Court Disclosure: Tesla “Veered” Crashes a Known Deadly Defect Since 2017

Tesla not only knew its cars were suddenly “veering” and killing owners, it gave this deadly design flaw a name when it decided to not fix it six years ago.

Jonathan Michaels, who represents the passengers, showed jurors a 2017 internal Tesla safety analysis identifying “incorrect steering command” as a defect, involving an “excessive” steering wheel angle.

“They predicted this was going to happen. They knew about it. They named it,” Michaels said. Tesla developed a protocol to deal with customers who experienced it, he said, and instructed employees to accept no liability or responsibility for the problem.

This coverup helps prove one of the reasons, out of the seemingly growing list, why Tesla crash fatally far more than other cars.

The latest ADAS safety data published by the NHTSA indicates Tesla now has a fatality rate of one out of every ten crashes.

In related news, photos of the Tesla Truck are circulating that show a dangerous control arm design failure.

New Tesla Truck control arm before use
Used Tesla Truck control arm after initial use

Control arms are crucial components for safety, yet Tesla continues its terrible record of cheap unreliable designs that fail catastrophically.

“Nice $80k black hole for money that almost got us killed. Thanks a lot Elon.” Complaint filed for safety failure on brand new Tesla. Source: Jalopnik, which also includes a flurry of bizarre Twitter attacks on this complaint as context of “…you really have to hand it to Tesla for inspiring this degree of crazy, evidence-denying loyalty among their fans. […] It’s a strange part to fail, though, really. It is a part subject to intense stresses, but it’s not like it’s particularly complex or poorly understood—this is some Cars 101 shit right here. It’s a control arm. No need to call SpaceX to consult, because this is absolutely not rocket science. This is also the kind of failure, that, were it to happen at speed, could potentially cause a wreck that could result in, potentially, people getting hurt. A week-old car should not have problems like this. Hell, a car a decade or more old shouldn’t have control arms just snapping. This is ridiculous. and the idea that a car with no evidence of a major accident shouldn’t have this covered by warranty is absurd as well.”

Compare a cheap and flimsy stamped metal plate in the new/used Tesla photos above with this known safe truck design. The difference is hopefully obvious.

Properly designed upper control arm for trucks

You might think that Tesla would have thought about this a lot after making over 700,000 Model 3 using an obviously bad design with dangerously failing control arms. But no, they don’t seem to think at all about real safety.

The problem is simple enough to identify: The water channels from the Tesla windshield drain directly onto the control arms on the left and right front corners of the vehicles. Because the OE control arms are a plastic and steel composite component, and had been designed with insufficient moisture protection, the plastic overmold can crack or delaminate, causing water to seep into the ball joint – eventually impacting the lifespan of the part and, in rare cases, compromising steering precision.

Calling it rare cases of failure is being too generous. Even one catasrophic control arm failure is too many.

Related: Dangerous Tesla accelerator pedal design flaw has been unfixed for a decade. Somehow owners are still surprised when it breaks.

Verified eXtwitter Accounts Are Russian Misinformation Superspreaders

A new report explains how dangerous violent misinformation is being aggressively expanded by Elon Musk

…posts advancing these myths received 1,349,979 engagements and were cumulatively viewed by more than 100 million times globally in just one week. When faced with criticism that his sweeping changes have led to increased misinformation on the platform, Musk often touts his expansion of X’s crowdsourced fact-checking feature, called “Community Notes.” However, NewsGuard found that just 79 of the 250 posts advancing misinformation about the war were flagged by the platform with a Community Note. That means that a note appeared approximately 32 percent of the time on some of the platform’s most prominent and harmful misinformation posts.

This shows eXtwitter has a 70% failure rate when trying to shift accountability to “community” volunteer safety.

Meanwhile, the report concludes eXtwitter management is complicit in facilitating dangerous terrorist propaganda.

The Blue Check-Verified Misinformation Superspreaders of the Israel-Hamas War: …account was banned… reinstated after Musk acquired X. It became blue-check verified in September 2023, one month before the onset of the Israel-Hamas War. Collectively, the [terrorist group misinformation] posts from @Sprinter99800 were cumulatively viewed nearly 3 million times.

Timing indicates the account was setup and run by Russia as part of effort with Hamas to start a war in Israel.

The banned account was reinstated by Elon Musk and verified allegedly for use by Russian military intelligence, like many others.

Спринтер – @Sprinter88000
Sprinter – @Sprinter99800
Sprinter – @Sprinter99880
Sprinter Monitor- @SprinterMonitor

Notice, for example, this Russian directed propaganda campaign:

Source: Twitter

And then notice who else in September 2022 was caught up parroting Russian bully speech:

…Musk had recently spoken with Russia’s ambassador in Washington, who had warned him explicitly that any attack on Crimea would lead to nuclear conflict.

In fact, the exact opposite happened next, attacks on Crimea led to Russia running away scared. Arguably these attacks shortened the war and reduced threats to civilians.

This was easily predicted by historians, especially those who study how General Grant crushed pro-slavery forces by pushing straight past such empty threat tactics to liberate millions from oppression.

And yet, not just last year, but even to this day Musk keeps parroting the baseless Russian propaganda. This just in:

“We need to figure out peace in Ukraine, and I think we need to restore normal relations with Russia,” Musk said in a talk on his social media platform X on Monday. “World War III is a civilizational risk that we may not recover from. So we need to prioritize avoiding World War III…”

Musk’s suggestions have been derided by Ukrainian officials as non-starters. “F— off is my very diplomatic reply to you @elonmusk,” Ukrainian diplomat Andriy Melnyk responded to his proposal in October 2022.

No wonder Russia started a war in Israel, and no wonder they are paying Elon Musk to spread their propaganda on his sinking platform to keep it afloat.

Source: Wall Street Journal

Anyone expect Musk to ever get on the right side of history? He’s repeating the worst mistakes, ignorant beyond belief.

Related: The OSINTdefender – @sentdefender account is allegedly U.S. active duty military and a Russian mule.

Tesla Now Slowest Selling Used Car in America

Tesla quality is notoriously low. Defects are high and service is slow and expensive. Perhaps the laziest brand working the least hard, the design hasn’t changed either, further erasing the value of used vehicles.

The average used car sells in 49 days, which is 6.1 percent faster than a year ago, but new cars have slowed by 25.7 percent

The Tesla Model S is the slowest-selling used vehicle, taking an average of 88.3 days to sell.

It’s not hard to understand why the data shows nobody wants to buy the tired old Tesla S.

You should expect their later models to soon slow down as well, not least of all because build quality has decreased over time as dangerous bugs (loads of technical debt) explode. Indeed, the Tesla Model X already is taking an average of 71.4 days.

Lazy yet rushed, inexperienced yet boastful… Tesla management is the definition of short sighted low value.

At best if someone buys into the dead Tesla brand they should part ways by parting out the few bits even worth anything.

eXtwitter OSINTdefender Alleged to be U.S. Active Duty Military and Possible Russian Asset

As I’ve said for a long time, engaging on the toxic anti-Semitic, mysogynist Swastika (formerly known as Twitter) platform is like offering law enforcement a shortcut to identifying potential harms. It’s akin to saying, “Hey police, here’s your guide to spotting national security threats!”

Today’s verdict proves that the defendant’s fraudulent actions crossed a line into criminality and flatly rejects his cynical attempt to use the constitutional right of free speech as a shield…

The initial question we must ask revolves around whether it constitutes entrapment for an individual to currently publish content on Swastika (formerly known as Twitter).

Instead of “tweets” people are starting to use the term “eXcrements” for hate speech exploding on “eXtwitter”

It’s akin to questioning whether someone participating in a KKK rally or, for that matter, displaying the unquestionably racist Betsy Ross flag at a Nazi march in Chicago should be held responsible for promoting domestic terrorism. The pressing issue arising from the initial query is how to handle active U.S. military personnel discovered in such a treasonous situation.

The second question is whether individuals are aware when they’ve unwittingly become conduits for Russian influence, as highlighted in this CNN article.

…Western voices that eventually became mouthpieces for Russian propaganda were almost certainly unaware of the role they were playing.

Reflect on the fact that America First was never going to openly associate itself with the KKK, even though it was the KKK that constructed and popularized the America First campaign. Does that make sense?

The KKK in 1916 adopted the racist anti-immigrant late-1800s nativist slogan “America First” and soon after began wearing the infamous white robes.
Hitler used America First members (e.g. KKK) as “duped” foreign assets

The essence is that mules being entirely oblivious is the objective, and the more unaware a mule is, the more effective they become—whether for Wilson (KKK), Hitler (Nazi), or presently, Putin (X and Z), as illustrated in this Yahoo News article.

The real threat, [a former army intelligence officer] concluded, came from Russia, which was running what appeared to be a wide-ranging disinformation campaign aimed at destabilizing… democratically-elected governments…

Considering the above two inquiries, the Swastika-affiliated account @sentdefender (OSINTdefender) is recognized for disseminating perilous “poison” posts. Moreover, it has garnered attention for being actively endorsed by Elon Musk.

…”@sentdefender are good,” Musk posted on the platform formerly called Twitter…

…Emerson T. Brooking, a researcher at the Atlantic Council Digital Forensics Research Lab, posted that @sentdefender is an “absolutely poisonous account. regularly posting wrong and unverifiable things … inserting random editorialization and trying to juice its paid subscriber count.”

Pushing poison for profits sounds awful, as though Elon Musk has decided the American opioid crisis is a viable business model for him by platforming toxic content.

What happens when Elon Musk’s “poison pusher” accounts such as OSINTdefender are noticed and become worthy of investigation by U.S. military and law enforcement?

This particular Swastika (formerly known as Twitter) account has recently been revealed to be purportedly operated by an active-duty officer in the U.S. military.

The OSINT group Molfar has provided extensive identity data for the case, suggesting action.

2023 OSINTdefender brag that he served with Russians

2016 photo of Russian military exercise, posted by Simon Anderson (OSINTdefender) to his Facebook account

2016 photo posted by Simon Anderson (OSINTdefender) to his Facebook account

While the CEO of Swastika somehow manages to delay or evade personal accountability, regulatory bodies and law enforcement agencies may intensify their scrutiny of those associated with him. Elon Musk appears to be attempting a precarious blend of Bernie Madoff and John Kapoor. Yet, the scale of his “business of harm” is significantly larger and raises an increasingly pressing question of accountability for anyone associated with it.

The subsequent query might delve into whether Russian military intelligence has compensated Elon Musk for endorsing OSINTdefender and, if so, to what extent.