DE Tesla Kills One in “Veered” Crash Into Tree: German Press Questions Lack of ACN

It’s hard to say whether the victim of a Tesla crash would have survived, given the force of his “veered” impact with a tree, but the German press drops an important hidden lede in their report.

Offensichtlich wird im Tesla kein automatischer Crash-Notruf ausgelöst, der die nächstgelegene Polizeidienststelle alarmiert.

In other words…

Apparently, no automatic crash emergency call is triggered in the Tesla to alert the nearest police station.

The driver lay dying in the car on a country road until other cars passed by and called in the accident (meaning there was sufficient cell coverage). By then, the report says, attempts to save the Tesla driver’s life were hopeless.

This would not not be the case with other cars in Europe, which is only implied by the reporter without being said. Porsche, for example, allegedly had its fatality rate drop to zero after it engineered an advanced automatic crash notification system.

Most new cars feature built-in technology that can automatically call for help in an emergency and give the precise location of the vehicle, even if drivers are unable to do so themselves. Called automatic crash notification, or ACN, it uses a car’s built-in cellular connection or a paired phone to immediately alert first responders of a crash. (If your vehicle has such a system, you’ll probably also see a red SOS button somewhere on the ceiling near the rearview mirror that lets you call for help manually.) The technology has been in widespread use in the U.S. since OnStar debuted in 1996, and it’s now mandatory in all new cars sold in most of Europe.

Mandatory in new cars sold in Europe?

And yet, Tesla either doesn’t have one or it wasn’t reliable enough for their typical crash into a tree.

Source: Tesla Owner’s Manual

300,000 New Teslas Investigated for “Veered” Critical Failure of Steering Control

I really fail to understand why anyone would buy a new Tesla. But because they do, we have TechCrunch news like this.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is investigating 280,000 Tesla vehicles over reports of loss of steering control and power steering. The malfunctioning has frequently been accompanied by driver-facing messages indicating that power steering assist is reduced or disabled, according to the report.

The preliminary evaluation into 2023 Model 3 and Model Y vehicles comes after regulators received 12 complaints from owners…

It’s actually worse than it sounds.

Model 3 driver reported in May the “car steering felt stuck and slid off the road which resulted in crashing into a tree.”

All the new Tesla being rushed to market, literally delivered in the last month or so, already have produced over a dozen critical safety failure complaints including the car steering malfunctioning into a crash with a tree.

At what point does the government have an obligation to order Tesla to stop sales, or even production?

It reminds me of the guy who was almost immediately killed in a suspicious intersection crash after he took delivery of a new Tesla. And also reminds me of the two guys burned alive in front of their friends, after Tesla suddenly steered into a tree.

Tesla safety is so abnormally abysmal, it makes any and all the other car manufacturers look like they actually care about human lives.

Related: multiple Tesla owners around America have been dying from recent sudden “veered” crashes into trees.

Tesla “worst driver monitor system on market. Last place … useless”

With no human driver, due to design flaws in detection systems, this is a screengrab of a Tesla’s final seconds before its “full self-driving” software runs over an obvious child mannequin on the road. Source: Los Angeles Times

I noticed a lot of great safety engineering analysis in this new investigation by the Los Angeles Times.

…since 2021, at least 23 people have died in crashes involving Autopilot or Full Self-Driving systems. That tally comes from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, which also reports 840 Autopilot/FSD-related crashes over the same period.


Tesla’s monitoring system is simple compared with others on the market. Tesla uses only a camera, while most of the others add infrared sensors that allow for a more sophisticated analysis of subtle behaviors such as gaze and head movement.

Colin Barndem, who follows the driver monitoring market for Semicast Research in London, said he ranks Tesla’s system “as the worst driver monitor system on the market. Last place … with no infrared illumination, it’s as close as possible to useless.”

The U.S. doesn’t set standards for driver monitoring systems, although NHTSA is researching the issue. Barndem notes that Europe already has such standards in place, and that “the U.S. is five years behind Europe.”

“NHTSA’s goal is to save lives,” Barndem said. “If they’re not going to follow the European example and set minimum standards, [loss of life] is what’s going to happen.”

Is Coca-Cola The Most Racist Company in American History?

It’s a dubious title, yet it seems Twitter and Tesla are trying to dethrone Coca-Cola as the most racist American brand.

Just a few years ago you may rember this little number:

…largest race employment discrimination class action settlement in the nation’s history.

Coca-Cola, like Tesla, had been charged with egregiously awful racism. Unlike Tesla (which says it would rather fight to the end and die in a “blaze of glory“) Coca-Cola settled on $192M to cover missing back pay to avoid being found guilty of missing back pay.

The monetary settlement in this case was in the amount of $192 million. The majority of this money went to repay employees for lost earnings and non-wage-related damages.

Sadly the famous beverage company has been very racist for a very, very long time, and sometimes even overtly in a political power-grab. Will it change now because of lawsuits? Is it on any kind of path towards becoming a respectable beverage company, instead of spreading a “classic” hate formula?

And I don’t just mean Coke management was putting white boots on Black necks after WWII.

1951 Nebraska anti-racist campaign. “We discovered the problem wasn’t uplifting the Black community. The problem was getting the white community to get their feet off of the Black necks.” Source: Matt Holland

I mean Coke management seems to have really, truly loved Hitler’s racism, like really really loved that guy and bet on him big-time.

Put more bluntly, Coke was made for white people.

Coca-Cola collaborated with the Nazis, really, really closely. Coke was the official sponsor of major propaganda events for Hitler, such as the 1936 Olympics in Berlin.

[After the sudden unexpected death of American-born Ray Powers, the German-born Max] Keith took steps to identify Coke with Nazism, including sending sales teams to mass patriotic events. “As young men goose-stepped in formation at Hitler Youth rallies,” writes Pendergrast, “Coca-Cola trucks accompanied the marchers, hoping to capture the next generation.”

Max Keith was known for his unrepentant coin-operated lies, working hard to convince Germans that it was invented by Nazis so they would drink it. He even suggested to the American company they fire Jews to prevent any association to what he had forcefully branded a Nazi drink.

When told by Allied forces to stop doing business with racists, Coca-Cola pivoted hard. The Aryan “Fantasie” brand (Fanta for short) was born under Keith to keep racist profit dreams alive. Not just lies for profit, not just promotion of Nazism, he locked himself and his hidden employer into secretly collaborating with genocide.

Using “Genozid Fantasie” would have been too obvious as a brand name, and they couldn’t be caught selling Coca-Cola to Nazis trying to kill Americans, so Fanta became Coke’s official and sanctioned answer to how to keep running their 43 bottling plants and 600 distributors under Nazi control.

Fanta was a mix of industrial food byproducts (apple waste, milk waste) marketed to Nazis as a healthy fruit drink. Fanta was short for “fantasy” because Coca-Cola liked how Nazism always was about swallowing lies.

Profits surged, money made from extending WWII by directly feeding Nazi command and control supplied. Moreover, profits after the war ended surge again. Coca-Cola blandly pretended all the guilt-ridden production facilities for genocide were totally legit to operate without stop (ok to flip sides) while everyone else who refused to serve Nazis, or were punished, had to completely restart and rebuild.

“I don’t think anyone [at Coca-Cola] cared that [Fanta] had roots inside of Nazi Germany,” says Pendergrast, “I think they thought no one would pay attention.”

Coca-Cola loves it when people don’t pay attention to their racism. That’s exactly how they get away with it, sometimes right out in the open.

After the NSDAP formed in 1920, incorporating late-1800s use of anti-Semitic swastikas as their symbol, the Nazis fired heavy doses of propaganda into the United States. Given the rise of the “Second Klan” had started from the top as “America First” under President Woodrow Wilson, the country had become fertile ground for white nationalist hate groups. No surprise then by 1933 big-time Nazi-agents William Dudley Pelley had created the Silver Shirt Legion of America and Heinz Spanknöbel built the Friends of New Germany.

Allegedly it was Milwaukee management for the beverage company, famous for their pre-war racist politics such as Silver Shirt and America First rallies, that came up with swastika Coca-Cola memorabilia to promote American racism.

Racists made a Coca-Cola swastika to boost racist consumer retention. How racist. I guarantee they thought no one would pay attention, and never expected Americans in 2023 to go around saying the swastika was just some generic symbol of luck.

Again, for the hundredth time, Nazis believed luck only went to the Aryans because it was unlucky to not have a swastika (e.g. Jews). They appropriated the symbol after 1871 as a connection from Indian culture claiming it proved Aryan race supremacy as well as racial exclusion… as a fraudulent story about luck.

“How lucky to be white” expressed by the swastika since the late 1800s is NOT actually a symbol of generic luck, it’s just plain racism. Let me put it like this to be clear:


This became far more well known by the 1930s when Hitler took the swastika out of crazy fringe hate group meetings to be his symbol of a racist government, but I assure you it was true for at least 40 years prior (otherwise Hitler wouldn’t have used it, just like the red/white/black colors of 1871).

Did I mention how much these racists running Coca-Cola truly aligned with Hitler?

Coca-Cola just pulled [support for the 2015 “make America great again” political campaign] ad suggesting that Nazi Germany was ‘Good Old Times’

That incident came shortly after this one.

…the official Coca-Cola account tweet “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children.”

And long before this one.

Tesla and Twitter clearly have some big shoes to fill with their current allegations of mistreatment of workers, let alone humanity.

Maybe Twitter recently changing their logo to an “X” is just their way of saying Coca-Cola shouldn’t be known as the most Hitler-loving American company.