NY Tesla Crashes Into Two Motorcycles Behind It

Something about this latest report reads wrong, as it leaves out the question of sudden phantom braking. Two independent motorcyclists crashed into the back of a Tesla at separate times. What was this Tesla doing?

On Friday around 4 p.m., Dominic Dentici, 31, of Ronkonkoma, was driving a 2000 Yamaha eastbound on Sunrise Highway between Higbie Lane and Udall Road when he lost control and hit the rear of a 2023 Tesla, police said.

Keith Ward, 48, of Island Park, was driving a 1994 Harley-Davidson eastbound behind the Tesla when he witnessed the crash, tried to avoid it, but hit the back of the Tesla, police said.

The details are missing so we must wait. However, loss of control of a bike generally causes it to slow or veer off course. It’s peculiar to hear of one launching ahead into the back of a car moving away from it. That’s not a normal highway risk. And while the second bike might have crashed into the first bike, for it to then also crash into the back of a Tesla speeding away seems even less likely. Unless… the Tesla was phantom braking or veering.

2021 Model Y LR, 2024.14.9, FSD 12.3.6…trying to cut off motorcycles on the freeway… what the hell is going on?!

Tesla Robots Hitting Children: Police Confirm Autopilot Crashes Into Head-On Traffic

Autopilot failed to drive safely.

Autopilot steered head-on into oncoming traffic.

Autopilot murdered a care-giver trying to protect children.

Autopilot is a threat to society.

Tesla should be banned from public roads.

While speaking with officers, Daita said he was traveling on North CR 150W, with his vehicle on auto pilot when he lost control of his vehicle and hit the Tahoe head-on.
Mulligan spoke with a witness who said she and her boyfriend were traveling north on CR 150W when – what she described as a “black bullet blew around them,” and then hit a hump in the road and became airborne. The witness said the “black bullet” was a black car and when the car went airborne, it was 2 to 3 feet in the air. When the black car landed, it started to fish-tail and shot across the center line, hitting the SUV.
Another witness said he had just left Walmart and was traveling west on West CR 300N. When he approached the stop sign at North CR 150W, he saw a vehicle approaching the same intersection from the south. He said he turned north on North CR 150W and a motorcycle followed him. The witness said he was maybe a quarter mile down the road when a black Tesla flew past him northbound at a high rate of speed. The witness saw the Tesla hit a hump in the road and all four tires of the Tesla were off the ground. The witness said when the Tesla hit the ground, it lost control and went head-on into the SUV.

As you may recall, the CEO of Tesla repeatedly has sold his software on the premise that it makes drink driving safer. He literally spins disinformation encouraging people to use Autopilot when they are unable to drive. This authoritarian advice effectively undermines any and all warnings in manuals or other guides, because the CEO regularly promotes himself as more authoritative.

And so, over and over again at an obviously alarming rate, drunks following his inhumane and unsafe advice in their Tesla are predictably destroying lives.

In this case the tragedy could not be more clear. A wealthy young privileged “tech bro” who cares about nobody, typical of the Tesla owners, has killed a care-giver and injured many children.

During the investigation, according to the probable cause affidavit, officers learned there were a number of juveniles in the Tahoe, including one who suffered a broken femur, head trauma and other injuries and who was taken to Riley Hospital for Children in Indianapolis for treatment. Another suffered a torn kidney and spleen; one suffered cuts and bruises and was admitted to a Fort Wayne hospital for observation; and another suffered cuts all over her body and whose face was swollen.

Tesla robots hitting children?

The premise for a ban is clear given the rampant abuse by Elon Musk of markets that lack sufficient regulation for his uniquely fraudulent methodology.

Here’s how his market manipulation strategy has been running lately. He spins these claims:

(1) beat Q2 deliveries
(2) robotaxis in August
(3) headstart in AI and vision with FSD

And yet not one of these is true.

(1) Targets had to be scaled back significantly to get down below deliveries. Sales have fallen so far Tesla is filling huge lots around the world with cars just sitting exposed outside losing value by the minute.

Unsold inventory of “rare” cars piling up. Source: Reddit

(2) Not only is there zero evidence of anything even close to a taxi, the symbolic 88 launch date (Tesla often encodes white nationalist signals in messaging) has been postponed. And no market even exists yet for this concept, arguably a dud.

(3) And finally, NVidia has said for at least five years that Tesla is the worst AI, other car brands already far ahead of it. Mercedes and Nissan were never behind Tesla in the first place. The switch to vision-only theory sets Tesla back even further, and reports say since 2016 it’s been mostly based on cheats and games to look better to the press than actual capability.

This all says the company is in dire trouble, while being a threat to public safety.

Wall Street is the only thing propping it up, and by that I mean a few very large funds run by very few people.

Bottom line is that an obvious market manipulation scheme is killing people in America at an increasing rate.

The next step, already starting to appear, is that Tesla will try to pivot into marketing itself to military leaders as a killing machine factory. Hitting children with bomb drones is what Russia has become known for lately.

Parking lots thus full of unsold Tesla robots, selling swarm attack capability and mass damage from cluster chemical bombs (battery fires), are a strategic threat. They should not be ignored or underestimated by domestic terrorism and national security experts. Germany must start to calculate the risk of Russia staging thousands of remote-controlled bomb drones just outside Berlin.

Tesla Factory in Germany Bemoans Massive IKEA Mug Loss as Workers Are Laid Off

A rather biting article has been published by the German press.

Sales have plummeted dramatically, jobs are being cut and employees are being laid off in droves: …worrying about the future of their remaining 12,500 employees, the plant management and works council seem to have the leisure time to occupy themselves with complaining about stolen mugs…

Tesla can’t sell its cars outside Berlin as cars anymore, because other cars are so much better, so apparently a shift is being made to license parking lots full of them instead to Russia as a remote centrally controlled robot army of chemical explosives.

No wonder Tesla is mad about losing their mugs. How will they sip tea as NATO burns?

dua.com launches “Ethnic-Based” Purity Dating Campaign in Germany

A dating app marketing campaign in Germany has raised attention with provocative references to Nazi “ethnic purity” concepts.

…the ultimate ethnic-based dating app! …connect with people who share the same values, culture, and language as you! People from your German community who understand your past and want to create a future together with you!

People from your community who understand your past?

Source: Reddit

As opposed to… anyone else who understands your past?

The company doubles-down on a very dangerous “us versus them” curation of communities being “ethnically cleansed” to disconnect voices in a shared past.

There’s no complexity implied, or likely intended, meaning the app and data work towards an ethnically binary lifestyle that is less inclusive of others. The campaign even offers this odd slogan.

Find Your One.

I see no attempts to say find community, emphasizing being included by others. Instead it comes across as forming the most narrow an ethnic view possible to emphasize false “oneness” that discourages inclusion or tolerance.

Sexual racism… is closely associated with generic racist attitudes, which challenges the idea of racial attraction as solely a matter of personal preference.

Are you or aren’t you identifying as being ethnically German? That’s not an innocent question. And this app maybe will rat you out. After all, the Palantir police in Hesse and the AfD (Nazi party) really want to know, in case you hadn’t heard their news.

Unidentified police officers in Hesse [aided by Palantir] accessed the contact details of several politicians and prominent immigrants from official records and shared them with the neo-Nazi group, according to local reports.

Someone who plausibly crosses categories and reflects intermarriage, offering a more rich and diverse past, would be forced by such dua.com propaganda into an unnecessarily extremist form of ethnic purity in their digital identity.

This is a topic familiar to anyone who studies history, such as data collection used for genocide.

While it brings an awful angle to the story, it also maybe is not entirely unexpected. The company claims to be founded by Albanians who carry lingering beliefs about community unity as a political goal.

…determined to unite his community… won the first prize in Kosovo.

An Albanian ethnic exclusivism app of Kosovo, is… what generated this German ad about ethnic unity. It flies directly from political extremist-group anxiety with destabilizing effects of polarization, into a fire. Here’s the “about” page company image that dua.com has posted, where a certain “salute” stands out.

Wearing a keffiyah while giving Nazi salutes and shouting “ethnic unity” seems a bit on the nose for anyone curious about evidence of hate. Source: The official dua.com “about us” photo on their website.

In other words there is important context because of German history of genocide… yet still maybe beyond that as well. Take the fall of Yugoslavia, for example.

Serbia triggered horrible political disintegration into war through ethnic-based unity propaganda campaigns, if you recall a conspiracy-laden rise of extremist President Slobodan Milošević.

This wealthy “business man” of Yugoslavia launched ad campaigns to drive people hard into choosing between an “us” (Serbian) or “them” (Kosovo Albanians, Croats, or anyone in Serbia opposing his binary approach to identity). He literally classified the “us” as being the one and only, a “heavenly” or a divine choice.

In order to make conspiracies and false choice seem more real, he stoked myths about community unity as reflection on identity as connection with their past. A “centuries-old hatred” was cooked up to unify a Serbian community in determination — violently obsess towards an ethnic state.

Understanding subtext of dua.com emerging from ethnic tensions of Kosovo, regardless of anyone being inside or outside a community’s past as an observer, seems fundamental to judging new ads in Germany that promote ethnicity as “unity” of “one” choice.

Consider, for example, how the “America First” movement started in nativist campaigns of the late 1800s to spread ethnic “unity” violence. People had to say they were America first, or they were lynched and murdered (e.g. how “African American” was created as an encoded slur to “other” non-whites). Today the America First racist hate campaign is spreading on hats and flags because somehow it remains less obvious than the swastika or burning cross.

Back to the topic of data on apps used to drive human relations with a propaganda campaign for binary “ethnic” choices, it invokes a sober assessment of past “resettlement” planning and worse, war crimes and genocide (e.g. tragic history of campaigns towards the mono-ethnic Velika Srbija — Great Serbia — let alone Apartheid South Africa, Nazi Germany or America First).


Zheng, Robin (2016). Why Yellow Fever Isn’t Flattering: A Case Against Racial Fetishes. Journal of the American Philosophical Association 2 (3):400-419.

Santana, E. (2020). Is White Always Right? Skin Color and Interdating Among Whites. Race Soc Probl 12: 313–322.