Police Expert Calls xTwitter “Wild West”, Blames Elon Musk for Stoking UK Violence

Worth a listen: Many people are pointing out how this expert’s mic was shut down just as he started to explain the real cause of violent riots. Elon Musk is accused of curating the extremist platform xTwitter like a modern Dearborn Independent.

That’s a former chief superintendent of the Met Police saying out loud that Elon Musk’s spread of extremist right-wing content poses a direct threat to national security and public safety… if you listen closely.

When Sky flipped to their next guest, apparently again it was said that Elon Musk has undermined safety by pushing toxic hate speech on xTwitter, intentionally stoking conflict.

‘A polarisation engine’: how social media has created a ‘perfect storm’ for UK’s far-right riots

Keep calm and carry on… calling out Musk for being a threat to society.

I’m hoping the UK terrorism teams are able to trace and expose the links between Russia and xTwitter, uncovering riots and social media hate campaigns as Putin’s typical game plan.

The PM has already hinted at the coordinated nature of Musk’s weird role.

“What we’ve seen in this country is organized, illegal thuggery which has no place on our streets or online.”

Organized and orchestrated by… Musk or Putin… or both?

This summary analysis published in The Guardian is perhaps what Putin knows best and is exploiting with his American “business” contacts.

Lord Walney, the government’s independent adviser on political violence and disruption, has suggested that the current legal and regulatory framework is insufficient when faced by this kind of “rolling rabble-rousing”. How to tackle this manufactured chaos is among the biggest challenges now facing Sir Keir Starmer’s government.

Rolling rabble rousing is a nice phrase to describe Elon Musk’s role. Manufactured chaos is another nice phrase. The British really do have a way with words.

But it looks like a cartoon by The Onion has said it best of anyone lately.

And that’s really just a new take on an actual 1930s cartoon.

Elon Musk has recently setup a Extreme-right Political Action Committee (America PAC), similar to how America First was organized and operated to promote Hitler.

Or as the associate editor of the Financial Times just put it:

TX Tesla Cybertruck Kills One in Horrific “Veered” Crash That Burned Everything

A severe inability to survive a crash seems like an understatement here for Tesla designs.

Note the speed limit sign. Source: Fox26

Nothing survived this Cybertruck crash, not even a number.

DPS says the Cybertruck was traveling westbound when it left the north side of the road and struck a large concrete culvert. […] Authorities have not yet identified the Cybertruck by its license plate or Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). Additionally, the identity of the driver remains unknown due to severe burns sustained in the crash.

The vehicle left the road at 2AM and burned up, leaving nothing behind, “just west of the intersection of Fisher Road and Cedar Port Parkway”.

Source: Google Maps

News reports say it “struck a culvert” in the middle of open fields, which appears to mean it drove into a giant ditch with a buried concrete box.

Very hard to see how going over this culvert could cause the kind of explosive fire that traps and kills anyone in the vehicle.

30mph speed limit?

Presumably it must have crashed straight into the east side of the concrete box at such a high speed, it exploded all the way into the west side of the ditch.

When you look at it from this angle, it actually looks like a road ahead. At 2AM I wonder if the culvert wasn’t visible and the driver thought heading north off the road was actually an option.

Source: Google Maps

It may have been someone trying to off-road at night in what they were told was a vehicle that could survive anything.

Related: Tesla’s Cybertruck hasn’t been crash tested.

…Tesla’s recent past of releasing misleading videos would make any wise consumer pause, but even in its own video the truck seems to shatter rather than crumple in a head-on collision.

Basically Tesla self-tested the Cybertruck and never had it verified. As you probably now can guess from this tragedy, their “self-test” result was not good.

Smashing into a fixed object proved the Cybertruck sends energy directly into the cabin passengers, as there’s no tell-tale ripple through roofline or along the chassis causing tail lights to shatter instead.

Another Tesla “Civil War” Cybertruck Destroyed Itself by Crashing Into a Toyota Corolla

Before I get to the Toyota crash, let’s recognize that all the news lately about Cybertruck design failure has centered on a very high profile towing incident, from a social media personality’s durability test.

Allegedly the Cybertruck attempt to pull unstuck another truck, instead completely ripped the back of the Tesla frame off.

Big oops. That’s not going to buff out.

I probably don’t need to say more here about the video because it generated like 5 million views in 2 days.

Yet, I just want to say this hints at how any cheap tow line quietly strapped anywhere to a Cybertruck’s frame… might instantly damage it catastrophically. Who already knew the “apocalypse-ready” road warrior could be defeated by a $50 tow strap and a gentle tug? It’s like bringing a knife to a gunfight, except the knife is made of Elon Musk white supremacist Technocracy-grade tinfoil and the gun is… well, just about anything else on wheels.

But hey, maybe the “WankPanzer” is actually a revolutionary self-disassembling vehicle. No need for a junkyard when your truck helpfully falls apart at the slightest provocation. It’s not a bug, it’s a feature that the thing can’t really be used without failure!

Remember everyone, in the race between “extreme survival” and “extreme embarrassment,” this stainless steel folly is breaking land speed records. At this rate, the only thing it has been towing is Tesla’s reputation – straight into the dumpster. But don’t worry, I’m sure there’s a software update coming to fix pesky laws of physics that break everything, even the lowly wiper, when the real world shows up.

A truck that can’t even wipe itself?

This chromed colossus is the ultimate accessory for the discerning dictator-in-training: a $100K bulletproof binky for budding Benitos.

Hear them wail: “Waaaah! The world’s so scary! Quick, Elon, swaddle me in stainless steel! I need my angular armor to fend off the diverse hordes!”

But wait, there’s more! Act now and we’ll throw in a free copy of “Mein Kampf-y Chair” – perfect for those long drives to Cyberstormtroopers rallies setup with xTwitter. Who did Nazi this coming?

Meanwhile, for the second time in just a few months, an inexpensive, simple and efficient Toyota Corolla just permanently wiped another Cybertruck off the road.

Notably I found the crash reported mainly through TikTok. Shocker, right? Turns out, folks prefer their vehicle fails without a side of racist rants and “Civil War 2.0” battle plans. While Elon’s digital hellscape echoes with calls for insurrection, TikTok’s busy showcasing his real-world engineering flop. It’s almost poetic – the “future-proof” truck crumbling on a platform he doesn’t control, while his own social media empire tumbleweeds into irrelevance. Once again proving that not all publicity is good publicity, especially when it comes with a garnish of sedition.

Why is he so weird?

Inevitable? No. Orchestrated.

Far-right American militias pose the greatest threat, and they are predominantly built from the bottom up, by mundane, practical drivers — for instance, as anti-vaccine activists become anti-government activists. There do not appear to be strong links between them and foreign organizations except among white supremacist groups, and even that is mainly online, through propaganda mechanisms…

Online propaganda mechanisms link foriegn funds to American white supremacists? No wonder Musk bought Twitter claiming he had a new “extreme speech” funding model.

Musk’s digital megaphone has been blaring civil war rhetoric for months, echoing suspiciously pro-Kremlin talking points.

They tried so HARD!

Former Russian President Medvedev Predicts U.S. Civil War & Elon Musk Becoming President In 2023

Musk’s Twitter posts seem tailor-made to sow anti-Western, anti-democratic sentiment and potentially incite domestic extremism. In April 2024, Russian military website topwar.ru eagerly amplified Musk’s ominous prediction:

[Dumb stuff Russia says will] cause large-scale civil wars in Western countries. American entrepreneur Elon Musk made such a rather gloomy forecast on his social network account.

The dire forecasts keep missing the mark, but Musk remains undeterred, relentlessly doubling down on his doomsday predictions while undermining public safety.

His track record with predictions is about as reliable as a Cybertruck about to tow something. Remember when he confidently promised Mars walks by 2018 or a million robotaxis by 2020? These weren’t just the musings of a man on a bender; they were projects he claimed were easily achievable under his direct control — yet they disappeared faster than tweets Musk censors when they don’t align with his views.

Musk’s continual prophecies of civil war might turn out to be as accurate as his many promises about the Cybertruck’s durability. False, yet extremely dangerous to prove for many of his followers willing to throw their lives away.

If he can’t even deliver on basic vehicle manufacturing — his supposed area of expertise — how trustworthy are his wild forecasts in fields he knows little about?

Musk’s dog whistle tries to reference 1929 as the rise of Hitler in order to incite racist violence today.

It seems the only thing Musk reliably produces is a deluge of hate speech, violent incitement, dead followers, broken promises and unfulfilled predictions… whether they involve “Mars Technocracy” (read: creating a white ethno-state like apartheid-era South Africa) or trying to inflame societal collapse (read: creating a white ethno-state like apartheid-era South Africa).

Maybe there’s a pattern here… apartheid guy is still trying to apartheid.

Agent Zo: the Fearless Woman in a Flight Suit Who Secretly Led Poland’s WWII Home Army

The deep misogyny of British culture really comes through in a new BBC retelling of Agent Zo’s work.

First, they misleadingly say she left Britain for Poland.

The woman who left Britain to parachute into Nazi-occupied Poland

Why not say the Polish woman who returned home to lead the liberation of her country? The headline is askew from the first sentence of the piece, which clearly says she was returning to Poland.

…a woman boarded a warplane ready to return to Poland to fight the Nazis…

Next, they try to emphasize she parachuted without wearing trousers, even though she actually was wearing a flight suit. As if Scotland doesn’t have male veterans wearing skirts? As if wearing a flight suit doesn’t mean she was in trousers?

…a woman boarded a warplane ready to return to Poland to fight the Nazis, a parachute strapped to her back and a blue dress beneath her flight suit. […] Branded “the captain in a skirt”… “I quite like the line she’s the only person to parachute back from Britain to Nazi-occupied Poland in a dress because she’s the only woman to do it,” [historian Clare] Mulley says.

She’s the only person to parachute into Poland wearing a blue dress under a flight suit? We should like this minor detail because… why?

Can we believe a blue dress matters at all, or that it’s even true? Did it have dark thread or light? Was it flat front or pleated? Cotton or wool blend? Seriously, this is the kind of tiny detail distraction that the historian’s bias invokes rather than anything important to the main thread of honoring Agent Zo (yes, pun intended).

My guess would be Zo knew she had to immediately appear normal, and was dressed ready to drop and walk. That’s a reflection of occupied Poland at the time, not her own fashion sense, which speaks directly to oppression.

Did Scottish men not wear skirts when they jumped for a similar, yet opposite reason of being distinct?

These men jumped in skirts. The Military Times says because it was “seen as extremely versatile military garments. Despite the contemporary view that skirts are feminine…”.

I suspect this historian spent exactly no time trying to find evidence of others wearing a dress underneath their trousers, as if such a getup would make any sense without a specific reason (e.g. trying to NOT standout or be noticed, on penalty of death).

In other words, it comes across as the historian saying she loves the fact that Polish women were expected to be wearing a dress always, no matter what, or be shot on sight. What kind of person likes that?

Also repeatedly there is an attempt to unfairly brand this fearless patriot in war as being too brave or too confident.

Branded … “a militant female dictator” as she confronted those in charge in London, her efforts would transform the status of women in the Polish Home Army, helping to save thousands of lives. …you look at some of the paperwork of her friends and they said: ‘Zo came and she terrified me. I couldn’t do anything else. I had to do it.’

Some of the paperwork says her friends were terrified by her into fighting against the Nazis? That sounds like war, where unfortunately people have to be motivated by fear early to fight against the Nazis to avoid being slaughtered later without any fight.

You think Zo is the scary one? Versus the Gestapo? Funny how you live to tell that story. I guess she terrified you in the right way. Because she was right, the other option wasn’t an option at all. For a historian to say fighting Nazism was not or is not a binary choice, is for that historian to be promoting Nazism.

…she sort of blithely assumes that everyone shares her very binary world vision – they’re bad, we’ve got to free Poland. “That’s it. That’s what’s driving her.”

It was a binary world because Nazism is the most binary system. Nazis kill anyone who doesn’t agree with Hitler, or his latest whim in a state of constant improvisation and chaos. I can’t believe I have to say this. This historian even admits as much when she says Nazis were illegally killing Polish women on sight in the most binary way.

“…Hitler has got this Commando Order… he said that anyone who is found fighting not in uniform will be shot without trial,” says Mulley.

Wear a dress and dare to disagree with Hitler? Get shot without trial.

Or publicly beheaded.

Zo didn’t assume that people shared this reality. She saw truths and knew a harsh toxic reality of Nazism. She knew her friends would be shot dead in a dress sooner rather than later, if they weren’t fighting along side her to end the binary world Hitler forced women into without any choice.

Let’s also not fixate on the voice of some offended man in London who branded Zo a militant dictator, when so many others did not. I’ve run into similar issues with Orde Wingate history, as well as the talented and beautiful “Night Witches”.

Take General Patton, as an opposite canonical example, regarding how tough men can be glorified over their terrifying methods of motivation. Was Zo’s methods as bad/good as Patton? And would she ever be judged in the same way?

Agent Zo is framed unfairly by the BBC, and by spurious voices, as though her confidence and competence as a resistance fighter was a terrifying dictatorship, instead of calm, calculated competency opposed to dictatorships…. Why not tell it always from a foundational story that Zo achieved mission objectives and an absolutely essential role for the success and safety of her troops in the liberation of Poland, despite overwhelming odds against her?