“Tesla Syndrome”: Car Owners Stay in a Living Hell Worse Than Stockholm

A woman in Australia is more than open about her Tesla being an absolute pile of garbage that constantly breaks down and can’t do its basic job. It’s literally described as a threat to her life and her kids as well.

And then she also says she loves having a “terrifyingly unreliable” disaster hell in her life every day, letting her down in every possible way.

Her claims drew the attention of Aussie car expert John Cadgoan, who said the brand was among the least reliable in the world.

‘They’ve changed the future of transportation. We agree on this point only, I would argue not for the better,’ he said in a video posted to YouTube.

The car expert slammed Ms Bishop for her support of the company despite going through ‘unreliability hell’.

The comments on the video are… salty:

— 7 months pregnant and made to climb out the side window of a Tesla, and still a cult member, speaks volumes. They drive among us.

— The main thing that tesla did to save her life was to continually shit itself and keep her off the road!

— As a professional driver who can spend 60 or more hours a week driving it’s scary to contemplate that there is idiots like this sharing the road.

She doesn’t even want this useless pile of garbage and warns everyone it’s a terrible life decision, at the same time she also wants everyone to know that she, wait for it… is in “love” with it.

Over the past five-and-a-half years, Ms Bishop says the car has experienced 12 major failures and more than two dozen minor failures, requiring towing on four occasions up to 500 kilometres each time.

“The bottom line is it’s a lemon,” she said. “I don’t know why they can’t just take it back…” Ms Bishop… lodged a case with the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) last month seeking a “substantial” partial refund from Tesla.

“I love my car,” she said.

Stockholm syndrome is used to refer to hostages who develop a psychological bond with their captors. Tesla syndrome should be used to describe how a CEO is allowed to develop a psychological bond for profit from his hostages.

In related news, people buying the Cybertruck are using “zero down” loans and can’t afford its lack of reliability let alone its artificially inflated sticker, putting themselves into massive debt holes they can’t survive.

Tesla Opens “MAGA Rape Cave” at Berlin Factory

It’s unclear what business strategy this is.

Tesla has been gladly laying off its workers, while bemoaning a massive loss of IKEA mugs, and yet investing heavily into what looks like a mysogynist “torture room“.

Elon Musk seems to have built a ‘mega rave cave’…

Andre Thierig, a senior manufacturing director at the factory, shared a LinkedIn post about the new space called Hamster.

“Say hello to our newest ‘facility’ at Giga Berlin! Hamster is now alive,” he said in the post. “Do you know any factory that has its own club? Party on!”

The man associated with Epstein, who is running this project, allegedly called it his Hamster room because… thinly veiled references to targeted abuse and exploitation of women still are not well known outside of systemic rape culture.

The Manosphere contains many, many words regarding a woman’s rationalization hamster because it’s such an effective and amusing way to describe how a woman thinks. […] When the hamster rationalizes successfully, a woman can divorce [yeah, I meant to use that verb] herself from the consequences of her bad decision or behavior.

The Hamster room. It means rape, as Peter Thiel explained in his book.

…there’s a line in the book that describes, you know, rape – date rape as, you know, seductions later regretted…

Tesla has announced a literal “full-throat MAGA” rape cave, as a monument to toxic work culture built at great expense while staff are being fired due to a collapse in sales.

What will Tesla toxic management think of next for their German factory, an automatic weapon shooting range called “Hit her”?

“Bazooka Unity”: UK Ex-PM Invited to RNC After She Incites GOP to Violence

As reported by the BBC in February, former Prime Minister (PM) Liz Truss said it’s time for violence:

…conservatives are now operating in a hostile environment… we essentially need a bigger bazooka in order to be able to deliver…

Truss, the shortest-term PM in the United Kingdom’s (UK) history and the first ex-PM to completely lose any seat in government (due to extreme incompetence), was a featured speaker at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).

Given her outlandish calls for domestic terrorism and civil war, as a literal nobody in America who can still seriously damage the political narrative, now she has been invited as an honored guest to the Republican National Convention (RNC).

‘I don’t know who that is’: What Americans think of Truss at Republican convention

Not knowing who she is makes her big stage speech calling for US violence even more dangerous, as it enters the dialogue with authority yet without real attribution.

Seven in ten UK voters have an unfavourable view of Trump – even more than have an unfavourable view of Truss.

Trump is shamelessly using Truss. And you would think Americans could bounce Trump out of office faster than Truss, given he’s worse. Alas.

Obvious game-playing by the RNC to use a disgraced UK PM to stoke violent hate without attribution recalls dangerous Trump rhetoric that called for assassination of his political opponents.

Trump: If Clinton picks judges, “nothing you can do, folks — although the 2nd Amendment people, maybe there is.” […] Sen. Chris Murphy, D-CT, responded on Twitter: “Don’t treat this as a political misstep. It’s an assassination threat, seriously upping the possibility of a national tragedy & crisis.”

Trump responded to loud criticism of his obviously divisive call for assassination by invoking gaslighting propaganda tactics.

It’s called the power of unification…

By “it” he meant assassination. Trump openly called “it” his theory for unification, nudge, nudge, wink, wink, because he believes that killing his opponent… unifies power into him.

Source: “Hit or Miss? The Effect of Assassinations on Institutions and War”, by Benjamin F. Jones and Benjamin A. Olken, Northwestern and MIT, 2001

The GOP regular incitements to violence have now adopted this “unity” phrasing along with some of their more obvious incitements.

In Ohio campaign rally, Trump says there will be a “bloodbath” if he loses November election…

How could they so horribly misuse the word “unity” to campaign for violent disunity in America?

First, don’t discount how calls for unity towards preserving slavery were the defining feature of racist Confederacy secession. White men were tortured and lynched, their mutilated bodies strung up in public displays, if they dared to object to American prosperity being based almost entirely on mass human trafficking. Unity was demanded to prop up the systemic government-sanctioned rape of Black women for profit, with even anti-racist speech facing penalty of gruesome public death by mobs.

John Brown grew tired of torture and murder of abolitionists and called for armed defense against violent “unity” demanded by slavery. Curry’s “Tragic Prelude” impressive mural can be seen in the Kansas State Capitol celebrating his moral conviction to defend Americans against tyranny.

Second, the modern answer is the GOP have shifted their messaging hard towards a well-known reverse meaning used by current domestic terrorists, an encoded white supremacist signal related to extremist “replacement” racist conspiracies.

White Supremacist Propaganda Incidents Soar to Record High in 2023… common slogans include “White unity”…

Notably, at public rallies they leave the “white” part out like they leave their white hoods off.

Unity has been a theme of the Republican convention this week in Milwaukee…

Thus unification through hate, and especially violent hate, is a very old theme in American politics.

“[The organized terror movement after Civil War] stock-in-trade was violence – intimidation and violence. People were beaten, people were flogged, people were lynched, people were shot. People’s homes were raided, they were dragged outdoors and flogged in the streets.” And, he says, the violence often included “truly horrifying sadism”.

What they mean is this:

…a former Ku Klux Klan leader and a current U.S. Senate candidate from Louisiana — encouraged listeners to cast their ballots for Trump, saying that “voting against Donald Trump at this point is really treason to your heritage.”

Treason. Meaning you will be put to death if you vote against white power, literally the same threats that were made after the Civil War to stop American Blacks from voting at all.

Colby: On the 29th of October 1869, [the KKK] broke my door open, took me out of bed, took me to the woods and whipped me three hours or more and left me for dead. They said to me, “Do you think you will ever vote another damned Radical ticket?” I said, “If there was an election tomorrow, I would vote the Radical ticket.” They set in and whipped me a thousand licks more, with sticks and straps that had buckles on the ends of them.

Source: Encyclopedia of Alabama, 1 Sept 1868 Tuscaloosa Independent Monitor. The KKK threatened that on March 4, 1869 — the first day of rule by avowed racist Horatio Seymour — would bring lynchings of white Americans (“scalawags” and “carpetbaggers”) who had voted against him. Instead the Presidency was won in a landslide by Civil War hero and civil rights pioneer Ulysses S. Grant)

The brand of bazooka-driven (assassination, bloodbath) “unity” the GOP is talking about is simply white supremacist violence, an 1800s-themed war to put white men into power and remove everyone else.

Two Denver Tesla Crashed Into Each Other

Not only has Tesla failed to deliver a safe vehicle as promised, there’s evidence it’s making roads exponentially less safe for everyone… and especially Tesla owners.

Source: Commerce City Police Department

Two Teslas crashed in Commerce City on Wednesday, sending both drivers to the hospital. According to the Commerce City Police Department, the crash occurred at Landmark Drive and 104th Avenue intersection. The intersection is largely residential, east of Second Creek Open Space and Chambers Road.

While the Tesla CEO often falsely claims his cars have “collision avoidance”, crashes like this prove nobody should be buying his lies.

The company didn’t speculate on how much [their January 2017 press] release might improve safety, but Musk said that the final effect would be massive. “Our target is a 90 percent reduction [in crashes] as the software matures,” he posted on Twitter.

He said 90 percent only because it sounds really good to investors, not in any way basing such stock-pumping claims on facts about actual crashes. And since 2017 what has happened? Tesla safety plummeted, deaths and injuries rocketed.

Source: TeslaDeaths.com

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