Marriott Hosts “I love Hitler” Rally in Washington DC

Marriott has a long and sordid history of promoting hate groups by giving them a platform.

2023 is turning out to be not that different.

Fuentes capped off his [Nazi petition to eradicate satanism, feminism, liberalism, and Judaism] by saying it was “a long way of saying I love Hitler” while the crowd chanted “Christ is king.” The speech was held at a Residence Inn by Marriott in National Harbor, Maryland.


  • 2023: Black male guest pulled from Marriott room and evicted after white woman on staff disliked his words to her in the lobby
  • 2022: Marriott hosts white supremacist group celebrating Russian invasion of Ukraine
  • 2022: Marriott hosts anti-LGBTQ hate group’s national conference
  • 2021: Westin Hotel Discriminated Against Jewish Singer Then Hired a Neo-Nazi Security Firm
  • 2021: Marriott International puts a stop to a Uyghur conference (Muslims)
  • 2020: Black guest told to “get the f- off the property” by Marriott manager.
  • 2020: Marriott tells Black guests they can’t gather there because “we don’t want that type of business”
  • 2017: Marriott hosts hate group conference (anti-Muslim)
  • 2017: Marriott calls police to remove demonstrators covering up the hotel’s swastikas
  • 2016: Marriott call police to arrest guest for wearing a “thawb” (Muslim)
  • 2010: Marriott says no to Muslim conference, cancels event with refund
  • 2005: Marriott International puts a stop to an “event” at Bethesda North Marriott Hotel and Conference Center celebrating the Iranian Revolution (Muslims)

Marriott seems more than ready to discriminate. Blacks reportedly are being made uncomfortable, speech policed, told to leave…Muslims have their events cancelled, their clothing policed. Meanwhile hate groups find the hotel bends itself over backwards to be seen as an “inclusive” and “hospitable” destination for white nationalist violent extremism.

It reads like a Chappelle Show skit.

You might think complaints to management could get someone’s attention, until you read about Marriott work culture.

Management began a team-building exercise by requiring employees to bring in photos of themselves as babies to see if their colleagues could guess who they were…. Robinson said that it would be pointless for him to participate in the exercise because he was the only black person in the office, the suit states. When Robinson’s sales manager heard his explanation, she balked and said she would pick a photo for him and showed him a depiction on her computer of the Buckwheat character…

Here’s another taste of Marriott management.

“Nobody would call the police on a chalk brigade…” [stated Mark Geall, hotel owner. The police didn’t hesitate to call him a liar:] “The complaint to our officers was regarding a group of people on the property who were using chalk to draw outside.”

To set the scene, Geall’s Marriott had hate symbols prominently displayed on new construction and whined it was very hard to prevent or remove swastikas. When a group showed up with chalk to easily and quickly display “messages of love and unity” instead — peacefully protest the blatant hate symbols — Marriott rushed law enforcement in to fight like they had some kind of emergency — violently defend their swastikas.

There seems to be an attitude of relaxed stupor hosting and promoting white nationalist hate speech, yet when people show up with even a hint of views the hotel dislikes (e.g. Islam, Judaism, anti-racism) Marriott jumps with heavy handed threats and censorship.

Also related:

Arnold Schwarzenegger Tells Antisemites They Will ‘Die Miserably’ If They Keep Spreading Hate.

Marriott should listen to Arnold and stop spreading hate. Do the hard work.

Let’s be honest, everyone in hospitality knows an “I love Hitler” rally flagged by the Southern Poverty Law Center is probably the easiest ban of all. The hotel even openly confirmed it knew it was hosting a Nazi rally.

Hatewatch spoke with a hotel staff member prior to the event in a phone call on the afternoon of March 4. Hatewatch asked if Nick Fuentes and the America First Foundation were scheduled to hold an event that day, and the staffer confirmed.

A guard for a Marriott hate group event wears “America First” and “Ye” markers of Nazism. Source: Ford Fischer

They knew.

Marriott “want that type of business“.

This is exactly who Arnold is talking about when he criticizes spreading hate as lazy.

“It’s easier to hate than it is to learn… Nobody who has chosen the easy path of hate has gotten to the end of the road and said, ‘What a life.’ No. They die as miserably as they lived.”

Autonomous Vehicles Need No Drugs Or Drink To Be Bad Drivers

Humans often get cited for being influenced by drugs or alcohol when they make terrible decisions.

Autonomous vehicles (AV), on the other hand, need no drugs or alcohol to make such bad decisions.

This often gets reported as an AV isn’t at risk from drinking, while in reality the risk is from… influences.

And it turns out the AV is far more susceptible to influences than humans.

Tesla owners, for example, often seem to think they should train the company’s “automation” products to be in a huge rush and ignore all traffic laws: stop signs, red lights and yellow lines taught as optional in their world of influence.

That’s far worse than normal with one human drinking too much, or even dozens, because the bad behavior of Tesla’s “evil insiders” gets ingested into an entire AV fleet as free speed extremism… a huge robot army in permanent improvisation more dangerous than drugs or alcohol.

Serious food for thought when The Verge reports:

…there is scant data that proves that fully automated vehicles are safer than human drivers.

There is plenty of evidence that fully automated vehicles are easily put under the influence… of almost anything.

It’s like how TayBot was turned into a Nazi within 24 hours… which I’ve explained in great detail here before as a really dumb design flaw by Microsoft.

At least humans are influenced by known things and can be easily tested to determine how dangerous they will be attempting to operate heavy machinery.

The next time a Tesla crashes and someone reports a driver was given a standardized transparent test of influences, demand to know what the AV software was tested for after the crash, how and by who.

Think of it like this. Microsoft disabled their bot after one day. Uber cancelled their bot after one pedestrian was killed. Tesla turned their bot into a pay-to-play for the wealthy to flaunt safety laws and dangerously influence it, such that more and more and more people are dead.

Tesla Keeps Crossing Double-Yellow Causing Head-on Collisions

Elon Musk infamously boasts he makes mistakes whenever and doesn’t respect the rules.

Well, I guess we might make some mistakes. Who knows?

This seems to be coming up repeatedly as bad news for his customers, let alone anyone around them, when their car acts like the CEO and gloatingly crosses a double yellow.

Source: DC Fire

Another Tesla, another Tesla owner dead:

The preliminary investigation revealed, at approximately 7:50 a.m., a 2019 Tesla Model 3, occupied by five subjects, was traveling southbound in the left travel lane in the 3000 block of Connecticut Avenue, Northwest. The Tesla crossed the solid-double yellow lines into the northbound lane of travel, struck a 2018 Toyota C-HR, and then struck a 2010 Mercedes-Benz ML-350, head-on. […] On Sunday, February 26, 2023, the driver of the Tesla succumbed to his injuries and was pronounced dead.

The road suggests the driver was operating in a straight line on a road known for speed abuse (e.g. “40 to 60 percent of the people completely disobeyed the speed limit by more than 12 miles per hour”). A related problem with Tesla ignoring double yellow has been reported for many years. The algorithm treats lines as open to cross in almost any case, such as a vehicle slowing ahead.

Source: Google StreetView

I’ll say that again, Tesla engineering allegedly treated double yellow the same as dotted white line. Cars were trained to attempt unsafe maneuvers to feed unnecessary speed.

In this case when a car ahead slowed for the pedestrian crossing (as they should), a speeding Tesla algorithm likely reacted by accelerating in a jump across the double yellow into a devastating head-on crash… by design!

That crash scene reminds me of December 2016 when Uber driverless was caught running red lights, foreshadowing one death a year later that brought criminal charges and shut down their entire driverless program.

Source: Twitter

Tesla driverless software caused a similar fatality basically at the same time April 2018. Their cruel and unusual reaction was to increase the charge more and hire an army of lawyers to make the victims and their story disappear.

…when another vehicle ahead of him changed lanes to avoid the group [of pedestrians], the Model X accelerated and ran into them [killing Umeda].

Source: US District Court. Tesla software accelerated into pedestrians, parked motorcycles and a van. The company has for years manipulated courts and press to cover up this important 2018 crash.


Tesla software fatally accelerated straight into a traffic/hazard after it saw a vehicle ahead evade it. See why this 2023 crash reminds me of 2018?

Did you hear about this death and how bad Tesla was, or just the Uber case? The crashes were around the same time, and both companies should have been grounded. Yet Tesla instead bitterly spared with a grieving family and manipulated the news.

Here’s a 2021 Tesla owner forum report showing safety engineering has regressed, FSD five years later feeling worse than Uber’s cancelled program.

Had a super scary moment today. I was on a two lane road, my m3 with 10.6.1 activated was following a van. Van slowed down due to traffic ahead and my car decided to go around it by crossing the yellow line and on to oncoming traffic. […] The car ahead of me wasn’t idling. We were both moving at 25 mph. It slowed down due to traffic ahead. My car didn’t wait around. It just immediately decided to go around it crossing the yellow line.

A cacophony of voices then chime in and say the same thing happened to them many times, their Tesla attempting to surge illegally into a crash (e.g. “FSD Beta Attempts to Kill Me; Causes Accident”) . They’re clearly disappointed software has been designed to ignore double yellow in suicidal head-on acceleration, although some try to call it a bug.

January 2023 a new post shows Tesla still has been designed to ignore road safety. This time Tesla ignores red lights and stopped cars, allegedly attempting to surge across a double yellow into the path of an oncoming train!

Source: Tesla Motors Club

2023. A ten year old bug? Ignoring all the complaints and fatalities?

You might think this sounds too incompetent to be true, yet Tesla recently was forced to admit it has intentionally been teaching cars to ignore stop signs (as I warned here). That’s not an exaggeration. The company dangerously pushes a highly lethal “free speed extremism” narrative all the way into courts.

A speed limiter is not a safety device.

That’s a literal quote from Tesla who wanted a court to accept that reducing speed (e.g. why brakes are on cars) has no effect on safety.

As the car approached an intersection and signal, it accelerated, shifted and ran a red light. The driver then lost control… [killing him in yet another Tesla fire]. The NTSB says speeding heightens crash risk by increasing both the likelihood of a crash as the severity of injuries…

Let me put it this way. The immature impatient design logic at Tesla has been for its software to accelerate across yellow lines, stop signs and through red lights. It’s arguably regressive learning like a criminal, to be more dangerous and take worse risks the more it’s allowed to operate.

…overall [Tesla’s design feeds a] pattern here in Martin County of more aggressive driving, greater speeds and just a general cavalier sense towards their fellow motorists’ safety.

The latest research on Tesla’s acceleration to high speed mentality shows it increased driver crash risk 180 to 340 percent, with a survival rate near zero! Other EV brands such as Chevy Bolt or Nissan LEAF simply do not have any of this risk and are never cited.

340 percent higher crash risk because of design.

You have to wonder about the Tesla CEO falsely advertising his car would magically be safer than all others on the road… while also boasting he doesn’t know when obvious mistakes are being made. It’s kind of the opposite. The CEO likely is demanding known mistakes be made intentionally, very specific mistakes like crossing the double yellow and accelerating into basically everything instead of slowing and waiting.

People fall for this fraud and keep dying at an alarming rate, often in cases where it appears they might have survived in any other car.

And then you have to really wonder at the Tesla CEO falsely advertising his car would magically drive itself, inhumanely encouraging owners to let it wander unsafely on public roads (e.g. “wife freaks” at crossing double yellow on blind corner) yet never showing up for their funerals.

Let me just gently remind the reader that it was a 2013 Tesla crossing a double yellow killing someone that Elon Musk boasted was his inspiration to rush to market “Autopilot” and prevent it ever happening again.


Ten years later? Technology failures that indicate reckless management with a disregard for life that rises to the level of culpable negligence.

Note there is another big new lawsuit filed this week, although it talks about shareholder value as if that’s all that we can measure.

Tesla finally is starting to be forced by regulators into fixing its “flat wrong” software. The gravestones are proof of the mistakes being made. The grieving friends and families know.

The deceased driver’s profile in this latest crash says he went to Harvard, proving yet again intelligence doesn’t protect you from fraud.


And that’s not even getting to reports of sudden steering loss from poor manufacturing quality, or wider reports about abuse of customers:

Spending over $20,000 on a $500 repair… a LOT of customers are getting shafted on this…TRUSTING Tesla do this, and they’re failing horribly at the expense of the customer.

If you don’t die in a crash from substandard hardware and software engineering, or grossly negligent designs, Tesla’s big repair estimate scams might kill you.

Why are Tesla allowed on the road?

Elon Musk Just Layed Off The Staff Who Believed His Promise They Wouldn’t Be Layed Off

If you’re still working at Twitter you might think the lesson from the Titanic is that promotions were open territory soon after its skipper drove into an iceberg.

Musk fired Crawford last week, as part of yet another round of layoffs at the company — after Musk promised late last year that there would be no more layoffs.

Crawford apparently thought she would coldly benefit from others being pushed into lifeboats, as if a big promotion suddenly was hers if she slept on the deck or complimented the skipper’s pants.

Layoffs instead came for those who foolishly stayed, those believing their CEO promise there would be no layoffs.

First they came for PR and she said nothing, then they came for engineering and again she said nothing, then they came for her…

This CEO is constantly saying things immediately proven false. He uses a classic tactic of permanent improvisation, formerly known as white supremacist dictatorship.

Layoffs are unfortunate, but layoffs soon after layoffs while promising no layoffs… that’s executive malfeasance.