Public Groups Identify Tesla Terrorist After Unexplained Police Delay

A data sharing initiative using a social media platform has identified the Tesla driver implicated in several years of violent attacks in Los Angeles.

…Eyewitness News videos [were published by a Tiktok user and] three people came forward with the suspect’s name, which he passed along to police. Local law enforcement believe they have identified the man, but an arrest has not been made yet. One of the suspect’s attacks included punching a woman in the face and leaving her with a black eye in October 2021.

Given that his Tesla, blatantly and illegally hiding its license plate, is easily tracked with date and time to exact locations where he targeted victims… it will be interesting to hear why police have delayed so long and allowed crimes to continue.

It has begun to look like a domestic terrorism case. Widespread sharing of the suspect’s identity fortunately may lessen his ability to freely victimize targets, despite lack of police protection.

Update Jan 31: police now say he has a violent criminal record across the entire US for decades, and apparently no job or home just a Tesla full of drugs and cash.

In other words… he has been caught now after mass public outcry. A domestic terrorist targeting women, dealing drugs, causing widespread harms ignored by law enforcement?

What could possibly be more on brand for Tesla?

Consumer Reports Warns Tesla Autopilot Safety is Far Behind Competitors

Years ago I gave presentations demonstrating how Tesla’s “Autopilot” was ranked dead last by industry experts. NVidia in particular, the real brains behind some of the most advanced and best driver assist options, rated Tesla engineering far behind every other car brand.

It looks like the general public has finally caught up to technologists, as Consumer Reports deservedly dumped the Tesla product down to seventh place behind far more ethical and capable EV companies.

“After all this time, Autopilot still doesn’t allow collaborative steering and doesn’t have an effective driver monitoring system,” said Consumer Reports Auto Testing director Jake Fisher in a statement.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is investigating 830,000 Tesla vehicles with Autopilot after a series of crashes with parked emergency vehicles.

NHTSA is reviewing whether Tesla vehicles adequately ensure drivers are paying attention. In June, the agency said evidence suggested drivers in most crashes with emergency vehicles under review had complied with Tesla’s alert strategy that seeks to compel driver attention, raising questions about its effectiveness.

NHTSA Acting Administrator Ann Carlson said earlier this month the agency was “working really fast” on its Autopilot probe. “We’re moving as quickly as we can, but we also want to be careful and make sure we have all the information we need,” she said.

In 2020, the National Transportation Safety Board criticized Tesla’s “ineffective monitoring of driver engagement” after a 2018 fatal Autopilot crash.

Autopilot enables cars to steer, accelerate and brake within their lanes without driver intervention but Tesla says the feature requires “active driver supervision and do not make the vehicle autonomous.”

NHTSA has separately opened more than three dozen Tesla special crash investigations where advanced systems including Autopilot were suspected of being used with 19 crash deaths reported.

It’s not just that Tesla was dumped down to seventh place, it’s that 10 out of 10 Autopilot deaths are Tesla and their fatality rate is rising fast. For example Nissan didn’t even have one single crash to report, despite over 600,000 vehicles operating its direct competitor to Autopilot.

Mercedes Benz Profit Sharing With Nearly 100K Workers Sets New Record

Two car brands couldn’t be more opposite in German industry news, Mercedes luxuriates while Tesla dies.

A new Mercedes EV not only looks and performs decades ahead of the cheap and tired 1990s-era concepts of Tesla, its success is being passed along to the workers making it.

Mercedes has announced a new record high in profit sharing.

Mercedes-Benz’s 93,000 German Employees Getting €7,300 Bonus. Mercedes-Benz’s latest bonus payout to its employees is even higher than last year’s €6,000

The German car company has demonstrated several major industry leading innovations already being made available.

Last May, Mercedes-Benz became the first OEM in the world to receive international certification for conditionally automated driving.

Some may remember Mercedes developing driverless technology in the 1980s, which partly is why they’re so far ahead of everyone today.

…W140 S-Class that technically drove almost entirely by itself over 1,678 kilometers (1,043 miles) from Munich to Copenhagen back in 1995…achieved a speed of up to 185 km/h (115 mph) while driving by itself on the Autobahn, managing to pass other cars and having little to no human intervention…

In related updates, Mercedes is set to share its massive high capacity North American charging network with all cars.

Shared ride on a shared charger. Tesla talks nonsense about its dirty, branded, proprietary charging that is unsafe… while the EU has cleanly, quietly and professionally deployed 99% more EV infrastructure.
This is great news since Europe is already so far ahead of America on charging deployment and interoperability.

In 2021, the continent had an estimated 375,000 charging stations. …even the most conservative scenario—the EU-27 will need at least 3.4 million operational public charging points by 2030.

It’s all stark contrast from the bitterly shrinking and unpopular Tesla crashing all the time, which has struggled to attract workers in Germany and pushed an oversubscribed, dirty and proprietary charging network. (By 2021 Tesla had managed to get up barely 6,000 charging stations — 1% of the market).

Obviously when the EU banned non-interoperability for chargers, they should have banned Tesla.

Those who did make the mistake of accepting a job from the notorious South African-run abusive brand have reported unfair and chaoticly cruel mistreatment, just like every other Tesla workplace. It’s basically a dead brand, unsafe at any speed.

…alienating its customers, bringing in less revenue, and falling behind legacy carmakers.

After all, who in Germany would want to work for a racist dictator known for things like poisoning children?

1943 Wireless Map of Nazi “Wolf’s Lair” Communications

By 1942 it was abundantly clear that the technologically lesser Nazi Germany would lose WWII.

And yet Hitler and his minions, connected through a hiding hole in Poland (“Wolf’s Lair” — Adolf is a derivative of wolf), remained delusional and genocidal.

Nowhere did Adolf Hitler spend as much time during the Second World War — the dictator passed around 830 days in the bunkers at Wolf’s Lair. […] Hitler lived in this tomb, he worked and slept there. “It seemed as if the seven-meter-thick concrete walls that surrounded him figuratively, separated him from the outside world and imprisoned him in his madness,” said Polubinski. …where Hitler, his generals and marshals not only planned campaigns but also discussed the genocide of the Jews in detail.

Here’s a map of the connections and communications, which used the broken Lorenz encryption system (when they weren’t using Siemens).

The highest and most sensitive Nazi communication ran on Lorenz, a cipher machine broken so badly that Allied intelligence built a 1943 map of the entire command structure heirarchy. Source: GCHQ

On the very far left is Rommel’s HQ (Army Group B), for example, which communicated through layers to Army HQ in the center-right.

The British labeled Lorenz machine communication channels as “fish”, which you can see here in detail.

Decryption of the Nazi Army leadership allegedly was like shooting “fish” in a barrel.

After the war the Polish turned the Nazi HQ buildings at the heart of this map into a strangely “grotesque Disneyland” where locals would admire the concrete, fire toy German guns and play… things you rarely hear about.

All food for thought to those who ask me 1) can Putin avoid assassination and 2) when will he quit. The bigger question is how many generations will be lost for each month his delusions run in front of watchful eyes.

It’s no coincidence the extremist militant criminal partner of the Russian Army has been genocidally kidnapping children from occupied territory for indoctrination and servitude, after naming itself for the infamous Nazi “Wagner“.

…Wagner was the deputy commandant of the Sobibor extermination camp in eastern Poland. It was not a conventional concentration camp, because there was no work for those who arrived.

Sobibor was a killing center. Its production line was as sophisticated as a complex modern factory. In just 15 months, 250,000 men, women and children stepped off the train in the morning, were gassed by lunchtime and their corpses burnt before dawn the next day. By then their luggage had been sorted and packed for shipment to Germany. […]

He didn’t kill the same way as the other Germans. He didn’t shoot, he tortured…when he killed he smiled. Murdering was his pleasure — you could see it in his face. He didn’t consider it a duty, it was more his private matter.

Russia’s Wagner has always been a private criminal matter of ethnic cleansing by design and name, not like a duty-bound Army. It’s all in the communications with Putin, which someday may be exposed.

Basically the Nazi children (Hitler jugend) were indoctrinated with fear and hate. Then they were forced into the unjust war their fathers already had lost, told they would be killed if they refused or surrendered.

If you didn’t know, now you do.

Delays in stopping a dictatorship’s known war crimes and ignoring ethnic cleansing has a clear precedent.