Tesla Used as Murder Weapon in Hit-and-Run

Police say they were able to track down the two men in hiding who had used a Tesla to murder a woman.

Sheriff’s deputies responded to the intersection of Rosecrans and Dunrobin Avenues in Bellflower at 9:40 p.m. regarding a two-vehicle collision with reported multiple injuries. Deputies arrived to find a black BMW sedan that appeared to have been T-Boned in the intersection by a Tesla. At least one female in the BMW sedan was trapped and unresponsive. Firefighters from the Los Angeles County Fire Department arrived and determined the female deceased at the scene.

Source: Google StreetView

Twitter’s Right Wing Extremist Bias Exposed

Newly released evidence makes it clear again (as discussed here before) that Twitter management long favored spreading extremist right wing content.

In early January 2021 they published dangerous anti-democratic violent incitement, rejecting internal safety warnings and fear about harm:

Do we have to wait for violence — someone getting shot?

In an interesting twist, former Twitter staff have taken jobs as government regulators with the ability to issue fines for hate speech.

In a Thursday press statement, the watchdog agency says it has received more hate complaints regarding Twitter than any other online platform in the past year, and that reports of abuse on Twitter have multiplied since the beginning of Musk’s reign…

Police Charge Tesla Autopilot With “Careless” Driving

An 18 year old from Michigan just crashed into the back of a traffic control vehicle, proving once again that Tesla’s low quality “Autopilot” robot is less safe than a human driver.

A Tesla on autopilot crashed into a work truck providing traffic control on the Pennsylvania Turnpike in Allegheny County, state police said.

David Clough, 18, of Kalamazoo, Mich., was not injured when his 2016 Tesla struck the rear of a parked 2007 Freightliner late Friday, according to a state police report.

Who can forget January 2016 when a young driver named Gao Yaning died after Tesla “Autopilot” crashed him into the back of a service vehicle?

Texas police officers are suing Tesla on a principle it “over serves” intoxicating information to car owners, which (like over serving alcohol) makes the company as liable as a bar or bartender for crashes.

A few months later in April 2016 the Tesla CEO very fraudulently suggested on Twitter that “Autopilot” provided a collision avoidance system.

Then Joshua Brown was killed two weeks after that by trusting his Tesla “Autopilot” when it crashed him broadside into a giant truck.

The Tesla CEO applied even more disinformation tactics in response, intentional deceit, to escape liability. This led directly to Jeremy Banner’s death with almost identical conditions to Joshua Brown.

Tesla didn’t fix an Autopilot problem for three years, and now another person is dead.

By 2021, when yet another Tesla drove under a truck’s trailer at high speed, the NHTSA finally dispatched a special investigation team more readily.

Tesla’s strategy then and until now has been to destroy truth, flood the market with future-leaning outrageous lies.

“Autonomous driving is a solved problem,” he declared, onstage with Kara Swisher and Walt Mossberg. Highways were now “relatively easy” to navigate using the technology, he continued. Incredibly, he claimed, the Tesla Model X “can drive autonomously with greater safety than a person right now.”

Absolutely not true in 2016 but, far more importantly, less true today. Why? Fraud.

He talked about electric cars. I don’t know anything about cars, so when people said he was a genius I figured he must be a genius.

Then he talked about rockets. I don’t know anything about rockets, so when people said he was a genius I figured he must be a genius.

Now he talks about software. I happen to know a lot about software & Elon Musk is saying the stupidest shit I’ve ever heard anyone say, so when people say he’s a genius I figure I should stay the hell away from his cars and rockets.

This is what disinformation looks like: intentionally misleading information pushed in 2021 that is very provably false.

Source: Twitter

Note the totally immoral claim to be the “first vehicles to actively protect first responders”, made in response to lawsuits filed by the first responders citing dozens of Tesla crashes into them. We see today Tesla still are not detecting emergency vehicle lights, and still aren’t reducing speed automatically. They lied, cynically and cruelly.

People buying and driving Tesla don’t understand the fraud. That is why a 2023 crash by “Autopilot” on a Pennsylvania highway into a service vehicle is possible seven years after Tesla called it a solved problem and two years after Tesla said they had just solved the problem (wrong, again).

Tesla engineering practices are so poor, the technology has been getting worse and worse over time as far too few owners now realize. They still wonder about something now that should have been obvious to them back in 2016.

More people are dying in more Tesla crashes because they trusted the continuous lies about “Autopilot”. Tesla fundamentally is less safe as time goes on because their lies can only get bigger, like any ponzi scheme.

It is now June 2023 and we have to witness Tesla “Autopilot” completely ignore stop signs at full speed. See here (video of 55 mph night drive) and here. Despite eight tests Tesla failed every single time to recognize a stop sign.

Police have to live this awful reality, faced with a fast growing list of people killed by Tesla design flaws. Finally they have officially cited the use of Tesla products as “careless“.

Clough was cited with careless driving, state police said.

In February, the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration said that nearly 363,000 Tesla models were being recalled because their self-driving beta software could make them exceed speed limits or travel through intersections in an “unpredictable manner.”

He’s lucky he’s not dead, and even more lucky he didn’t kill or injure public servants working to make the road safer for everyone.

A 300K recall is not nearly enough, when you realize it’s for Tesla ignoring traffic control signs… by design. Tesla has been caught writing software to intentionally disregard law and order, while claiming they will be the best at obeying.

There’s a clear precedent for this kind of deceit. “Unpredictable manner” of behavior is what used to be known as permanent improvisation, or in other words… the hallmark of fascism.

Really the problem is with every Tesla on the road because they all disregard human life. The product is little more than a dangerous fraud, made by a careless company that intentionally makes roads far less safe.

The U.S. government has opened a formal investigation into Tesla’s Autopilot partially automated driving system after a series of collisions with parked emergency vehicles.

The investigation covers 765,000 vehicles, almost everything that Tesla has sold in the U.S. since the start of the 2014 model year.

Nissan, for example, has reported over 600,000 cars have Pilot Assist software (comparable or even more capable than Tesla) yet they had zero crashes to report.

ZERO crashes.

Tesla has reported nearly 800 crashes just in the last couple years, including over 35 fatalities.

Tesla is the worst engineered vehicle on the road, by far. Source: Washington Post

And perhaps most notably, this latest crash is the same AI failure as in 2016, so it’s proof the company lies. Tesla’s shameless spin doctors covered up two immediate robot deaths by fraudulently claiming they could soon eliminate all crashes, and the result has been seven years of unnecessary tragedy.

Source: Disinformation History

Disinformation History

It was a pleasure and an honor to present “Disinformation history and what it means for the future of AI” at the Tech Discovery Conference this month. Here are the slides again (PDF) for your reading convenience.

Spoiler Alert: Pre-WWI America pioneered centralized government disinformation tactics that Germany and Russia learned about and from. Click to expand full talk.