“Chevy Bolt, like a fine red wine, kept getting better with age.”

Motor Trend in 2017 wisely called the Chevy Bolt their car of the year. They’re now positively gushing over their prediction, calling the electric car’s engineering refreshing; very modestly it just keeps getting better and better.

While most buyers largely ignored it, the Bolt, like a fine red wine, kept getting better with age. The Bolt EUV launched in 2021 with more interior space, a more modern look, and the option to equip it with the best hands-free highway driving system on sale today. Now, a massive price cut for 2023 is transforming what was already a good car at a reasonable price into a veritable bargain.

That’s very high praise from a very respected authority.

Chevy is described as delivering the best hands-free electric car in America for just $19K in 2023.

It’s everything right about America boxed up into a car, like wearing a classic inexpensive pair of sturdy well-built blue jeans.

Fun history tangent, the word “denim” in jeans comes from “serge de Nimes”. It was industrious Frenchmen in Nimes weaving wool-silk “serge” materials for hard working shepards, who had their product name shortened to de-Nim. Somewhere along the line (pun not intended) Americans switched cotton threads into denim, marketing this result as lower cost yet still highly durable jean.

Reliable, durable yet inexpensive.

Recently I was taking a stop in the sleepy beach-side town of Monterey, California when I noticed every car in a parking lot row was… the Chevy Bolt.

Every car a Bolt?

This bucolic small town, with its down-to-earth scene, reminded me of the buzz that only a cherry 1957 Chevy could generate, yet it was in 2023 and electric.

The 1957 Chevrolets were good cars mechanically. They took abuse fairly well, and when they did break, they were often cheaper to repair than their contemporaries. Thus, a higher percentage of them survived to become hobby/collector cars.

Something definitely was going on in the quiet back streets among those who could own anything. A sort of quiet, unassuming yet powerful statement that Chevy was THE electric vehicle to own.

This is going to sound a bit repetitive, but it needs to be said again: since we bought the 1957 Chevy, now named Project X, for $250 back in 1965, its sole reason for existing has been to act as a testbed for new hot rodding trends and technologies. …it’s clear that EV is here to stay and, just like always, Project X is on the leading edge to try out this new technology.

The quintessential hot rod for everyone, a Chevy initially costing $250, turned up in 2021 as a mouth watering EV.

Honestly, I have to admit I kind of expected engineering innovators like Kia or Fiat to be getting motorhead magazine accolades and maybe even Porsche, yet an honest and reliable Chevy looks like the real and clear winner year after year.

Meanwhile, Elon Musk’s half-baked jalopies have proven to be about as valuable as over priced ugly Russian designer pants that dissolve in the laundry. This blatantly anti-democratic racist predictably has dumped little more than hot snake oil directly on consumers (to undermine and delay protections from his fraud).

Worse and worse engineering problems hidden by intentionally misleading marketing have Tesla embroiled in class-action lawsuits, far too many funerals, and widespread investigations after reducing overall road safety for everyone.

Regulators looking at the remarkable success Chevy has achieved, given a huge market of improving electric car options reaching back to the 1940s, now more than ever should seriously consider a ban to remove the intentionally sub-par Tesla products from public roads.

The Chevy Bolt is hidden beneath this brilliant E10 concept that someday may be proven safe enough for the mass market.

Elon Musk has criticized other car companies for having concept cars they never launch. However, the wise and cautious approach taken by Chevy is FAR more ethical than Tesla’s greed-driven clown show, which callously treats humans like disposable crash test dummies.

Tesla FSD Caused Crash of 8 Cars on Interstate

There’s yet again evidence of Tesla having expanding critical safety failures, by design.

If you read the already shocking number of complaints to the NHTSA by new Tesla owners, hundreds cite a terrifying sudden unexplained braking event.

Here’s typical language reported for years, as if causing crashes has just been Tesla’s way to learn the crimes they can get away with.

Twice today my model 3 came to a hault when using cruise control on the highway. The second time everything in my car was thrown into the front seat/windshield as i was going 80mph and I took over but was at 30mph by then as it happened so fast .. WTH is going on as I could have been killed and/or killed others.

Note the last sentence because Tesla’s official response has been that they aren’t listening.

In fact, “ghost brakes” have plagued Tesla for a long time. The NHTSA survey [based on reports of Tesla crashes and injuries] covers about 416,000 vehicles produced in 2021 and 2022. Tesla said there have been no reports of crashes or injuries resulting from the issue.

You might think what Tesla said in response sounds unbelievable. And you’d be right.

“No reports” is used as an intentional logical fallacy known as “no true Scotsman“. Even when you crash they might say but it wasn’t a really big crash. And if you have a big crash they might say but plaintiffs weren’t really harmed. And if someone dies they might say but really not many people were harmed.

How can this “plague” of life threatening engineering failures, potential for catastrophic widespread crashes, be ignored by Tesla for so long?!

Sadly the answer is simple, aside from the logical fallacy tactics.

The Tesla CEO is a science denier.

On March 19, 2020 the Tesla CEO used his Twitter account to announce America was headed toward “zero new cases” of COVID-19 by the end of April. At the end of April case counts spiked upwards of 20,000 proving him dangerously wrong. But did he accept science? No, he dug himself deeper into fantasy beliefs and mysticism.

The CEO used his bully pulpit to convince people to ignore warnings about COVID-19 and keep going to work, argued against vaccines and launched baseless attacks on public servants to diminish their ability to provide safety during the pandemic.

He pushed hard for disinformation to be allowed, denying harms while facilitating unnecessary suffering and death.

What a recently exposed report shows is that every Tesla on the road is indeed a result of intentional safety denial and thus a threat to anyone else around them.

A driver told authorities that their Tesla’s “full-self-driving” software braked unexpectedly and triggered an eight-car pileup in the San Francisco Bay Area last month that led to nine people being treated for minor injuries including one juvenile who was hospitalized, according to a California Highway Patrol traffic crash report. […] Tesla Model S was traveling at about 55 mph and shifted into the far left-hand lane, but then braked abruptly, slowing the car to about 20 mph. That led to a chain reaction that ultimately involved eight vehicles to crash, all of which had been traveling at typical highway speeds.

It takes a special kind of criminal to repeatedly raise prices for a product falsely marketed as a road safety feature, when year after year it makes everyone far less safe.

A video posted recently by a FSD user demonstrates the software as an embarrassingly less safe, more stressful ride.

Man, my heart rate is definitely higher during this drive than the average normal drive…

What should come to mind here is Tesla FSD has always been a “fraud” or “snake oil” and public roads should have been protected from it.

As the Center for Auto Safety puts it:

…what’s the threshold number of injuries and deaths and cars driving stupidly that we have to see before NHTSA finds that there’s some sort of defect in these cars?

Calling the bug riddled Tesla FSD a safety feature is like calling meal worm tacos a cure for COVID-19.

Given how bad Tesla engineering quality has been, if it was food… it would be mostly bugs.

Perhaps the regulators soon will be coming to the realization Tesla has always treated its customers like crash test dummies and investors like an ATM.

Analysts Rate Tesla Mediocre Car Not Even Worth $20 Stock: “too unreliable for widespread use”

A car collector is angry the Tesla fraud happened to him.

Soon after thinking he was getting a “deal” on a new car, he was stranded outside in freezing temperatures waiting for a tow.

…”there’s a reason they punted so many [Teslas] out the door on cheap lease deals. Do yourself a favor and get a Polestar,” he seethed. “Or anything other than a Tesla.”

Tesla quality is ranked by experts as bottom of the auto industry, equivalent or worse to owning a 1990s Kia.

Consumer Reports and J.D. Power both warn Tesla lies way down at the bottom of reliability lists; an average of 2 mechanical issues for every vehicle! While overall industry quality is rising higher than ever, Tesla is in reverse; its high priced failures inexcusably include tired designs that haven’t changed in a decade.

Ironically a 2023 new Kia is considered vastly superior to Tesla in every way, costing far less yet delivering newer technology, better performance, more comfort and higher reliability.

Notably, Tesla “comrades” are in melt down as some openly break rank to individually praise the better fundamentals of Kia.

The Tesla bean counter games, using “cheap lease deals” for its decades old designs, are meant to hide sagging demand. More to the point they’re only sold directly to consumer to fudge sales numbers and cheat audits (contrived to undermine buyer protections) while being late and dangerously unreliable.

You would think a car company that has barely moved the dial in engineering for ten long years would have managed some stability or improvements, yet Tesla products come up empty. They get worse with time (depreciate faster than market average) as the obvious fraud is exposed.

This is basic car culture failure.

Tesla has has NEVER been a technology company. At best it is a “bro” culture of immoral economists who believed they can squeeze actual technology companies to throw together a mediocre assembly of poorly engineered parts called a Tesla.

Fun history fact: Tesla was not only a copy of the tzero car by AC Propulsion in Los Angeles, it paid royalties until it stole and outsourced the engineering by using a loophole in the licensing contract.

1997 tzero was built during a huge American EV boom that President Bush terminated: Tesla licensed the technology, then reverse engineered (stole) it to falsely claim it had innovation/delivery capability.

Gets worse and doesn’t improve?

Here are two simple examples. The 2.0 hardware and software for driverless vision was far worse than 1.0. It threw out knowledge and started over blind, which explains high chance of crossing double yellow lines with head on fatal collisions. And even more remarkable, while receiving a blizzard of customer complaints, Tesla has rushed hasty recalls that have made the car even less safe than before attempting a fix.

Tesla ages like a road apple. Don’t step in one.

What has happened over time, fairly obvious today, is Tesla operated a lot like Soviet politicians in charge of Trabant production before the Berlin Wall was taken down. They saw artificial monopoly money as their only and best future.

Trabant was folded into a broader vision of complete, holistic system integration in the ideal socialist urban space.

Like a Tesla, the Trabant basically asked workers to pay in advance more than an entire year of their income. And in return they got the privilege of owning a death trap “ideal“.

East Germans drive their oil-belching Trabants west, which even today seems better than being dead in a Tesla.
East Germans escape west in oil-belching 25hp Trabants, which today still seems better than being dead in a Tesla.

Bigger factories were rushed like giant bribes into local politics to pump out more unreliable buckets of bolts no rational economist would predict could be supported, updated or repaired.

Any optimally functioning market would collapse demand for Tesla, just like the Trabant.

It’s a car nobody should want to drive or ride in. Unfortunately we know that’s not how markets work, especially with the bully culture that Tesla curated to harm people who dared to criticize them.

Trabants infamously created huge waiting times (even more than a decade) and also boasted about factory capacity right up until it all abruptly evaporated and was proven a fraud compared to brands like Fiat, BMW and Mercedes.

Now we’re heading in a similar path as Tesla boasts about capacity coming online to dump garbage on the market right as it has to discount its cars and stop production.

Elon Musk has always marketed his products with lies and disregard for safety. It’s sad to see people choose to believe the hype and buy into it, only to lose. Perhaps the wall is coming down finally and the modern Trabant exposed.

There will always be someone who collects or enjoys the horrible experience of a Tesla. What’s so interesting about this case is that a collector is the one sounding the alarm. Facts seem to be sinking in that the very suspicious Saudi/Russian-backed Tesla stock rise of 1000% was always defrauding investors and analysts predict a fall to $23.

At least now we know of one collector who has taken a closer look and sees Tesla for what it is: avoidable.