PLTRs_Palantir: Targeted harassment of critics of Palantir

Targeted harassment of critics of Palantir appears to be an organized function driven by right wing extremists posing as investors.

It’s that simple.

More attention should be brought to the situation. These attacks are a symptom of Palantir being a political dragnet for monopolist (fascist) objectives.

First, Palantir doesn’t deliver on what it claims. It fails at even basic intelligence, as I’ve written about before. People quitting Palantir over the years have reached out to me to complain how misled and ashamed they feel for being a part of the bait.

If you doubt Palantir, you’re probably right. In other words, the American company shamelessly built an overpriced and unaccountable “justice” system that tries to paint the world with an overly simplistic good/evil dichotomy.

Second, it’s a proprietary opaque platform designed for data entrapment. Any time or money invested into trying to integrate with it is sunk cost, never recoverable. That’s their hook.

“Every trust in England will be forced to integrate [by Palantir]…” said GP IT consultant and clinical informatics expert Marcus Baw. “This means there has already been significant taxpayer investment…. “Trusts are busy, with limited IT team capacity, so they cannot afford to redo work.”

Third, it is accused of privacy violations as an overbroad dragnet to facilitate right wing political attacks and target critics. That’s the “reel” problem (pun intended)…

“The company is failing to fulfill its human rights responsibilities.”

That was a warning from observers, which proved to be chillingly accurate.

Unidentified police officers in Hesse [using Palantir] accessed the contact details of several politicians and prominent immigrants from official records and shared them with the neo-Nazi group, according to local reports.

In other words, unwitting targets of Palantir sign giant contracts on promise of some knowledge gain only to find out it’s an intentional trap. They lose control of privacy and sensitive data as it goes into use/processing for right-wing political extremism.

Let it sink in for a minute that police in Germany used their Palantir deployment as intelligence to facilitate Nazi groups attacking political opponents.

If that doesn’t give you an accurate enough picture of what Palantir is intending to do, read on for more.

Here’s how one particularly subversive Palantir “investment group” characterizes themselves as taking on the world.

Source: Discord

This group clearly sees Palantir for what it allegedly is meant to be. They say they are “investors” as if they care about quick profit, yet they seem far more interested in abrupt power gains for… a race war.

It helps explain why an “investment group” has such overt political intentions, and why they setup a Twitter account to abuse people — spread hate as their brand in attacking critics.

Source: Twitter

They pattern (arguably in British English) with tired American political attack memes — dog whistles loud enough you don’t have to have dog ears.

“Valinor via Valhalla” is a shout out to right-wing “fascination”. Like the swastika, the origins erode and unfortunately become irrelevant with heavy hate group usage.

This iconography has long held sway in the political sphere. The idea of a tall, strong, blonde-haired and blue-eyed Nordic race was one that came to underpin the Nazis’ Aryan ideal and cemented the subsequent right-wing fascination with the Norsemen. Interestingly, JRR Tolkien, whose Middle-earth draws heavily upon the Sagas and Eddas, admonished “that ruddy little ignoramus Adolf Hitler” for “ruining, misapplying, and making forever accursed, that noble northern spirit.”

You can see this “investment group” operate more like a right-wing hate group as it coughs up “Soros” hairballs.

Source: Twitter
Source: Discord

You might recall how Elon Musk infamously insulted and taunted a disabled member of his staff? Trump mocked disabled people? That insensitivity is another pattern of political extremism, which this “investment group” has turned into a tasteless moniker: “#palantard”

Source: Twitter

As expected, their response to my criticism of Palantir is lacking any intelligence other than naming (see point one above, how Palantir fails at what it promises).

Obviously they name-search for the company, then raise a dog-pile flag to go after any critic by using generic personal attacks as censorship. Get it? Hunt to find targets for public attack based on singular weak identifiers (e.g. critic). Such a good/bad simplistic classifier narrative to mobilize a mob reaction is the literal opposite of intelligence.

A look at their Twitter and Discord accounts, like assessing use of the Palantir platform itself, shows directed and coordinated/targeted harassment for political purposes (power).

They engage in typical Pepe memes, chan language (“chad,” “tard”), and monopolist fantasies (e.g. flashy watches as commodity fetishism of class supremacy, a derivative of Colonialism).

A group pumping out Soros as an insult and playing 2016 Alt Right memes is the face of who really believes in Palantir as a wise investment. That’s not a coincidence.

And perhaps most telling, the “investment group” pleads they can’t be racist or antisemitic because they refer to Palantir’s CEO as their “daddy” (e.g. the flawed “some of my best friends are” defense), which is obviously about as right as them saying that following (Kan)Ye isn’t wrong.

Palantir Aims to Collapse NHS Like Thiel Collapsed SVB

Peter Thiel, reportedly the son of Nazi Germans who left the country to maintain wealth while avoiding guilt and reparations for genocide, has been telling reporters he didn’t believe SVB would fail when he instigated a $50 billion run on the bank that collapsed it in 48 hours.

There are two key lessons here.

One, Thiel has been an unapologetic monopolist who tries to wipe out others’ safety and prosperity for selfish gains… as if he’s trying to live in a game called Monopoly.

An early Monopoly game card design that depicts the wealthy escaping jail

Hearing him say he didn’t believe he would wipe out his targeted opponents is like hearing he didn’t believe he would win at Monopoly (while allegedly doing everything in his power to win by wrecking his opponents, and society in general).

How modest of him… to refuse to accept guilt (a symptom of Nazism).

His conspiracy to drive money from SVB to his own company (Brex) seems to have started around last August. It looks like a coordinated plan that was unleashed late 2022 with intent to abruptly transfer power from regulated institutions and widespread groups into his monopolist hands.

Thiel had primed Brex for direct competition with SVB and, as his bank run picked up volume and velocity, began cruelly marketing success as a huge Brex influx of fear-based deposits.

The icing on this gross monopolist cake was Brex then taunted regulators by claiming they were positioning for the same run but at 10 times SVB (Brex spreads giant VC deposits across nine banks simultaneously). It’s as if threatening worse and worse catastrophe is Thiel’s signature move for why he’s going to be the only winner. Did I mention his family seems to have left Nazi Germany (for South Africa, where they profited from Apartheid) to avoid accepting guilt?

The Monopoly game probably never would have sold in America if they had just been honest and called it fascism.

…monopolies and cartels brought the Nazis to power and [lawyers] warn that rising concentration in the American economy could similarly threaten democracy. …the German experience with Nazism lends support to the idea that extreme concentration of economic power enables extreme concentration of political power.

Apparently openly referring to oneself as a monopolist, while refusing to condemn Nazism, is popular on Wall Street?

Two, anyone doing business with Palantir should evaluate whether they’re in high risk of being targeted from within for huge loss, or they’re being used to facilite societal collapse for Thiel’s personal monopolistic gain. Or both. Those are the choices, unfortunately.

On that point, SVB wasn’t the only giant venerable institution being targeted by the monopolist last summer, if you remember the NHS controversy.

We’re very concerned that this latest move to force more [British] patient data into Palantir has been done with zero public input or consent.

Now it’s being reported more clearly how the same guy who just drove a large public bank collapse into his pockets, also has been on a mission to collapse public healthcare.

…leaked documents reveal that NHS bosses have now ordered a rollout of Palantir software to hospitals across England, in a seeming breach of that promise. The firm has also exploited a weakly regulated ‘revolving door’ in the NHS – poaching at least three former NHS data experts – as it chases the “must-win” contract. One of its recent hires, Indra Joshi, served as head of artificial intelligence for the NHS and helped launch the Covid-19 datastore – the first NHS project to use Foundry – before quitting the health service and joining Palantir in April 2022. Harjeet Dhaliwal, who was previously deputy director of data services at NHS England, joined the firm later that same year. The two ex-NHS staffers joined Paul Howells at Palantir, the company’s “health and care director”, who previously led a national data programme for NHS Wales.

That giant sucking sound is Palantir trying to pull highly regulated data and talent into Thiel’s control. Has there ever been a modern healthcare run and collapse of public service by a monopolist? Perhaps we’ll see one in England.

In related news, the country that knows best the signs of monopolistic ferver (e.g. Nazism) is said to be taking big steps away from the highly dangerous Palantir.

Germany raises red flags about Palantir’s big data dragnet. A court put strict limits on pulling innocent bystanders into big data investigations.

England should be getting its direction from Germany, and not ironically.

The American occupation and organization of laws in Germany after WWII has now put it far ahead of both the UK and even the US on basic public safety, as seen by temperature on Palantir.

Beware the signs of an unrepetant monopolist who works hard to profit from instability and societal collapse while claiming they didn’t believe their final solution would be realized (brazenly refuse to accept guilt).

Source: Palantir CEO warning reporters his company is invasive, destructive and shouldn’t be suceeding

SVB collapse increasingly seems to have been an intentional act by Thiel, and the NHS now appears to be targeted for a similar fate.

Distracted Tesla Driver Hits Pedestrian. Autopilot Being Investigated

One of the giant false promises of Tesla is that it would improve safety by reducing distracted driver risk.

Investigators are now instead asking whether Tesla autopilot marketing is leading drivers to be more distracted than ever.

According to Sgt. Christopher Knox of the North Carolina State Highway Patrol, this was a case of distracted driving. WRAL News asked him if Yee’s Tesla was in autopilot mode, and if that could have played a role.

“We are looking at that,” he said. “That’s not definitive yet. We just believe the driver was distracted. Whether there was an autopilot feature in play or not, that’s something we hope to determine today and in the coming days.”

This tragedy is likely to be more confirmation that expert warnings have been accurate and Tesla has failed to heed them.

MIT researchers released a [2020] study that found that Tesla drivers are more distracted when they use the company’s semi-autonomous Autopilot…

The big fraud of Tesla seems to be getting a lot more attention lately.

A year ago, for instance, 17 percent of potential EV buyers told surveyors at YouGov that their first choice was a Tesla — more than any other brand. Now that number has dropped to 9 percent, outpaced by both Toyota and BMW. That sentiment seems to be turning up in actual sales, too.

Or as one very astute journalist puts it…

According to Consumer Reports, Teslas on Autopilot moved ‘like a drunken or distracted driver.’ …a 2019 independent review by the Quality Control Systems Corporation [stated] that collisions involving airbag deployment in fact likely increased following integration of Autopilot.

A decline in Tesla sales will surely save lives.

Locks? Tesla Owner Gets In Someone Else’s Tesla and Drives Away… Couldn’t Believe It Wasn’t His Car

Let’s be honest. The first problem with this story is that Tesla owners can’t tell apart the Teslas. If you bought a TZero in 2003, or a Tesla in 2013 or 2023 you’d be forgiven for thinking its designers have been the laziest workers in automotive history.

Fun fact: different cars are required to have different license plates. But let’s not go there since we’re talking about Tesla owners who obviously don’t care about details (I mean they wouldn’t have bought a Tesla, eh).

The second problem is that Tesla software allowed owner A to unlock and drive away in owner B’s vehicle. Unlock functionality. That means the app gives the appearance of being a security device based on unique identifiers, which obviously should NEVER have a “collision” for the WRONG car to be unlocked.

It begs basic competence of Tesla engineering and whether someone reading this is about to go to a major airport and single-handedly drive away with any Tesla in the parking lot like Randev.

Randev said he opened the door with his app, got in and even drove off. It wasn’t until he was driving that he realized something wasn’t quite right. “Apparently I found some glitch,” Randev said. When he went to pick up the car, there were two Teslas parked side by side, he explained. […] “I was able to get access, a hold of that person’s car but while I start driving it, I realized there was a crack on the windshield,” he said. So he called his wife to ask why and she did not know. He also noticed his charger was not where he usually had it. [After realizing the problem finally] “I was surprised how I was able to drive someone else’s car, by mistake, for an hour-and-a-half while his car was in his hand,” he added.

He then angrily told his wife to never change the license plate without telling him. Ooops, sorry. I said I wouldn’t go there.

But seriously, this reminds me of an old joke from the country. Alice and Bob can’t tell their sturdy steeds apart so they measure them. Alice discovers her black horse is ten hands tall while Bob says his white horse is eleven hands tall.

The Tesla story goes on to say that the company is so dysfunctional it’s unable to respond to Randev’s concerns about his safety.

Randev said he reached out to Tesla, with the video evidence, but he had some emails bounce back and no one has contacted him so far. Global News also reached out to Tesla multiple times but did not hear back. “The corporate email in North America, it says the mailbox is full,” Randev said.

Talk about lazy. What do Tesla workers even do while they’re not doing their job?

Perhaps Randev should install the Tesla corporate email app and see if it lets him in as administrator? If their mail server is anything like their other “futuristic” BS talk, it probably still has default passwords and zero effort at security.

Related, the type of things Tesla knew when they designed their app:

  • Bad physical entropy: “If you have a car made before 1995 you could be at risk of someone having a twin key to your car.”
  • Bad wireless entropy: “After issues with keyless entry in some vehicles a few years ago, the technology was upgraded [before 2016], making getting into someone else’s car with your remote, pretty hard to do.”
  • Car maker apathy: “Until more concern, publicity and complaints are brought out, this will not be of significant concern for auto manufacturers and they won’t spend the money needed to correct this.”

Tesla is a lazy fraud. Their brand is basically garbage engineering for careless people in a rush who don’t check details.