2023 Tesla FSD Still Runs Red Lights, Drawing AG and DOJ Attention

For a long time now I’ve written here about Tesla’s failure to stop at red lights.

Florida police seem to describe the problem like a traffic pandemic, due to sudden rise in Tesla crashes they see every week.

Now the AG and DOJ allegedly are taking notice of a brand new video by an ex-Tesla AI staff member demonstrating Tesla safety failures are as bad as ever in 2023 if not getting worse.

Very clearly the Tesla drives through a solid red light. And very clearly the whole advertising campaign of FSD centered on the ability to react properly to signs and lights.

California‘s attorney general’s office followed up with Wester during the second quarter of 2023 to interview him regarding the complaint filed with the FTC [that he was misled by FSD marketing]. Additionally, the office’s consumer protection division this month sought information from a former unnamed Tesla employee who worked on the FSD program for an “unspecified but active investigation” into Tesla, according to the CNBC report. […] Full Self Driving is billed as a more advanced technology that supposedly can stop for stoplights and stop signs and make turns at intersections.

Billed? Yeah, advertised. And yet, as technology quality expert Dan O’Dowd just wrote in a letter to Congress, FSD is extremely likely to be proven a total fraud.

Under current law, there are no restrictions to placing any technology in vehicles, no matter how dangerous that technology may be.

CA Tesla “Veered” Off Highway Into Empty Campsite

An early morning Tesla, which usually suggests someone asleep at the wheel abusing their “Autopilot”, veered off a highway and crashed into an empty campsite.

In the early hours of the morning on July 27, a Tesla veered off the westbound lanes of the 10 freeway near the National exit in Palms, careening down an embankment and landing in an encampment at approximately 2:20 a.m.

Three individuals had to be extricated from the vehicle, and two were subsequently transported to a medical facility in fair condition.

Speculation is that the campsite would have suffered a mass casualty event, had it not been empty.

NC Tesla Kills One in Yet Another “Veered” Crash Into Trees

Tesla continue to “abruptly veer” their occupants fatally into trees, poles and other cars.

The fraud of “Autopilot” is suspected in a new NC crash, from a combination of hardware and software design defects.

Jillian Daly was operating her 2020 Tesla Model Y north on Westridge Road, according to the news release. She drove through the southbound lanes and off the roadway to the left, police said. The vehicle struck two large trees.

Daly was taken to the hospital with life-threatening injuries and died on Tuesday.

The news says she was operating the car before she inexplicably drove it into the trees, perhaps a subtle clue from investigators. Exiting a curbed and quiet Westridge Road in Greensboro at 9:30 am suggests someone alert yet under pressure — distracted morning commuter or shopper on mission — not sleeping or night racing.

And the two large trees probably saved lives by preventing this Tesla from crashing and exploding inside someone’s house instead.

Source: Google Maps
Source: Google Streetview

On that note the crash report reads to me like several other recent Autopilot disasters, including NY, FL, TX and CA. How many more “fans” of Tesla have to die like this?

What we know for certain is that Tesla after Tesla has suddenly killed people in “veered” circumstances. Some actually live to tell what it was like to have the Tesla robot try to murder them, such as a Michigan woman or, an Aussie man or a Californian man.

The car is basically an explosive loitering munition dumped into public use with faulty parts and bad code. The more Tesla on the road, the more disasters and death, with a direct causation unlike any other vehicle.

Source: Tesladeaths.com

TX Tesla Murdered a Security Professional Nobody is Talking About

Recently, there was significant media attention surrounding a tragic incident involving a very wealthy woman and her daughter from Silicon Valley. They abruptly and mysteriously lost their lives when their Tesla suddenly “veered” into a tree and caught fire. The members of family who survived because they weren’t in a Tesla put up a gofundme page and raised $50K or more within days allegedly just for funeral costs.

What strikes me as peculiar is the emergence of a “Tesla community” that insisted on shaping the narrative and raising funds for the surviving family of the victims. It seems that if you own a Tesla, there is an expectation that fellow Tesla owners will express concern and support if such a tragedy occurs. This behavior resembles a clique or exclusive group, as they purposefully create harmful outcomes to society and then overlook the plight of others not part of their coin-operated community.

On the contrary, it appears that Tesla owners show little attention when a Tesla is involved in a fatal accident that claims the life of someone outside the car, particularly pedestrians.

A recent lawsuit illustrates this discrepancy clearly. The lawsuit reports a tragic and avoidable incident in 2020 where Mark Douglas Taylor experienced an attempted murder in Texas, allegedly as a result of Tesla’s poorly-engineered “Autopilot” feature. Taylor passed away after 16 months of intensive hospital care and costs, having become a quadriplegic and unable to recover from the attack. However, there was no comparable response from the “Tesla community” as seen in the Silicon Valley incident where the car owner was quickly suffocated and burned to death in her own vehicle explosion.

#Let’sGoMarkTaylor. $6,315 USD raised of $65,000 goal. 49 donations


One fine morning in June 2020, as he was taking out the trash in front of his Dallas, TX, home, Mark Taylor, the 46-yr-old entrepreneur and married father of 3 teenagers, was run down by a man engrossed with his phone, trusting that his “self-driving” Tesla wouldn’t destroy any lives that day.

Mark survived 16 months, having gone through the hell of being struck by a Tesla at 45+mph as he was walking away from the trash cans on the street in front of his house, sustaining a grossly severe traumatic brain injury and body-wide catastrophic injuries that rendered him a severely brain-damaged quadriplegic unable to speak or communicate.