. Right. That’s not going to be a good defense.”

Running Twitter (especially Black Twitter) into the ground — biggest loss of revenue in history — makes sense not at all as a business decision, but rather as information warfare.

…no company over $1 billion in revenue has ever lost 60% of its revenues in a 12 month period in a non-war period. I don’t think that’s ever happened. Twitter is literally the worst-performing business in history since a change in ownership.

Think of it like apartheid-born white nationalists firing half-million dollar hellfire missiles into Black neighborhoods. They are intentionally and literally blowing up money, throwing it away as a militarized defense project.

Does X Twitter therefore make any business sense, while it’s being driven for race war preparations?

No, it only makes race war sense — the sunk cost of taking control of communications to spread disinformation and worse. Imagine telling an African coup leader that their radio and TV takeover plans don’t seem profitable. It’s like when Hitler illegally poured money into 1933 Luftwaffe bomber development while he claimed to be delivering “scientific research” for civic prosperity.

Bad profit numbers?

Drain on the economy?

Yes, a planned business failure and political plan designed to prepare sycophantile followers with technology to enable killing a race they hate. They are optimizing around illegitimate gross transfers of wealth.

Amon Goeth found causes for anger everywhere he looked. Killing the best engineers doesn’t make sense to anyone stuck in a “business” context, because they fail to heed even the loudest and most aggressive signals from Elon Musk about preparing for race war.

Perhaps Walt Disney in the 1940s explained best how to understand the Musk family’s long time “technoking” aspirations?

Walt Disney on the appropriate reaction to Elon Musk

When Elon Musk says, “We ist der white people in a race”,
We HEIL! (phhht!) HEIL! (phhht!)
Right in Elon Musk’s face!
“Not to love technoking is a great disgrace”,
So we HEIL! (phhht!) HEIL! (phhht!)
Right in Elon Musk’s face!

Those of us who study history are condemned to watch it repeat.

NY Tesla Cybertruck Kills Deer and Can’t Get Repaired

The first thing to know is that the New York State thruway speed limit is 65 mph, not 75.

The second thing to know is that hitting something on the highway should mean an immediate pull over to a safe spot, not miles later (see speed limit above). Hitting things is unfortunately common and requires attention, is measured by responsiveness.

The third thing to know is the Cybertruck was claimed to be extremely durable, and instead keeps failing.

And now this:

A guy who claims he killed a deer at 75 mph with his Cybertruck (rather than a highway worker) says the only evidence of what happened is the damage that he can’t get fixed. He admits to speeding, being inattentive, causing catastrophic harm, and leaving the scene.

Why do these Tesla fail to see any deer, let alone pedestrians?

Bad engineering.

At Tesla, safety comes last, if at all. Clownish angry privilege is substituted for care. Consider these owner complaints for example, after they realize their expensive “FSD” and “Autopilot” are just fraud:

Now for comparison read this old and common safety feature description from a German car manufacturer:

…cars equipped with Night Vision Assist, a thermal imaging camera at the front of the vehicle detects the infra-red radiation given off by all living things. …able to distinguish between people and animals, which is important because wild animals in particular are unpredictable. The system also issues a sound warning. […] Unnoticeable to the driver, the brakes are also prepared in advance to decelerate… as fast as possible.

Especially notable here is the “prepared” brakes design feature, because it negates that Cybertruck owner anxiety about how to safely slow to avoid a deer.

It’s very interesting to read about the growing list of advanced safety features (from fifteen years ago or more) expected in car brands other than Tesla.

Related: Tesla software keeps killing pedestrians, like they haven’t done a day’s work since 2018.

Yoshihiro Umeda, a 44 year-old husband and father, died in April 2018 when a Tesla Model X with Autopilot turned on crashed into a group…. A car in front of the Tesla changed lanes to avoid the group of bikers, but the Tesla driver was reputedly dozing and Autopilot failed to change lanes and accelerated until it hit the group.

Apparently the same still would happen today.

Goes to show just how little thought goes into a Tesla, especially after its purchase. Without fraud, there would be no Tesla.

Tesla Software Bug May Be Killing Pets and Children

Tesla engineering management is immoral and arguably criminal, promising customers the best safety in the world while delivering the worst.

Safety Comes Last at Tesla

Here is a perfect example, especially during a deadly heat wave, where a malfunctioning feature will kill. Tesla calls unpredictable failure in their software a “known characteristic“.

Tesla is aware of the bug causing Dog Mode to not work properly, and is calling it a “known characteristic of current firmware.”

“Not work properly” means it does not work. And the “known characteristic”… is sudden horrible torture and death of a loved one.

The “Drive Tesla” website has this chilling assessment of the brand:

…we recommend not relying on [Tesla in 2024] and instead leaving your pets at home, or if you have to bring them in the [Tesla], taking them with you and not leaving them behind.

Time to change their name to Don’t Drive Tesla?

The most logical option, of course is to not have anything to do with a Tesla. Any other car would be better.

Tesla Cybertruck Crash: Brakes May Not Work on Some Terrain

Remember the sales pitch?


And remember how some people talked about the Tesla CEO while they were waiting for their Cybertruck?

In reality Tesla software engineering seems to be even worse than their hardware, prone to sudden catastrophic failures.

Here’s a case where Tesla says the brakes may not work in some (unspecified) terrain, by design, so insurance should pay for a Cybertruck crash.

In related news, Cybertruck owners still say a simple wash with water completely kills it… dumb and dumber.