Police Use Court Order to Tow Tesla to Download Camera Data

As reported by the San Francisco Chronicle, police requested a warrant and towed a Tesla to acquire its camera data.

I know that Tesla vehicles contain external surveillance cameras in order to protect their drivers from theft and/or liability in accidents. Based on this information, I respectfully request that a warrant is authorized to seize this vehicle from the La Quinta Inn parking lot, so this vehicle’s surveillance footage may be searched via an additional search warrant at a secure location.

Finally these cars are worth something.

The other suggestion I’ve heard lately in San Francisco is for parked Tesla to leave open the sunroof so local residents can fill with garbage, like a shiny dumpster. Once full, Tesla garbage cars then drive themselves to the dump.

Brazil Drops the Hammer: Tesla Booked Repairs as New Car Sales… and Other Fraud Horror Tales

It’s almost Halloween again, time for scary spooky stories.

The extensive list of allegations of Tesla fraud is expanding. Here’s a good example of someone trying to keep up with the horror show:

231—233—Booking the Same Car as a Sale Multiple Times: Tesla’s internal data shows that they booked cars returned for repairs as “new sales” upon returning the fixed car to its owner. This was possibly done because they saved money by cutting costs during the Model 3 “production hell” and wanted to make more profits by re-booking the same car as a “sale”. I’ve seen self-registration scandals before, but this is absurd in this day and time.

In related news Elon Musk is using Twitter to tell everyone to break laws at great personal risk to themselves and society for his financial benefit.

When the Brazilian court ordered his defective product banned, he Tweeted this:

Clearly, Musk is trying to undermine Brazil, unlike his recent big Turkey talk.

He’s not fooling anyone. His well-documented political abuse and censorship pushes society towards dictatorships.

Elon Musk calls himself a “free speech absolutist” but has accepted over 80% of censorship requests from authoritarian governments.

The Brazilians are now celebrating the government’s ban of fElon Musk, with wild demonstrations in support of defeating a billionaire fascist threat to their national security.

The impact will be broad, as Portuguese readers everywhere will benefit from shutdown of a huge misinformation source. It also inspires even more governments and organizations around the world to do the same.

Everyone is better off without an unrepentant fElon in their face. How soon before America does something about all the SpaceX/TwitterX/Tesla/Boring fraud?

Perfectly capturing the spirit of this momentus time, one of the most famous Brazilian comic writers posted “Xuitter at midnight I’ll meet you” using his popular character Lady Death.

The Simple Reason France Just Arrested Billionaire Telegram Founder Durov

Pavel Durov, the French citizen and founder of Telegram, was arrested in France based on allegations his inadequate moderation of harmful content directly facilitated criminal activities, including extreme-right terrorism and trafficking humans, arms and drugs.

The twelve charges he is accused of include crimes related to child pornography, drug trafficking, money laundering, withholding crucial information from investigators, and eight other crimes.

You know, the usual Nazi stuff. Does the “Terrorgram Collective” ring any bells? Dallas Erin Humber and Matthew Robert Allison clearly get away right now with using the Telegram platform to organize terror attacks in their attempt to start a “race war”.

Long before she was attempting to radicalize potential terrorists on Telegram, Humber was taking advantage of the opportunities that mainstream platforms provided her to espouse her newfound ideology to an audience who may not have otherwise been exposed to it. Unlike Telegram today, DeviantArt users did take issue with her evangelizing and recruiting for Nazism.

“Unlike Telegram today” used to be the buried lede on the very real potential for terrorism. That’s because headline writers weren’t ready yet to expose how Telegram today literally spreads Nazi “hit list” material on public targets with militant instructions and incitement for assassinations.

Notably, Telegram is implicated in facilitation of very specific terror cells such as the targeted killing of children in Brazil.

Earlier this month, a man carrying a hatchet killed four children between the ages of four and seven at their school in the same week as two other, non-fatal school attacks. Last month, a 13-year-old boy killed a teacher in a knife attack at a school in Sao Paulo. And last November, a 16-year-old shooter wearing a swastika killed four people and injured more than 10 others in twin attacks on two schools in Aracruz, in the southeastern state of Espirito Santo. The G1 news portal, citing police sources, reported the teenager had allegedly interacted with antisemitic groups on Telegram. According to a document from the federal justice authority in Espirito Santo, investigators had asked Telegram for the personal data of members of two stated antisemitic groups on the platform. The company handed over only data on the administrator of one of the groups, said the document, adding there was “intent by Telegram not to cooperate with the ongoing investigation.”

The ADL has pointed out with detail how Telegram has become known by law enforcement as a safe haven for white supremacists and other extreme-right domestic terror groups attracted by lax moderation policies. They explain that an intentionally flaccid harm moderation policy at Telegram has knowingly facilitated extreme anti-regulation, anti-democratic “free speech” groups to operate with abandon. This well known negligence is perhaps what predictably led to Durov’s predicament in France.

Related, Durov is reported to grossly neglect his own many children, and in some cases even harm them.

His arrest should underscore the question of legal scrutiny on CEOs and their products’ direct effects on society. Telegram also has become known for Russia using it during its invasion of Ukraine, as a significant tool of military intelligence operations including propaganda. Durov’s arrest thus perhaps complicates Russian-backed terrorism communication and coordination strategies targeting France (and NATO, especially Germany) to undermine support for Ukraine. In that sense the arrest has implications for other Russian-affiliated Private Military Company (PMC), such as Elon Musk’s SpaceX, raising important questions about regulation of private entities.

More specifically a documented rapid rise of antisemitic acts in France (quadrupled in 2023) can be partially attributed to the activities of these extremist groups on Telegram, where they have been organizing, recruiting, and spreading dangerous propaganda.

So the connection between Telegram’s use by extremist groups to increase destabilizing racist violence, human trafficking, CP, money laundering and drugs, is really not news. The significant concern for authorities has resulted in a necessary scrutiny of Durov’s role in facilitating such activities, and his abandonment of responsibility.

Some also point out that Durov just arrived in Paris from a high-profile trip to Baku — the capital of Azerbaijan — for meetings with some of Putin’s money-laundering “influencers”, if not the dictator himself.

It remains far from clear why Durov flew to Paris with Vavilova when he knew he faced possible arrest. The messenger app tech tycoon – living in self-imposed exile from his native Russia – is believed to have been aware of a potential French criminal investigation. He was held at Le Bourget airport outside Paris on Saturday evening, less than a week after Vladimir Putin abruptly refused to meet him when both men were in Azerbaijan capital Baku when reportedly a meeting had been brokered. […] Russia has demanded consular access to Durov, TASS reports, but he is a French citizen and this is not likely to be granted.

A tiny footnote here, hopefully not lost on anyone wondering if France is serious about stopping another spread of Nazism via foreign-backed media platforms, is that Le Bourget airfield is where Hitler landed June 28, 1940 about a week after France had surrendered in WWII. Perhaps it’s a symbolic place for arrest, in terms of French history.

After WWII ended [Paul Ferdonnet of Radio Stuttgart] was tried, convicted and executed by France as a war criminal. His allegiance was with personal power and hate, not his own country, population or its democratic institutions.

The arrest of Durov thus could be an updated precedent for those accused of using their media platform to publish and spread hate, including Twitter’s infamous CEO who boasts of having Putin’s number on his phone.

Also, did you pick up the thread how Putin both allegedly refused to meet Durov in Baku, and then demanded from the French that they give him access to the guy in Paris? Do not underestimate the point about Durov being a French citizen being arrested in France by French authorities, yet somehow a very big concern to Putin who was trying to arrest him first.

Don’t listen to hot-take pundits who fail to understand foundational aspects of modern French history and its anti-fascism, mixed into this Russian asset story. The BBC has no idea what it is talking about here:

It is unprecedented for the owner of a social media platform to be arrested because of the way in which that platform is being used…

Really BBC? Really? Challenge accepted. Oh, how far you have fallen…

Let’s just say an obvious counter-point is that Durov claimed that he had been forced out of his “VK” company and his Russian citizenship too because of threats since 2014 that he would be arrested, putting him on the run from the law for a decade already.

Telegram CEO visited Russia over 60 times since ‘exile’ in 2014, investigation suggests… Durov’s “relationship with the Russian authorities in 2015-2021 was good enough that he was not afraid of being detained while crossing the border,” Kremlingram noted.

I mean the supposed threat of arrest of Durov that he himself spread as his backstory for French citizenship became a powerful precedent for the arrest of Durov in France. How very comically Putinesque. It seems at least the BBC is still fooled, indeed.

Is that pretzel-logic sufficient, or should we lay down some of the more straightforward and well-known precedents?

In 1998, Felix Somm, a former executive at CompuServe, an online services company, was given a suspended two-year sentence in Germany for complicity in the proliferation of pornography on the internet. He was later acquitted. In 2002, Timothy Koogle, a former CEO of Yahoo, faced charges in France for the sale of Nazi memorabilia on the website. He was also later acquitted. In 2012, Kim Dotcom, the founder of Megaupload, was arrested by U.S. authorities for copyright infringement related to his website. Ross W. Ulbricht, the creator of the Silk Road online black market, was convicted in the United States for facilitating illicit drug sales in 2015. In 2016, Brazil briefly imprisoned a Facebook executive for failing to turn over WhatsApp messaging data in a drug trafficking investigation. These instances were capped over the weekend by Durov’s arrest.

They say “capped by Durov” because the past isn’t without precedent. But as a historian I still say Paul Ferdonnet should be a more well known reference here. Spread Nazism in France, go to jail and maybe worse.

If any other Russian-funded platform’s lack of moderation is deemed to contribute to clearly illegal activities, a CEO maybe now should consider similar legal challenges as Durov not to mention those arrested before him. However, specifics depend on local laws and the platform’s level of involvement in or negligence toward Putin’s favorite activities.

In this case, it seems at least clear that as soon as Durov touched French soil/tarmac he was in a controlled environment with limited access, making it easier for authorities to isolate and prevent further law evasion by one of their own citizens.

Two CA Tesla Destroyed in Giant Fire After Their Market Value Craters

Source: Twitter

The news points out that the owners had an extra large driveway where they parked two infamously “brightly lit” Tesla cars far away from their home.

Two Teslas were involved in a fire that spread to nearby vegetation at a Lafayette residence, the Contra Costa County Fire Protection District (Con Fire) said. The fire happened Tuesday morning at 198 Hunsaker Canyon Road. The fire started in the home’s driveway where two Teslas parked next to each other. […] The driveway is large enough and far enough from the home to where the house was not threatened by the fire. Platt said no structures were threatened due to the fire. However, the two vehicles were destroyed by the fire…

With plummeting value of these vehicles, as Californians wisely say they never will be fooled again by Elon Musk fraud, it kind of begs a new question… are Tesla owners storing them in remote spots and hoping these cars burn up for insurance money?

Tesla sales in California dropped 24.1 % in the second quarter, the brand’s third straight quarterly decline in the state. Purchases dipped 7.8% in the first quarter of 2024 and 9.8% in the final quarter of last year. Year-to-date, Tesla sales in California are down 17% compared to last year, according to the latest analysis of new vehicle registrations published by the California New Car Dealers Association (CNCDA). Instead of a Tesla from Musk’s $793 billion electric vehicle empire, California car buyers are purchasing battery-electric vehicles (BEVs) from Toyota, Hyundai, and Ford. The analysis found Toyota BEV registrations have soared 108.1% so far this year, while Hyundai and Ford BEV registrations rose 65.7% and 26.4%, respectively.

As Toyota’s battery electric vehicle (BEV) sales surge by nearly 110%, Tesla’s valuation craters across the country into toxic fire pits, exposing the perils of hype over substance in the automotive industry.

It’s worth calling out that Toyota’s pioneering eBox BEV, powered by AC Propulsion engines, stands as a testament to responsible engineering in 2006 — a path that was shamefully bullied out of the market by false representations when Tesla co-opted the technology in the 2010s without due credit or care.

Toyota eBox: A symbol of ethical innovation unveiled in 2006, featuring AC Propulsion engines with a meticulously designed battery pack of 5,300 Li-ion cells.

A three-quarter’s long market correction away from the fraud of Tesla and back towards Nissan and Toyota’s time-tested manufacturing excellence is long overdue.

It should go without saying that the Japanese manufacturing standards, rooted in post-WWII reforms under American occupation, were designed to prevent the very corporate malpractices and ill-gotten profits by Elon Musk that he’s now trying to use to overthrow American democracy. Without fraud, there would be no Tesla.

Nissan’s BEV produced in 1947 Tokyo: An often forgotten chapter in history, showcasing practical innovations including rapid battery swap design.

We can blame a lax regulatory environment in the U.S. market for dangerous replays of multiple past corporate scandals.

Have we learned nothing from Texas-based Enron, familiar to everyone… or even the Texas-based Dell?

Computer historians may note how Tesla’s trajectory eerily mirrors past technological debacles in electrical engineering such as Dell’s concealed 97% failure rate, and an underlying capacitor plague story.

A scientist steals a secret formula for an electrical product from his Japanese employer and takes it to China. Then it is stolen again and turns up in Taiwan. But something goes wrong – and thousands, perhaps millions, of computers and electrical goods in the West begin to burn out or explode. It sounds like the plot of a thriller, but it’s reality.

The fact that Tesla could inject intentional and egregious lies into the BEV market to unseat Nissan, let alone Toyota, underscores a disturbing pattern of corporate negligence and consumer endangerment in America.

For example Tesla very strategically lied about battery range to shock the market with false superiority and displace the global-sales leader BEV Nissan LEAF; engineers were directed to pollute dashboard numbers to dangerously defraud owners while sending reports and complaints into black hole. Does anyone really believe the market could correct this on its own? We mainly see settlements to hush victims, not to mention class-action lawsuits blocked by heavy “fine print” tactics that obviously were setup by Tesla’s predator CEO to shame and blame his unwitting victims.

Austin-based Tesla today is emerging as the Austin-based Dell of yesterday, repeating a tragic capacitor plague disaster with near total failure rates in vehicles that “burn out or explode”.

The electric vehicle industry demands innovation rooted in safety, sustainability, and ethical practices. It’s time we hold egregious tech frauds accountable and return to baseline principles of responsible engineering that once defined American innovation by embracing industry regulation… as found in a rapid rise in vehicle quality and performance from American occupied Japan (and Germany).