Unsafe Copy of Signal App Used to Spy on Ethnic Minorities

ESET reports the app went undetected in the Google Play store for a year:

The malicious Signal Plus Messenger app was initially uploaded to Google Play on July 7th, 2022, and it managed to get installed more than a hundred times. […] Based on code similarities, we can assign Signal Plus Messenger and FlyGram to the BadBazaar malware family, which has been previously used against Uyghurs and other Turkic ethnic minorities outside of China.

“Dodgy” French Flight Plan Data Blamed for Halting All UK Air Traffic

Integrity breaches are on track to be regulated if things like this keep happening.

Nearly 2,000 UK flights were cancelled affecting around a quarter-million passengers. Software error is being blamed.

Very annoyed British reporters are very annoyed with British air travel systems lacking more capable integrity controls that would prevent this availability failure.

Several sources told me that a French airline filed a dodgy flight plan that made no digital sense. Later on Tuesday, the Nats chief executive, Martin Rolfe, appeared to confirm reports that a rogue submission was responsible for the calamitous shutdown.

In a statement, the CEO indicated the organisation’s complex IT system defaulted to fail-safe mode when presented with anomalous data.

Mr Rolfe said: “Our systems, both primary and the back-ups, responded by suspending automatic processing to ensure that no incorrect safety-related information could be presented to an air traffic controller or impact the rest of the air traffic system.”

Surely the Nats system should automatically have identified an anomaly and spat out the plan, saying “try again”? Yet instead, the flight plan was ingested and set in train a shutdown of the entire system.


I love that odd phrase “no digital sense”.

As in: this analog record of Paris cool jazz is so good, yo daddy oh, but you cats can’t have it online in London because it makes no digital sense. Yeah, man. Not even on CD. Do woo be boo bop. It will set in train a shutdown of your entire listening system. You dig?

Henri Renaud: Sextius Label: Vogue EPL 7177 7″ EP 1954 Photo: Jean-Pierre Leloir

Would the UK even exist if it didn’t have a history of accepting dodgy things from France?

But I digress… In actual fact, French passengers are constantly screened by the Brits to be safe and are allegedly rejected based on dodgy anomaly, why not French flight plans?

Easy, right?

And on that blue note, I wonder how the reporter would feel if flight plan capacity suddenly was halved by onerous screening requirements, or massive amounts of flights were shutdown by screening errors.

ID Tesla Kills Four in “Veered” Head-on Crash Into Truck

Yet another brand new Tesla in yet another “veered” head-on collision.

ISP says the crash occurred when a 2022 Tesla driven by a 46-year-old Mantua, Utah woman heading eastbound on State Highway 33 just west of Driggs crossed the center line and collided head-on with a 2007 Kenworth commercial vehicle…

Eastbound on Highway 33, just west of Driggs, Idaho. Lane markings are weak. Source: Google Maps

All four passengers in the Tesla including a child were killed.

Instead of software suicide by “veering” into a tree, or under a truck, this Tesla ran the head-on-into-opposite-lane routine. Who can forget just a year ago

Capt. Steve Biakanja’s children — his 14-year-old twin daughters Leigh and Lucy, and his 12-year-old son Ben — and his ex-wife, 53-year-old Lisa Biakanja, were returning home after a day at Casa de Fruta, KSBW reported. They were all killed at the scene when the vehicle swerved from the westbound lane of Highway 156 into the eastbound lane over solid double yellow lines, colliding with a tractor-trailer, the California Highway Patrol said.

And there have been many more similar cases since, such as tragedy in Tahoe the NHTSA has just highlighted, or this guy’s story.

Fred Lambert, a noted Tesla enthusiast and editor-in-chief of the electric vehicle blog Electrek… submitted a bug report to Tesla: “Autopilot just tried to kill me, so please fix it.” He seems to think this is a problem arising from FSD’s latest updates, what he describes as a “new aggressive bug.” That may be true, as Tesla has had to roll back crash-causing updates in the past…

Crash-causing aggressive bugs. New and worse. As in DO NOT get in or be around a Tesla. The NHTSA has just sent a letter demanding to know exactly where and when the cars ignore basic safety rules by design.

A Tesla officer has to respond to the letter under oath by Aug. 25 or the agency will refer the matter to the Justice Department, which can seek a maximum penalty of more than $131 million.

Let that sink in for a minute. $131 million sounds big but no amount of penalty money will bring back all the people killed by a “veered” Tesla.

An abrupt “veer” across yellow lines at night into the headlights of a giant truck immediately suggests “Autopilot” fraud let alone a “FSD” fraud expansion, as described by those who dare to enable the software. It’s especially suspect on a clear and dry (0.08″ precipitation, 50F low) Idaho highway at 10pm, given it fits the pattern.

While it is still early to say whether hardware, software or both are to blame, police reports ponder over yet another middle-aged woman in a Tesla suddenly “veering” at high speed with children to sudden death. There seems here to be more tragic evidence of Tesla’s fatally defective designs.

Paris Overwhelmingly Votes to Ban ALL e-scooters

The concept of e-scooters is as old as electric cars, with clear evidence going back to the early 1900s.

Source: Smithsonian. “Autoped Girl by Everett Shinn, in Puck, 1916”

It’s worth pointing history out because if anyone ever really thought e-scooters were a good idea, there would have been evidence of them in Paris for 100 years already surviving tests, like the metro lines.

Alas, no e-scooters are associated with Paris history because… they are a bad idea.

…the problem may have had to do with the need for the device, which was more expensive than a bicycle but didn’t offer the seated comfort of a motorcycle.

Cost, comfort and safety.

Short stop momentum and falling off a stand-up scooter makes sense only when you are 12 or younger.

There’s a tendency of young men (and increasingly women) in America to raise hundreds of millions of dollars for a really, awful bad idea and think this alone makes it turn into a good one.

It’s the Wall Street “if people pay, it must be ok” moral code.

Fortunately the world isn’t as shallow and coin operated. And if more Americans studied history, they would have quite easily predicted how Uber, Lyft, Lime, Tier, Bolt, Bird… and all these ignorant new companies expensively rehashing very, very old concepts would not suddenly have a different outcome.

So here we are looking at 90% of people in Paris voting to ban the annoyingly ill-concieved and pathetically implemented e-scooters.

From September 1, e-scooters will be banned in Paris. As a result, 15,000 vehicles will need to be collected from the streets and squares of the French capital.

Other cities in Europe are now afraid that the heavy sidewalk-blocking garbage e-scooters removed from Paris could end up fouling their environments instead.

Bottom line, e-scooters failed to account for even basic transit design/risks and never should have been so aggressively funded.

Lime clearly operated as a crime,
while Bird landed like a turd.
No cheer was given to Tier in time,
but Bolt ended up in revolt.


In Lime’s transgressions, ugly shadows apace,
Bird’s descending, a tarnished grace,
Tier’s sucking, a silent space,
Bolt’s revolting, a lack of embrace.


In Lime’s transgressions, shadows near,
Bird descends, grace marred, I fear,
Tier’s absence, silence draws its lace,
Bolt’s revolt, devoid of love’s embrace.