Tesla Recall Rates Significantly Worse Than Any Other Car Brand

The new iSeeCars recall analysis is unmistakably damning for Tesla.

Industry experts have forever said Elon Musk doesn’t have a clue about making cars, such that his penny-pinching shortcuts put everyone on the road in danger. Now the data confirms such warnings.

First, the author isn’t messing around with dumb symantic games for the word “recall”.

Even though safety recalls that have OTA fixes are more convenient to repair, it should be noted that all safety recalls are issued for the same reason: The NHTSA conducted an analysis of complaints, opened an investigation, and identified a safety-related defect that violates its vehicle safety standards.


Talk about wiping the floor with Tesla. That’s the most direct thrashing I have seen of the asinine suggestion by their CEO that variations in method, timing or place of repair make any difference to any word used to notify owners of the need for repair.

Second, Tesla’s only four models all landed within the top five spots for WORST recall rates.

Over SIXTY safety call backs in 30 years is like the opposite of freedom. SIX ZERO. Who wants to waste their life like this, assuming they can even stay alive, with a car constantly being repaired?

Fix Or Repair Daily was what we used to call the Nazi-loving FORD. Apparently Tesla management loves Nazism even more than that? Oh, and hello Porsche. Did Nazi you.

But seriously, this chart basically shows a Tesla model S that sells the least — dated design that hasn’t been updated in over a decade — ranks best. Later models are significantly worse, suggesting the best of Tesla is long gone, such that any new cars they introduce will be even worse than SIXTY.

Model S 2012
Model X 2015
Model 3 2017
Model Y 2020

Already we see the very late and unsafe half-baked “concept truck” has been banned by regulators for dumb design failures, and the very late half-baked “concept Semi” has screen and brake failures grounding all the first dozen made. Worse and worse.

Third, the author doesn’t mince words on the extremely poor build quality of Tesla being a serious long-term problem.

Most vehicles behave like the Toyota Camry -– most of their recalls are issued when they are first introduced, with a rapid decline after 1-3 years. But some cars, like the Tesla Model S, see a pattern of ongoing recalls, or even an increasing number of recalls, as time passes. Owners of vehicles with that pattern will continue to face recall hassles for years after they acquire their car.”

Tesla is not most vehicles. It’s a far inferior brand according to the data. Regardless of how fixes are delivered, the sheer volume of predicted recalls yet again confirms nobody should buy a Tesla.

Elon Musk recently signed a letter calling for a six-month pause on development of all artificial intelligence technology [while at the same time doing the opposite and starting new projects on] a number of expensive computers from Nvidia in his AI arms race with Google and OpenAI.

Tesla relies on AI, so yeah, stop Tesla development for six months and then never let them restart.

Elon Musk telling everyone to stop AI really because he wants to keep going… to be the first to do the worst things with it, is exactly why America should ban Tesla.

You can’t deny at this point his car is nothing more than an experiment in gross negligence, to see how far fraud can go.

Tesla Driver Beta Get a New Pair of Underpants. FSD 11.3.4 Attempts to Crash Into Oncoming Truck

The screen capture of a video (intersection approach starting at 9:00) shows clearly that Tesla’s bug-riddled software suddenly tries to veer left into the path of an oncoming truck (9:05), even though the route planner next to it has only a forward indicator.

Source: YouTube

If you blinked you might have missed that unexpected blue left arrow… and you’d perhaps then be dead. It’s unmistakable how this driver has less than a second to grab the wheel and force his Tesla back into its proper course and lane (9:06).

Source: YouTube

Why did version ELEVEN of software veer sharp left on a forward route with very obvious oncoming hazards?

Full video:

One theory seems to be after Elon Musk’s 2016 rushed demand that Tesla will depend on radar for safety, followed by Elon Musk’s 2021 rushed demand that Tesla will not use radar at all, he built a toxic culture of quality implosions and caused safety to decline with later models. This is the result of engineers being overruled by an erratic CEO’s “shiny-object” fantasy vision.

…system is randomly too conservative or too aggressive, i.e, can’t map out the surrounding correctly… I trust it as much as I trust R Kelly at a youth group.

The opposite of trust, the inverse of ethics. When you see any Tesla on the road, be prepared for it to assault others unpredictably. It’s a good reminder how society foolishly relies on Tesla drivers knowing, let alone wanting, to be risk adverse.

Twitter Announces Profit Plan Linked to Disasters. Heavy Tax Placed On Public Safety Accounts

The latest regressive Twitter idea is a tax on public safety agencies of nearly $50K per month to continue providing emergency notifications.

On Friday and throughout the weekend, multiple National Weather Service (NWS) accounts announced that Twitter had removed their API access, which would disrupt crucial potentially life-saving automated emergency updates. The move came as Twitter prepares to transition its currently free API service to a paid subscription model starting at an exorbitant $42,000 per month for Enterprise access. […] “Since 2014, NWS has used Twitter’s API service to auto-post the latest warnings for tornadoes, severe thunderstorms, and flash floods to Twitter feeds that are followed by emergency managers, the media, and people in the path of dangerous weather,” the NWS said in its statement.
With Twitter’s new limits, the NWS will be unable to tell which automated emergency alerts go through and which don’t get posted. This will make the NWS Twitter accounts unreliable during weather emergencies. “For every warning issued, seconds could make the difference between life and death,” the statement reads, explaining how the automated emergency alert posts have an advantage over the forecasters who also tweet from the accounts.

People clearly will be killed if they keep depending on the Nazi-infested cesspool of Twitter.

It is shaping up to repeat the tragic levels of death we’ve seen among those who foolishly depended on Tesla.

To put it another way, in 2013 when a Tesla crossed a double-yellow and killed an innocent cyclist, Elon Musk announced abruptly an “autopilot” feature would prevent this crash. Ten years later Teslas crash far more than ever, still crossing double yellow and still killing cyclists. The announcement has all the hallmarks of an Advanced Fee Fraud system that never delivers the things promised to gullible buyers.

It’s worth noting that Elon Musk often leverages fears in the opposite way you might expect. He seems to relish in people worrying about tragedy because he allegedly sees a bunch of suckers he can defraud by forcing them to pay high prices, hooking them with premature announcements and false hope. I wonder if Twitter officers right now are excitedly licking their chops under a diabolical plan of rent seeking on emergency services especially during disasters.

Musk views information systems as coinage, a payment mechanism where he desperately tries to remove governance that inhibits rampant exploitation. He fraudulently calls government, public power as a form of representation, nothing more than a corporation for introducing errors.

That $50K per month tax for public service accounts is thus, for lack of a better word when describing pot-smoking libertarian product ideas… high.

Building a simple replacement for Twitter costs far, far less. Put two or three safety agencies together and you’re looking at Twitter trying to impose an grossly unjustified speech tax of over a million-dollars a year… just so basic text messages can post to a website?

Twitter also has become the kind of website that fewer and fewer people will want to visit, making it a less reliable site with far fewer people that somehow thinks it should inflate cost through the roof.

Interest in joining Twitter has plunged [81%] in the six months since Elon Musk’s takeover

The obvious answer is to leave Twitter with extreme urgency and spend a fraction of Musk’s stupidly high tax on speech for much higher grade public service communications infrastructure.

NWS for example could turn to a simple and elegant Mastodon example set by other public agencies, as it’s become a literal elephant in the room.