Elon Musk Installs Beds in Office to Screw His Staff

It’s always been a huge figurative problem for Elon Musk that he screws his workers. It goes all the way back to his start in tech, when PayPal was successful because they fired him.

Peter Thiel and Elon Musk after moving to America and nearly dying in a $1m car that Musk quickly crashed and destroyed by being dumb.

He got rich anyway, simply holding stocks for a company that threw him out. That was his big break, which probably never should have happened. Since then he’s been at war with everyone; if you don’t let him screw you, he just throws you away to find someone who will.

For some reason his tactics aren’t yet illegal in America (hint: tragic history of rapid wealth based on slavery and genocide).

For over a decade we see Tesla become a robotic killing machine, Neuralink torture and kill animals, Twitter now being setup to foment hate crimes. All of it unnecessary and yet somehow the message is… “but Musk has taken so much money from others, his false profiteering matters more than people dying.”

Compare that message with Stanford’s FTX. It lost others’ money and America within months is claiming a serious crime must be prosecuted ASAP.

It may seem like we’re taking about young men exploiting a new domain of technology in need of regulation, yet it’s not new at all.

It’s more like a repeat of the worst chapter in history, which has Union Generals rolling in their graves. The U.S. says it carefully monitors and protects assets (ready to dispatch the slavecatchers to recover lost assets), yet totally disregards the value of humans let alone the planet (ignores the loss of life inherent to slavery).

We are watching growth of an intentional racist tyranny in Twitter, total rejection of freedom. It’s a “let them lean in and eat cake” moment for anyone left under Musk’s detached and cruel control.

It reminds me very much of the German factories saying they expected Hitler’s lack of morals would make them rich quick, yet complained as bombs rained down to end the toxic fraud.

I warned how Musk himself was messaging obvious hate to workers recently when I explained the nuance behind his “future vision” was actually nothing but apartheid South Africa:

Indian men are tasked to deliver their white master a black woman “robot” who will “bend over” for his needs. Musk not only said this to everyone publicly, he emphasized by design she would be unable to escape from his control.

Musk pitched his “ideal” worker as a small black woman who can’t escape. Do you see where they placed her on stage even when an event is supposedly focused on her?

Such unjust and immoral thinking gets worse and worse as he touches more lives, becoming literal now.

Beds are installed in the Twitter offices. It’s obvious why.

Anyone with compassion towards others, wider sense of responsibility (family, community) or a life outside, is fired. A weekend? A home? They don’t exist in Musk’s bid to create modern labor camps.

Absolute weakness in his workers is required because independence and strength only makes him angry and jealous.

It’s not an exaggeration either that he’s moved staff to being literally screwed.

A direct report at Neuralink was used to give birth to his own children, while the company ruthlessly tortured and killed animals in its care.

That’s a horrible enough step (again reminiscent of racist whites in Africa) yet her role also was laced overtly with racism, like an old South African apartheid plan of “boss men” using women at work to increase the white birthrate.

Don’t miss all these warning signs from history.

Working for Elon Musk means getting screwed by him in the worst ways possible. If his staff don’t all flee (as reported widely), it may soon be a question of intervention to save them from his tyranny.

222km/hr Wind-Powered Land Speed Sets New World Record

Team New Zealand have recorded the fastest wind powered land speed yet.

‘Horonuku’ named by Ngati Whatua Orakei meaning ‘gliding swiftly across the land’ did exactly that and was clocked at 222.4km/h in 22 knots of windspeed on Lake Gairdner in South Australia.

The design looks like an airplane sideways, much like a sailboat, hinting at the future.

Skipper Glenn Ashby sounds much like Maverick in Top Gun, navigating dangerous “shifts and puffs” like an F18 avoiding canyon walls… with zero visibility.

Amazing to watch

Cockpit ready. Source: Team NZ
Cockpit ready. Source: Team NZ

His cockpit recording could be the basis for the next action movie in the series: “Glenn, you have three months to put together a team….”

Even more remarkable is they started their attempt just this past summer.

The difference of course is that “save the world” fiction of Top Gun cares not at all about harm to planet (1950s power projection), while this real life story is the exact opposite demonstrating missions centered on actually saving the world.

If all the money wasted on the con game of “driverless” transit were spent on solar/wind energy instead, it would make a world of positive difference. Top Gun’s anti-drone narrative is about caring (nod to Blade Runner), but this one is humans caring for each other AND their environment.

In related sustainable high efficiency news, MIT announced an ultralight print than can be made into solar fibers/cloth or shell. Another speed record could soon become a blend of sun and wind.

Netflix Caught Promoting White Supremacist Propaganda

The war on science is in full swing as evidenced by a clueless crackpot clown who managed to get his insecurity promoted by Netflix.

Unavoidable problems in his script were easily picked apart by experts, who also posed the question how someone so obviously wrong could be spread by Netflix.

Most glaring to scholars investigating the history of Hancock’s pseudoarchaeology is that while claiming to “overthrow the paradigm of history,” he doesn’t acknowledge that his overarching theory is not new.

Scholars and journalists have pointed out that Hancock’s ideas recycle the long since discredited conclusions drawn by U.S. Congressman Ignatius Donnelly in his book Atlantis: The Antediluvian World, published in 1882.

That’s a pretty damning blow, which should crush the bogus anti-science mysticism…again.

The problem however is that the mysticism is propaganda meant to be a gateway to violent hate crimes.

Like many forms of pseudoarchaeology, these claims act to reinforce white supremacist ideas, stripping Indigenous people of their rich heritage and instead giving credit to aliens or White people. […] This sort of “race science” is outdated and has long since been debunked, especially given the strong links between Atlantis and Aryans proposed by several Nazi “archaeologists.”

Factually debunking weaponized white grievance propaganda pushed by Netflix is unlikely to be enough to stop expansion of dangerous terrorist cells now who already cared not a whit about truth — trying to feed them science could backfire.

Netflix should have known better than to fertilize Nazis with this, as the damage and cleanup will be very expensive.

I’ve written before here (back in 2008!) that people consuming poisonous conspiracy may become more devout and extreme if a scientist dares to directly challenge such beliefs.

The easiest option now may be for Netflix to retract the show, explicitly condemn it, air a science-based refutation without promoting directly or as a response (send it to people who didn’t watch the hate propaganda yet)… and then donate all related proceeds to anti-hate organizations that help track the consequences of this hateful propagandist being aired.

Perhaps that doesn’t sound easy, but the alternative is much harder as the Hearst network realized watching Kristallnacht in 1938 after they had been promoting Hitler in the years prior.

Con artists like this attacking institutions are extremely dangerous when left unchallenged, especially ones like Elon Musk who attack institutions from within.

Swarm Drones Have Flaws Nobody Is Talking About

A million years ago (when I was at NASA working on security for people like physicists designing robotics for Mars) we talked about all the obstacles to swarms being successful.

Lately it seems like the script has been flipped and journalists are breathlessly warning that nothing can stop swarms.

In a decade or so we went from “can’t get swarms to flow” to “swarms can’t be stopped”. Both are exaggerating the truth.

The reality is somewhere in between, yet I fail to see anyone these days taking about the simple obstacle side of things.

In a 2014 lecture I was invited to give by the soon-to-be ill-fated head of Facebook security, for example, I gave specific examples of swarm countermeasures including illustrations.

Numerous positions can be injected into swarms, or forced upon them, to cause them to freeze.

More to the point, I had been asked to keynote a week of security training inside a huge silicon valley brand. My pitch was a move from synthesis to analysis; security teams must prepare immediately for an onslaught of inexpensive integrity attacks (realities of securing big data — my latest book).

I got a lot of nodding heads, right before I watched the newly minted head of Facebook security do the exact opposite. The integrity breaches he allowed, despite many direct warnings, are still known as the worst in history (facilitating atrocity crimes).

In later presentations I showed how swarm platforms like Waze were being countered and their agents redirected.

So here we are. The world is carping about horrible integrity attacks, just as I warned, and saying they will get worse. That’s progress. However, the preparation steps of a decade ago or more seem to be overlooked.

I guess it’s the ancient problem that stark fear sells far more than nuance of risk management.

“Sugar filling mouths can’t be stopped” gets more eyeballs than “brush your teeth twice a day” let alone “change your diet based on science”.

The kind of stuff the old NASA physicists would probably say is painfully obvious: Throw up strategic obstacles and a swarm may be frozen if not suicidal.

Very inexpensive, very effective. What’s not to like?

We need to talk far more about integrity, the stuff that makes quality, because most or even all swarms right now don’t have it.

The over emphasis on confidentially and availability counter-measures has been missing an obvious weak point in security’s three legged stool.

In fact we’re long past the point where people blandly demanding end-to-end encryption should be asked what exactly they’re doing about dangerous integrity breaches (to avoid repeating Facebook mistakes).