Police Ignored Terrorist Stockpile of Assault Weapons: Closed Case Citing “Constitutional Right”… 5 Now Dead

If there’s one thing about learning history that people should know, it condems them to watching the world repeat its worst mistakes.

Take for example a very clearly hostile subject who grew up in a violent, racist Colorado home building a militant plan for mass murder and sharing it with local police.

… elaborate plan to stockpile guns, ammunition, body armor and a homemade bomb to become “the next mass killer.” […] So began a day of terror Aldrich allegedly unleashed in June 2021 that, according to sealed law enforcement documents verified by the Associated Press, brought SWAT teams and the bomb squad…

At this point in 2021 the subject basically approaches police as a domestic terrorist on a short fuse, boasting about assault rifles, ammunition and bombs in a residential neighborhood.

For some strange reason, instead of being properly treated, removed from being a threat to society, police closed the file by reasoning police couldn’t infringe on “assault property” rights. Did they reason that the suspect’s guns were more protected than the human lives he threatened?

Historian protip: That’s a subtle yet important reference to slavery (e.g. slave catchers). Sherman’s fast victorious march that burned across the Confederate South operated on the sound humanitarian principle that lives matter more than property. The U.S. military practices Sherman doctrine to this day. Thus an American law officer saying they refuse to seize or destroy war-making property (assault rifles) is likely intentionally on the wrong side of history.

The suspect very predictably took the pile of guns warned about and went on in 2022 to carry out a domestic terror attack killing 5 and wounding over two dozen.

Many more Americans would have died except for a non-white military veteran nearby who charged and quickly disabled this terrorist — he grabbed the attacker’s holstered pistol and severely clubbed him with it.

The turn of events begs the giant question whether Colorado Police facilitated terrorism.

Now go back and read about the mass murder of Americans in 1921 Tulsa, keeping in mind it was due to the America First (KKK) platform of police turning a blind eye to terrorism based on hate.

And also consider back then that it was non-white military veterans who stood up to the terrorists.

Tragically the overwhelming America First mob in Tulsa couldn’t be stopped, including fire bombs dropped from airplanes, and they destroyed the city.

What happened next?

The “know nothing” KKK celebrated by building themselves a “secret society” meeting hall on the ruins, where “invisible” men conspired to seal records and… prevent anyone from finding out anything, let alone mourning the dead or knowing the direct role police and firefighters played in facilitating terrorism.

Back to today, although there are many more examples in American history like Tulsa, the Colorado Police are playing a very familiar looking know nothing card.

…charges against Aldrich were dropped and there was no effort to seize their weapons under Colorado’s “red flag” law for reasons the district attorney and the sheriff have refused to explain because the case is sealed.


El Paso County is especially hostile to the state’s red flag law, as one of 2,000 counties nationwide that have declared themselves a “2nd Amendment Sanctuary,” opposing any infringement on the right to bear arms. It passed a resolution in 2019 specifically denying funds or staff to enforce the law.


“We’re not going to be taking personal property away from people…” Elder said as the law neared passage in 2019.

Being an official opposed to any infringement seems now likely to be proven as someone inhumanely valuing property over the lives of Americans.

The difference here between 2021 and 1921 unfortunately is therefore best measured in terms of politicians enabling intentional rise of unregulated technology intended for terrorism.

One person today with less or even no power can easily acquire mass casualty assault weapons making their attacks far more like a repeat of the racist Tulsa mob even without one.

Police in 1921 probably very cruelly rationalized that rich white oilmen shouldn’t have “personal property” seized, even when that meant planes dropping napalm on communities to destroy as many Black lives as possible (elimination of prosperity, especially targeting military veterans).

And that is the history lesson here, which says Tulsa immediately should have become required reading in America. Instead the case was sealed to hide police failure to act on obvious terrorism signals.

America generally had been starved for risk based transparency and accountability that has worked in places like occupied Germany after WWII.

If police cadets in Colorado were screened on America’s long history of ambivalence to hate crimes (e.g. America First), and required to focus on and prevent yet another atrocity from white terrorists, then maybe 2021 would have seen swift action by police to immediately halt an open plan for mass murder.

Neuralink Staff Warn It’s Rushed and Unsafe “Hackjob”

I’ve explained for years that Tesla’s unsafe rush to misrepresent tech has caused many unnecessary deaths.

SpaceX is known for using a toxic fraternal “rush” culture to engage in self-destructive ageism and sexism.

Twitter obviously now is in a similar spiral of chaos and abuse of its staff.

So why wouldn’t Neuralink news be the same?

Current and former employees blame mishaps and abuse on pressure from Musk to go faster. […] Allegations ranged from sloppy research that led to euthanizing more animals than necessary to “hack job” surgeries that led to needless pain and suffering…

Perhaps the best analysis I’ve read so far is this:

…all Neuralink has to show for its efforts are a bunch of dead monkeys and two Elon children with a director.

Apple’s “imprecise” Blue Circle on Map Used by Police to Violently Target and Abuse Innocent Retired Woman

An iPhone owner sent the asset protection forces of America (e.g. slave catchers) after his missing electronic assistant (e.g. digital slave). How could that even be a thing? Let’s take a look.

The owner had showed police a massive four block diameter circle on an Apple map, vaguely estimating location of interest. More to the point of the story, the owner said he had already searched around that circle and decided police should invade a particular home without further thought.

…the blue circle pictured in the screenshot is only shown “if a device’s location cannot be determined precisely.”

Apple has made the “blue circle” lack of integrity very clear in a way that everyone investigating anything must surely know. Just look at it:

…if your location can’t be determined precisely, you’ll see a blue circle around the marker. The size of the circle shows how precisely your location can be determined—the smaller the circle, the greater the precision.

Source: Apple’s “Understanding Location Services”

The circle in this case was imprecisely four blocks wide, a half dozen houses or more.

No brain activity apparently was registered as the asset recovery machinery rushed approval and dispatched gunships on an urgent invasion mission into one specific house only.

To reiterate, an asset owner drove urgency of asset recovery by being sloppy and uncaring while rushed. That should have been the first giant red flag.

He allegedly informed police he had left his big truck with six guns sitting overnight in a hotel parking lot.

Definitely sounds like the sort of thoughtless person whose word can be trusted by police at face value. Police should have arrested him.

A SWAT then rapidly and violently broke into the falsely targeted home to destroy an innocent woman’s life.

Source: ACLU

A very obviously innocent elderly black woman.

Source: NBC

Nudge. Know what I mean? “Find my”… what?

Let’s be fair to Apple. This probably would have happened even without any iPhone in the story. It does make for interesting comparison to history, though. Nothing accelerated slave catchers like a missing slave with guns.

A guy who loses track of his big truck full of guns sends a SWAT into a fool’s errand to destroy a black woman’s 40 year castle… sounds like something Abraham Lincoln warned about.

It’s timeless corruption in that sense. Think of it also in terms of moral failure we’ve been seeing lately from the other side of the world, where 98% of missiles very carefully pinpoint innocent Ukrainian civilians… because Russians holding high-tech with itchy trigger fingers aren’t smart enough to find their supposed targets.

This emerging “digital hell” is a major step worse than the old blindness blamed on bad math, because it’s willful inhumane targeting taking advantage of new tech.

The police allegedly rapidly punched holes into their target’s ceiling in the kitchen, while claiming it was all part of their search for a big truck in a garage.

DPD stood on the top rail of one of Ms. Johnson’s newly purchased dining room chairs and used the handle of her kitchen broom to break apart the unsecured ceiling panel to search her attic.

You sure you didn’t just drive a giant truck full of guns into your attic ma’am?

Everyone knows this is not how targeting works unless targeting is purposefully designed to work in a brutally imprecise way.

The real question should be are any of the other houses in that giant blue circle owned by a black woman.

The police were extremely efficient and accurate in attacking… the exact wrong place.

[Police Officer] Staab told [the victims that] DPD would pay nothing to repair the damage from its failed search.

They’ve been that way for decades.

That’s the real story here, which has been a complaint against the police in America since their origin story (e.g. slave catchers).

Workers Flee “Chaos” of Tesla Factory

Tesla’s “dumbest” factory yet, located in Germany, already has become one of the least attractive for workers.

One current employee, who requested anonymity out of fear of losing their job, describes the Berlin gigafactory as “total chaos.” […] In the last year, Tesla dropped from being German engineering graduates’ second preferred employer (behind Google) to sixth. It is now behind German car manufacturers like Porsche, with some respondents pointing to Elon Musk’s comments about firing employees who wanted to work from home.

Comments about firing? That’s an understatement.

Elon Musk: If people working for me do anything dumb anytime even in the distant past I fire them without notice or explanation and call them a mistake. They’re always accountable for everything.

Also Elon Musk: I run fast and dumb with scissors, making as many cuts as I like in constant improvisation and failure. Yet I’m never accountable in anything. Change really applies only to someone else.

Source: Twitter

Elon Musk’s ideas rarely work and he’s often exposed for intentional lies, yet he insists everyone keep him, get it?

It’s a failure of basic ethics, another emperor has no clothes lesson of America.

…the depiction of the empty evil inherent in climbing the ladder could not overcome that their [lack of accountability in] success still looked better than most American lives. […] Marc Andreessen, who also invested in Twitter, albeit much earlier than Musk, could have ridden off into the metaphorical sunset looking like a genius for developing Mosaic and then Netscape, pioneering how we would all experience the internet. Instead, he showed us all of his mental shortcomings, by tweeting about the harms of anti-colonialism; liking tweets from people like date-rape apologist and conspiracy theorist Mike Cernovich; and being thin-skinned by blocking anyone who said anything slightly less than complimentary about him. Again: He did all of this on a platform he funded. Elon Musk bought Twitter and Twitter makes people dislike Elon Musk.

Who wants to be treated like a piece of garbage by these techno-tators?

Elon Musk fired nearly 70% of Twitter staff before begging the skeleton crew he left behind to find him someone to hire — submit their wider network to his immoral and unpredictable firing antics.

Employees were encouraged to make referrals, according to two people who attended and a partial recording obtained by The Verge.  The announcement came after a number of staff in Twitter’s sales department were fired on the same day….

I wonder if Musk has rolled out the dumb idea to pay staff a hiring referral bonus but double that amount if he fires the newly hired person right away…triple bonus award if he fires both of them without any cause other than to hate someone!

Musk took to saying “I’ve got to fire someone today,” one executive recounted. “No, no, I just do. I’ve got to fire somebody.” […] Some came to work fearing every day would be their last at the company. As one former executive said, “Everyone in Tesla is in an abusive relationship with Elon.”

Recently it was reported Tesla’s aloof chief heard a rumor about a prediction and immediately illegally terminated 10% of staff without required warning or severance, before saying he plans to hire only positions easier to fire.

CEO Elon Musk earlier this month emailed executives saying he had a “super bad feeling” about the economy and that Tesla would cut 10% of salaried workers…[adding to] a blizzard of lawsuits in recent years over working conditions at Tesla facilities.

It looks far too convenient to illegally fire any number of people to cover up his own failures, instead of being accountable himself.

A Tesla employee survey in 2018 literally called him a tyrant.

…an unapproachable tyrant who devalues the contributions of the staff, and may fire them on a whim … we treat people, the fundamental unit of a company, like any other expendable resource.

With that in mind, it’s no wonder Germans are avoiding or abandoning the fascism of Tesla — ignoring a car no German really wants to drive, as its logo may as well be a swastika.

The newest factories built by the Hitler-admiring CEO now read like a sad repeat of Ford failures way back in 1941.

American autoworkers and their children in 1941 protest Ford’s open and close relationship with Hitler. Source: Wayne State

Such willful and abusive ignorance from Elon Musk is legendary, yet it somehow continuously gets worse.

In September, the Tesla factory’s fire brigade was unable to put out a large cardboard fire itself and called in help from local firefighters. It then emerged that Tesla had no working fire alarms. 

Talk about a self-own.

Tesla is infamous for inability to manage fires, while claiming they manage risk by firing anyone and everyone other than Musk himself. The problem couldn’t be any clearer.

Failures in factories and products have gone on for over a decade, unique to them, and they haven’t changed because Musk is still there doing the wrong things. It’s 2022 and Musk’s brand new factory in Germany to showcase his best effort, couldn’t engineer its way out of a burning cardboard box.

  • Tesla Had 3 Times as Many OSHA Violations as the 10 Largest US Plants Combined
  • Ignoring search warrants and pulling strings: How Tesla corruption avoided important safety inspections
  • California: The factory has a history of costly fires, including multiple fires at its paint shop, as CNBC has previously reported.
  • Australia: …fire occurred “within one of the Tesla Megapacks at the Victorian Big Battery” during initial testing of the system…
  • Nevada: …fire broke out at Tesla Gigafactory in Nevada’s Tahoe-Reno Industrial Center late on Saturday…contained [four hours later at 2AM] on Sunday…
  • Texas: …complaints of wage and safety violations at new plantSafety Violation complaints from the Construction Workers Who Built Texas Gigafactory

The last one cites an electrical worker who reported Tesla for issuing bogus completion certificates in fire safety classes that never happened. Without question Tesla thought it could speed construction deadlines by willfully undermining safety.

The CEO has, as intentionally dumb as ever, thus built himself a German dumpster fire with no fire alarms — a literal hell. Of course nobody should want to work in his hell.

If you read German language news, they openly discuss Tesla being a total fraud with a CEO completely clueless in a delusional rush to take over the world.

A Siemens chief for example describes doing all the hard work behind the scenes. But even more to the point of history, he said it involved ignoring angry rants being thrown at him by an unhinged Elon Musk as if describing a Hitler meme.

Der Bekannte habe bei Kaeser angerufen und gesagt: “Ich hab da einen, der will elektrische Autos bauen, aber der hat keine Ahnung, wie das geht.”

Der hat keine Ahnung –> Musk has no clue how to build a car.

Es gab demnach Probleme beim Hochfahren der Fabriken, Musk wusste sich nicht zu helfen.

Musk wusste sich nicht zu helfen –> Musk has no clue how to build a factory.

The story goes on to describe Musk screaming obscenities and threats. The German executives didn’t do anything Musk said and unfortunately made his dangerously dumb anger look competent (instead of just quitting).

Das Problem wurde trotzdem gelöst.

The problem was solved anyway (overlooking overt racism in “hard labor” camps, not to mention ignoring CEO who throws around Hitler memes and thoughts).

Source: Twitter

That certainly gives context to Tesla recently arguing if they can’t rope Germans into the chaos and hell it’s creating, it expects to just roll into Poland. Not kidding. Tesla tried to tell Germany that the border could be moved east to recruit Poles into hard labor.

Dumber and dumber, Tesla is in total opposition to law and order.

People raised in America might still idolize such nonsense, but Germans know their history better.