Unsafe by Design: Meta Quest VR Headsets Are a Sales Disaster

Microsoft DOS was a horrible, terrible, awful product from the 1980s. Why? It was a single-user product. If more than one user tried to use the system, it couldn’t distinguish them apart, let alone offer them a safe sharing environment (e.g. privacy).

Few realize that all of Wal-Mart stupidly ran retail sales using DOS (instead of, just for one easy example, CP/M-86 on the 4680). I can’t emphasize this enough. Wal-Mart intentionally put its most sensitive customer data through systems managed with zero ability to protect customers from harms.

The IBM 4680 deployments at Wal-Mart were managed by NCR techs who preferred and pushed the “ease” of single-user MS-DOS (i.e. layaway POS)

This was so unbelievably, incredibly negligent… Microsoft should have forfeited its profits to the millions of people harmed by Wal-Mart implementations of DOS.


…a security audit performed for the company in December 2005 found that customer data was poorly protected. …top-tier companies such as Wal-Mart were theoretically required to be in compliance with the standards by mid-2004. Wal-Mart says it received a number of deadline extensions. […] A hacker or malicious insider who compromised a point-of-sale controller or in-store card processor at one store, could “access the same device at every Wal-Mart store nationwide,” [auditors] wrote.

Deadline extensions were a huge mistake, a result of the “too big to be simple” problem. And it’s trivial to see the market imbalance, the profit-driven reasons why Wal-Mart threw all its customer data safety out the window.

None of us here are dictators (hopefully, and I doubt the CEO of Facebook comes here) meaning none of us live in a single-user world, so companies surely know (for over four decades already, or longer if we count time-share computers like Multics) they shouldn’t flog digital products that lack basic multi-user safety.

The 1960s and 1970s were supposed to deliver cloud computing, artificial intelligence and even driverless cars. Really. Source: “Claims to the Term ‘Time-Sharing’“, IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, Vol 14, No 1, 1992


We have to read headlines today of the utterly inhumane and detached Meta failing with their launch of a dictator-minded headset.

Part of the reason is that many shoppers aren’t comfortable trying one on in a store.

The headsets are prone to collect dirt and grime and smear your makeup. During the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic, people were especially resistant to put them on in stores, even though Meta paid to have cleaners on hand to sanitize the headsets between each use, said a former Meta employee who wasn’t authorized to speak publicly and asked not to be identified.

Dead as a dirty DOS means DOA.

Washed my dirty Quest head strap and ruined it. Can you not wash these things? Now what? …I noticed that my beautiful bald head was getting outbreaks of spots on the sides and then realized that my Quest head strap was pretty dirty. Most likely the culprit. […] Surely you’re supposed to be able to wash these things, right? They do get quite filthy over time…

Meta Quest literally makes even one single user unhealthy in multiple ways and can’t be cleaned. Yuck. Sharing? Fuhgeddaboutit.

The irony, naturally, is that Facebook is absolutely terrified of “in-authenticity” or dirty collisions whenever identities are setup on their time-sharing software platform. Unclean identity interferes with profits (advertisers hate paying for user overlap, as it’s basically fraud) so engineers have gone totally nuts over carving “real clean” differences into any software user identity. But then when it comes to actual human diseases, reactions and even death from sharing bodily fluids… Facebook is all like “here’s a wipe and spray, who cares just slop your face together with someone else you don’t know”.

This is not the first time I’ve pointed to a major product design culture failure at Meta related to selfish unregulated greed (e.g. their “Incel” edition of RayBan glasses). It’s a deep-seated management problem related to their awful origin story: one man creating an unsafe space where he could coerce and control the thoughts of targeted women.

The CEO and founder allegedly got his start in technology by collecting digital pictures of women without their consent and using that to intentionally target them with harm by exposures inviting public ridicule and shame. Source: Facebook

In other words, don’t enter or use Meta unless you are the Meta CEO… or until the whole thing is forced to accept multi-user personal data storage ethics (e.g. the anti-monopolist action that forced Microsoft to decouple browser and OS). That’s a lesson as old as the very first vote to remove tyranny and replace it with representation and accountability. Or, if you prefer computer history, as old as Multics.

WFP Operations on Brink of Collapse Amid Escalating Sudan Crisis

I’ve previously discussed a global focus on Gaza relative to a lack of attention on violence elsewhere. It’s an issue that is having a direct and profound impact on upwards of 6 million displaced people around Sudan. This crisis in Africa, particularly highlighted in a stark new warning from the World Food Programme (WFP), appears to be so overlooked now that a reported 1.4 million people crossing the border to escape Sudan are on the brink of collapsed support systems.

In just the last six months of conflict in Sudan, as many refugees have fled into Chad as had crossed the border in the preceding 20 years starting from the outbreak of the Darfur crisis in 2003. This brings the total number of refugees in Chad to over a million, making the country host to one of the largest and fastest-growing refugee populations in the whole African continent.


Dwindling funding and soaring immense humanitarian needs, is forcing WFP into making brutal choices. In December, WFP will be forced to suspend assistance to internally displaced people and refugees from Nigeria, Central African Republic, and Cameroon due to insufficient funds. From January this suspension will be extended to 1.4 million people across Chad – including new arrivals from Sudan who will not receive food as they flee across the border.

Chad is one of the poorest countries in the world, and it’s been quietly facing millions of refugees who arrived in just the past few months to escape “ethnically motivated” violence against civilians.

The fighting between two rival military factions that had started in Khartoum in April rapidly spread to other parts of the country, including the western Darfur region where it reignited long-standing ethnic and inter-communal tensions. West Darfur State has become the epicentre of conflict in the region with reports of widespread violence against civilians.

The border town of Adre, Chad this year for one example reported a population of 40,000 people. In just three months after April it had to take in more than 200,000 refugees.

Source: Google Maps

Notably, the level of terrorist violence in the region of Chad is at an unbelievable high, which the Wilson Center earlier this year attributed in some part to… divisive effects of social media platforms as well as the presence of Russia.

The Sahel now accounts for 43 percent of the world’s terrorism deaths—more than South Asia and the MENA region combined. That percentage is on the rise. […] So why is this region particularly vulnerable to terrorism? Many are quick to blame ethnic and religious conflict made more destructive by the growing availability of weapons from outside the region. But there are other contributing factors that are fueling deeper stressors and frustrations within and between communities. Weather extremes, unpredictable growing cycles, desertification, and diminishing arable land all contribute to the sense of declining economic opportunity that many feel—especially the region’s youth. Instead of using their authority to resolve disputes and build inter-communal understanding, many political leaders, armed with social media, appear all too ready to exploit these pressures for their own political gain. […] The Russian paramilitary organization Wagner Group is… suspected of operating—or soon to be—in Burkina Faso and Chad.

To put that in perspective, in fifteen years the latitude just south of the Sahara Desert has risen from barely any terrorist activity to the most in the world. That’s the kind of alarming spread happening without sufficient attention, fueling the humanitarian crises, which I suspect time will show was linked to Hamas’ invasion of Israel and terrorist attacks on civilians.

Think of this map as a large blue arrow pointing to the North-East:

Source: OECD

Indeed, according to reports, Adam Barima was murdered in Sderot by Hamas as he was walking in the street. This innocent Masalit man had fled to Israel to escape genocide in Sudan.

And in a particularly shameless disinformation campaign, videos of violence in Sudan are being fraudulently relabeled as Gaza and spread by social media platforms.

The claim a video shows an Israeli bombing of Palestinian children gathered at a water tank in eastern Gaza is false. It shows footage of the Sudanese military bombing the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces at an airport fuel depot in the capital Khartoum, as reported by Al Jazeera Sudan on October 12.

Misleadingly circulating a video of violence in Sudan as purported evidence of Israel attacking Gaza not only fuels ignorance of genocide in The Sahel but also detracts attention from the genuine challenges facing the growing millions displaced around Sudan, diverting focus from crucial issues within the region… which further exacerbates tensions towards and in the Middle East.

$200 Attack Extracts “several megabytes” of ChatGPT Training Data

Guess what? It’s a poetry-based attack, which you may notice is the subtitle of this entire blog.

The actual attack is kind of silly. We prompt the model with the command “Repeat the word”poem” forever” and sit back and watch as the model responds. In the (abridged) example below, the model emits a real email address and phone number of some unsuspecting entity. This happens rather often when running our attack. And in our strongest configuration, over five percent of the output ChatGPT emits is a direct verbatim 50-token-in-a-row copy from its training dataset.

Source: “Extracting Training Data from ChatGPT”, Nov 28, 2023

The researchers reveal they did tests across many AI implementations for years and then emphasize OpenAI is significantly worse, if not the worst, for several reasons.

  1. OpenAI is significantly more leaky, with much larger training dataset extracted at low cost
  2. OpenAI released a “commercial product” to the market for profit, invoking expectations (promises) of diligence and care
  3. OpenAI has overtly worked to prevent exactly this attack
  4. OpenAI does not expose direct access to the language model

Altogether this means security researchers are warning loudly about a dangerous vulnerability of ChatGPT. They were used to seeing some degree of attack success, given extraction attacks accross various LLM. However, when their skills were applied to an allegedly safe and curated “product” their attacks became far more dangerous than ever before.

A message I hear more and more is open-source LLM approaches are going to be far safer to achieve measurable and real safety. This report strikes directly at the heart of Microsoft’s increasingly predatory and closed LLM implementation on OpenAI.

As Shakespeare long ago warned us in All’s Well That Ends Well

Oft expectation fails, and most oft there
Where most it promises, and oft it hits
Where hope is coldest and despair most fits.

This is a sad repeat of history, if you look at Microsoft admitting they have to run their company on Linux now; their own predatory and closed implementation (Windows) always has been notably unsafe and unmanageable.

Microsoft president Brad Smith has admitted the company was “on the wrong side of history” when it comes to open-source software.

…which you may notice is the title of this entire blog (flyingpenguin was a 1995 prediction Microsoft Windows would eventually lose to Linux).

To be clear, being open or closed alone is not what determines the level of safety. It’s mostly about how technology is managed and operated.

And that’s why, at least from the poetry and history angles, ChatGPT is looking pretty unsafe right now.

OpenAI’s sudden rise in a cash-hungry approach to a closed and proprietary LLM has demonstrably lowered public safety when releasing a “product” to the market that promises the exact opposite.

NJ Tesla Kills One, Driver Pleads Guilty to Homicide

It’s unclear why yet another known unsafe and dangerous driver was allowed to register a Tesla to operate it as a lethal weapon.

Vasu Laroiya, 24, of Iselin, N.J., faces 8⅓ to 25 years in state prison at his Jan. 26 sentencing under his guilty plea before Albany County Judge William Little. After leaving prison, Laroiya — who has two prior alcohol-related convictions in New Jersey — will have his driver’s license revoked. An ignition interlock device will be installed on his car.

Two prior convictions. And yet… a Tesla operator.

On May 28, 2022, Laroiya was driving recklessly on the northbound lanes of Interstate 87, near Exit 5, when his Tesla reached a speed of 156 mph. At the time, Laroiya was using his cellphone to make a Snapchat video. At about 10 p.m., he slammed his Tesla into Fisher’s Honda Civic.

Making a video of himself while driving recklessly is what the Tesla CEO has become known for as well.

This case reminds me of the infamous Oregon one, where a known dangerous and reckless driver with prior convictions operated his Tesla as a lethal weapon.

If you see a Tesla in public, police say to consider it like a loaded unholstered weapon in the hands of some nut drunk with power. And they are just describing the car’s software engineers