Tesla Blows Through Red Light Into Sheriff’s Bus Injuring 13

A while ago now I showed how Tesla vehicles were being designed and trained to ignore traffic laws. We continue to see “pedal pump” evidence to this effect, as reported by annoyed law enforcement cleaning up after predictable disasters.

Today’s news is that yet another Tesla ignored a red light, and hit a very large and obvious bus.

The Sheriff’s Office bus was traveling northbound on Fifth Street when it was struck by a vehicle that had apparently run a red light while heading westbound on I Street, Gandhi said, based on preliminary investigation.

The Tesla ran a red light and crashed into the MIDDLE of a giant white bus in a giant empty intersection. Crashes of Tesla in 2023 reveal worse technology than in 2016, showing a dangerous safety decline from known bad engineering. Calling Tesla’s latest software blind would be unfair to the blind. Source: Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office.

All signs, pun not intended, so far point to Tesla software being at fault.

This comes days after Tesla owners openly boasted that they were excited because the latest software release was now flagrantly ignoring urban traffic rules.

No, It’s Not Amazing That A Tesla Using FSD Blew Through A Crosswalk: Self-driving cars need to follow the law, not break it for convenience.

Tesla. Breaking the law and injuring or killing hundreds for years.

How convenient for them that they make everyone else pay for a privilege of making dumb mistakes without care or caution, even fatal ones.

The situation only is going to get worse with so many Tesla owners, in a nod to criminal intent, buying the vehicle in an attempt to spend their way above the law — expecting industrialized corruption of Tesla to mean they get to drive drunk, run stop signs and red lights.

Every time Tesla says they are “learning from mistakes” I want you to imagine a known violent offender saying that. Are they just wicked robots learning how to commit more and worse crimes?

Runaway Tesla Nearly Mowed Down Bystanders in NYC

Hey, ChatGPT what do you think?

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Twitter CEO Openly Calls For Censorship

Twitter censors more speech and faster now than before it was taken over by Elon Musk.

Musk is often happy to follow foreign governments’ requests to crack down on users they oppose (which is absolutely not “par for the course for all internet companies,” no matter what he may claim).

This didn’t take long, I guess.

Source: Twitter

Evidence of censorship was already… exploding.

Source: Twitter

Explanation? Here’s an obvious one.

The mogul’s treatment of union organizers and whistleblowers suggested that “free-speech absolutism” was mostly code for a high tolerance for bigotry toward particular groups, a smoke screen that obscured an obvious hostility toward any speech that threatened his ability to make money.

Absolutely horrible, Twitter is now nothing more than a tinpot African dictator platform. Reading tweets is increasingly like going backwards in time to tune into racist 1990s apartheid news on the radio.

Tesla Lawyers Tell Customers in US Cities to Stop Paying For Their Cars

The CEO of Twitter recently has been running a heavy handed PR campaign spreading hate speech to make American cities look bad.

His lawyers, in a truly bizarre twist of logic, now want Tesla customers to stop paying for their cars if they live in a city (they dislike for any reason, or no reason at all).

…lawyer Alex Spiro reportedly “loudly opined that it was unreasonable… to pay… since San Francisco was a s— hole,” and Musk himself said “he would only pay… over his dead body.”

Imagine the mind of a person who says they will only pay if they’re dead.

Clearly a genius at work there, since Tesla software reportedly is designed to kill new owners almost immediately after buying the car.

But now there’s a loophole that every dead Tesla owner will want in their will. Plot twist!

The big fancy lawyers of Tesla have clearly announced nobody should pay for things, anything, when they live in a city.

Did you hear that Tesla owners? Move to a city and you don’t have to pay for your car, even when it kills you before you kill others!

Something tells me people living in a city are too modest to want to own a s- hole Tesla that tries to kill you and everyone around you. They don’t really even want to own cars. Even a free early death is still early death, if you see the problem.

Perhaps that’s the real story here.

Tesla rapidly is losing market share and cities are no exception (as residents read about suburban owners being burned alive, their houses destroyed, by design flaws). The CEO is using his Digital Dearborn Independent as a vehicle to unleash tired hate speech without fear it will impact sales.

Or even more to the point, he doesn’t care about sales. He cares about attention. Political attention.

In fact, the less Tesla sells (repeat customers hard to find if they keep dying abruptly), the more hate speech Twitter will foment as their new business model or even political platform.

Don’t need to sell cars if the business shifts to a 1930s sentiment of trying to get paid to monopolize violence… like how GOP politician Kris Kobach wrote his Harvard thesis promoting South African Apartheid as a great business model for white men.

Has Twitter hired Tucker “it’s the birth rates” Carlson yet to promote racist talking points? Or has he been burned to death already after someone put him in a Tesla? So much death, so little news about who and why.

Come to think of it, Tesla’s CEO loudly complaining with Carlson that Hitler was right and women should be forced into birthing, while he is selling cars that seriously decline the population… seems very much the warning nobody should overlook.

From the 1920s through the 1980s a major talking point of white nationalists (e.g. Prime Minister Hertzog) in South Africa was population decline (e.g. “replacement theory” or “swamping”) despite the country at the time experiencing a population surge.

Guess who has two thumbs, whines constantly about bogus population decline theory, and originally is from 1980s South Africa? The Tesla CEO telling Twitter lawyers dumb things to say. His antics seem more and more out of date the more he talks, just like an old “verlig-verkrampstryd“.

ChatGPT, given your weirdly close relationship with Tesla money based on withheld payments, what do you think?

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Veered Tesla on Interstate Kills 3 Out of 9 in Family SUV

Recently I wrote about a tragic crash from a Tesla suddenly swerving and launching like a missile into a large truck in the adjacent lane.

I suspected a new software bug in Tesla’s notoriously unsafe ADAS. It probably should have grounded all Tesla immediately like the Boeing 737-MAX fiasco.

Unlike a human driver error isolated to an individual case, Tesla pushes dangerous software updates to millions of cars running a notoriously unsafe platform. Literally millions of people can be in immediate danger.

Alas, a similar accident is now being reported, which killed multiple members of a family traveling together in a large SUV.

Two girls and a woman were killed and three other children and a teenager suffered major injuries Sunday morning in a collision on the eastbound 10 Freeway near Palm Springs, the California Highway Patrol said. […] The people who died were girls ages 8 and 12 and a 31-year-old woman. The four surviving children — girls ages 3 and 11, and boys 7 and 15 — had major injuries. The 39-year-old driver had moderate injuries and the 41-year-old right front passenger had minor injuries, Montez said. The occupants of the Suburban included parents, their children and some cousins

There is not enough evidence yet to rule out Tesla’s ADAS as primary cause of the accident. However, Tesla in early 2016 openly boasted (falsely) it had achieved “collision avoidance” capabilities that now seem to be inverted and getting worse — Tesla may be increasingly confused, targeting and killing people around them.

The collision was reported at about 7:24 a.m. west of Haugen-Lehmann Way in the Whitewater area. Results from the preliminary investigation suggest that the Suburban was in the No. 2 lane and the Tesla, driven by a 31-year-old male resident of Indio, was in the No. 3 lane when for unknown reasons they collided. The driver of the Suburban lost control and crashed into the center divider, Montez said.

That entire paragraph about “unknown reasons for colliding” should have been impossible for the two vehicles travelling adjacent on a highway, if Tesla marketing is to be believed.

Tesla’s rush to prematurely advertise “collision avoidance” must not only come under long-overdue strict scrutiny, but also be investigated for leading to the exact opposite conclusion — causing fatal collisions.