Delaware Surges to Top of 2024 EV Index for Charging Infrastructure

HERE Technologies and SBD have released their 2024 EV Index, which ranks readiness based on infrastructure development. For example, it explores the distance between chargers and how quick the charging can be, as well as the likelihood of an open charger being available. That said, here’s a snapshot of Delaware with a score of 79.4 absolutely crushing the other states.

For perspective, that’s even higher than Norway (73.3), which often is considered the world leader. The index notes point out Denmark leapt from 6th to 1st place in a year, underscoring how easy it still is for simple legislative work to radically transform national infrastructure and security.

Texas is so far down the list it doesn’t even make the US cut above 50, and the UK (ranked in the EU) fares even worse.