WWII British Soldiers Successfully Deployed God and Sugar to Defeat Nazi Disinformation

It’s really a footnote to stories about Nazi Germany losing the war in 1942, yet refusing for years to quit… by brainwashing their youth into suicide missions.

Basically the Nazi children (Hitler jugend) were indoctrinated with fear and hate. Then they were forced into the unjust war their fathers already had lost, told they would be killed if they refused or surrendered.

A British soldier recounts what that looked like:

Sandy also spoke about encountering Germany’s child soldiers. He explained: “The other thing that we experienced at that time were the soldiers – German soldiers. They were 12 and 14-year-olds because everyone else was up on the Russian front. Some of them used to start crying because again they had been told that they would not be taken prisoner, that they would be killed.”

The tactics used then were oriented around establishing trust through two methods. British soldiers began feeding both a hunger for foundation/faith and for food:

“Women and kids were down in the air raid shelters. Hitler had already indoctrinated them and told them they would never be taken prisoner – that British troops would kill them. They wouldn’t come out of the air raid shelters. We used to shout down but they still wouldn’t come out.” However, their breakthrough came when the unit’s Roman Catholic padre, a Fr Costello who could speak several languages, persuaded the children and their mothers into the open. “You put a bar of chocolate in their hands and it alters the whole war – as far as the children are concerned,” he said.

As William Wordsworth wrote in his poem The Rainbow: “the Child is Father of the Man”.

My heart leaps up when I behold
A rainbow in the sky:
So was it when my life began;
So is it now I am a man;
So be it when I shall grow old,
Or let me die!
The Child is father of the Man;
I could wish my days to be
Bound each to each by natural piety.

It’s Official. Tesla Has Reduced Driver Safety

You may recall that Elon Musk was a CEO fired from PayPal for his gross incompetence. Somehow he kept all his equity anyway, which is where his wealth comes in so suddenly.

I mean PayPal was successful because they eliminated him, but more importantly he was only successful because he no longer had any technical say.

Let that sink in as a good example of how broken the tech market is that a malicious valueless actor eliminated from operations let alone competition gives himself the highest reward.

With his sudden wealth Musk went out, bought a million dollar sports car and promptly crashed it.

Again, you’d think incompetence would be a giant red flag here.

Instead, as we all know, he survived his car crash to viciously grab the wheel of a sports car company named Tesla and fired or forced out anyone of competence, including it’s founder.

Driverless? A giant lie. Safety? A giant lie. Investigations into mounting failures? More and more lies.

Tesla, like PayPal and that million dollar sports car, was being crashed. Yet somehow (e.g. allegedly stuffing the board and maybe even the books) investors again bestowed high rewards and Musk ran off again.

Experts have discussed for years just how bad Tesla engineers are at their job. It’s a function of working at Tesla, exposed for excessive workplace safety violations and even pervasive racism.

Now we have data that Tesla drivers are bad, arguably becoming the worst on the road.

People love to hate Tesla drivers, who may have replaced BMW drivers as the most loathed on the road. Founder Elon Musk’s antics haven’t helped… Jerry looked at data on Tesla drivers to see who they are and how they drive. Here’s what we found: Tesla drivers scored worse than 98% of all drivers in acceleration safety…

Ring any bells?

Elon Musk’s life lesson from being a failure at driving was to lower everyone else to his mistake — normalizing less safety.

Rewarding Musk the first time was a mistake because he bought a car to stomp on the accelerator and crash it with abandon.

Rewarding Musk again was even worse because he has tried to fundamentally change the risk on public roads by emphasizing, even encouraging drivers to stomp on his accelerator to cause widespread crashes with abandon.

Tesla deaths have grown increasingly to be far higher than any other EV brand, by a huge margin.

Here’s just one of the latest examples, where initial reports say high acceleration coupled with brake failures caused serial deaths.

…a Tesla driver surnamed Zhan was parking a Model-Y, which suddenly lost control and travelled at high speed for two kilometers, hitting two motorcycles and two bicycles and resulting two deaths and three injuries…

It takes off like a rocket before crashing into pedestrians, cyclists and a building.

Almost like someone was testing how to destroy China by remotely hitting the accelerator in all their Teslas, if you know what I have been warning about nearly a decade now.

From there it’s not hard to see how rewarding him again led Musk to buy Twitter just to… stomp on its accelerator and crash even more lives with abandon.

It all reads to me now like serial fraudster Frank Abigale except he doesn’t get caught. He gets a foreign investment fan club.

How many more times will his incompetence be exposed — how many more losses from his unforced and avoidable crashes — until Musk is finally held accountable?

As someone tweeted the other day…

One of your companies is under an FTC consent decree. Auto safety watchdog NHTSA is investigating another for killing people. And you’re spending your time picking fights online. Fix your companies. Or Congress will.

Scottish Embassy Guard in Berlin Caught Spying for Russia

You might wonder who in the world right now would be caught spying for Putin.

Well have I got some 2020 news for you.

The buried lede in this sad story is that a greedy homophobic British Embassy guard working in Germany discovered… Russia happily milked his hate for cash.

Despite living beyond his means, 800 euro in cash was found at his home in Potsdam in Germany when he was arrested in August last year. Prosecutors alleged he had wanted to hurt the UK and the British Embassy where he had worked for eight years. He was also said to have been angered at the flying of the Rainbow flag.

If the pride flag flushes out such traitors then I say fly it all day every day.

In 2019, just to set some context, the White House occupant attempted to place American embassies under the Russian dictator’s ban on pride flags.

US diplomats have been finding creative ways to show support for LGBTQ+ Pride month after the White House banned them from flying the rainbow flag. […] Earlier this month an unnamed diplomat told the Washington Post there was a “category one insurrection” against the rainbow flag ban.

And you just know Russia loves to stick its fingers into any kind of insurrection. Perhaps the Embassies should have made embassy uniform badges into rainbows just to watch who ran to Putin’s side.

Even More Florida Teslas Spontaneously Erupt Into Fire

I’ve warned before that Tesla is unsafe by design. Here’s yet another example of the incompetent and malicious engineering culture of Elon Musk that intentionally puts society in danger.

The North Collier Fire District told the station that it has had to cut into four Teslas in the past week to put out fires.

Four in a week! That’s one more per week than the number of Teslas catching on fire when there isn’t a hurricane in Florida.

Multiple Cars Damaged in Miami Tesla Dealership Fire

I’d ask who could have seen Tesla fires coming after a hurricane, except for the very widely reported car safety news about a decade ago in 2012:

Fisker Karmas Catch Fire After Being Submerged By Hurricane Sandy Flood

Let me just point out right now a lot of Karmas caught on fire and yet very few of them were made.

It was a design flaw.

The same design flaw reported in 2018 Maseratis.

The torrents of salt water reportedly caused car batteries to explode and fuelled a roaring inferno that swallowed the sports cars in seconds.

There aren’t a lot of Maseratis on the road either. These are rare cars.

And what do you think Tesla engineers did in response to year after year of alarming reports of fire risk from water? Apparently they were paid to stick their head in the Florida sand and wait for the same disaster to happen again because of a known flaw in their own design.

So here we are reading about four similar fires the past week alone AT MASSIVE EXPENSE TO TAXPAYERS.

Other cars do not have such high rates of predictable failures and fires due to design flaws compared with Tesla, for a very simple reason that I’ve pointed out before.

Nonetheless people continue to throw around speculation as to why Tesla is in the news today, doing their best to believe it can’t be because Tesla engineering is the worst.

Some would like to argue for example more fires is a function of Tesla putting more cars on the road, but I’ve easily debunked such dangerous theories before.

It not only is probably factually proven false, it is immoral logic that contradicts Tesla themselves (their CEO boldly claimed in 2013 he would quickly deliver the safest car on the road, which today still sounds as absurd as it did then).

Or to put it another way, California has far more Teslas on the road than Florida yet a rate of fires in Florida is higher now. It’s NOT just a function of how many cars there are.

One death is too many, and every fire should be prevented, which everyone except the seemingly incompetent Tesla engineers seem to be able to grasp. What’s really going on here has been easily visualized for years and it’s getting worse for Tesla.

Source: tesladeaths.com

That data is from a year ago, such that the Tesla death bar has since exploded even higher to 320 while the others have stayed at basically none!

Their unusual failure rate is yet another reminder Joshua Brown being killed by his “rare” Tesla in Florida was a tragic foreshadowing, not an exception.

What’s thus overlooked far too often is that the other car makers, despite lots of cheating and games, do tend to care about safety and be far better engineered than Tesla by design because heavily regulated.

Tesla is directly opposed to regulation, especially safety regulations, and has become renowned as the worst quality car on the road.

The CEO of Tesla (in a strange throw-back to Ford’s namesake breeding violent racism) has demonstrated zero concern for human life, which make his products obvious outliers in a usually regulated industry.

In related news, German sales of Tesla have crashed while other EV cars are selling more than ever. Here’s an example of exactly why:

…eight months old, only 30,000 kilometers on the clock – and already a case for the scrap yard. Manfred Bley (66) was driving his Tesla taxi on the Langenhorner Chaussee at 1:40 p.m. with no passengers when smoke suddenly erupted from the dashboard.

This owner (lucky not to be killed by Tesla) says he is “a bit disappointed” that the engineering he paid a premium to own turned out to be just toxic garbage destroying the planet.

To be clear, Tesla demonstrably sold FAR FEWER cars than other EV manufacturers in Germany yet it still shows up as the ONLY spontaneous combustion disaster.

Ignored design flaws, unregulated engineering, incompetent management… a worsening Tesla death and disaster curve has unfortunately been not hard to predict.

Source: tesladeaths.com