Russian Attack on Just One Ukrainian City Has Failed Six Times, Destroying Five of its Own Battalians

From the file of un-intelligence and how not to go to war, Russia continues rapidly grinding its own troops into shallow graves at an alarming rate.

Russia began its tank-heavy assault on the eastern Ukrianian city of Avdiivka in October last year and has lost five battalions worth of equipment since.

To put it another way:

Ukrainian analysis group Frontelligence Insight scrutinized satellite imagery and verified all 211 wrecked and abandoned vehicles. Its tally aligns with a U.S. intelligence assessment, which concluded the Russians have lost 220 vehicles around Avdiivka—and 13,000 people, too. Most of the losses occurred in the first month of the Avdiivka battle starting in early October. After a few weeks, desperate Russian commanders switched up their tactics, and sent in the infantry on foot.

American M2 Bradleys equipped with the 25mm M242 Bushmaster have been getting at least some of the credit.

“Bradleys of the 47th Mech were scything the Russians to the left and right like there was no tomorrow,” Hill wrote. Against the M-2’s powerful 25-millimeter autocannons, the Russian fighting vehicles “stood not much chance.”

25mm shells for the Bushmaster. Source: Rodriguez Live Fire Complex, Republic of Korea, 27 MAR 2007, U.S. Marine Corps

In related news, from the accounting department for “fail-faster” authoritarians, Russia is predicted to increase its own suffering to 500,000 killed and wounded.

The UK’s Ministry of Defence (MoD) has estimated that half a million Russian personnel will have been killed and wounded by 2025 if current casualties continue on the same trajectory. […] They claimed the increase “almost certainly” reflects the degradation of Russia’s forces and its transition to “a lower quality, high quantity mass army”.

It’s literally what “fail faster” results in, which should be a wakeup call to anyone thinking about such concepts in terms of AI technology safety.

Is your AI strategy fed by techno-autocrats, like the Russian degradation to lower quality in high quantity?

More to the point, American fighting vehicles are defined by human augmentation study (e.g. engineering and economics), whereas Russian leaders (like Tesla management) fell foolishly into an abyss of automation future fantasy (e.g. belief and fiction).

This isn’t just a war we can ignore, since (as in many military conflicts) it gives a window into what’s coming for everyone who touches technology. Perhaps the lesson not being discussed enough is: don’t throw your company into a big data lake when nobody knows how to swim, let alone serve as your lifeguard. This used to be called fog of war (as I warned here in 2015)

Beware especially the engineers who re-brand mistakes as being “too perfect” or completely rational, as if they don’t know who McNamara is or what he taught us. Because if you forget history you might be condemned to automate it.

In other words, you can’t learn to swim by drowning faster.

The MoD prediction also includes an estimate of up to ten years lost before Putin could train and field a notable military presence again; an epic loss of power dramatically undermining Russian national security. The question soon becomes whether Russia flailing and floundering will drag Iran or North Korea down under water with them too, spreading instability into the Mid-East and Asia.

Tesla Recall Failed: FSD Maybe Even Worse, Ignores Stop Signs and Pedestrians

Tesla fraudulently boasts that if it can remotely update its cars it shouldn’t be called a recall. This is illogical, because the term recall refers to the severity of the flaw, not the delivery mode. Moreover, a severe lack of ethics and quality control means Tesla has been making their products far worse instead of better.

For example, after Tesla used a software update for a dangerous sudden braking flaw, the number of incidents increased.

Likewise, after Tesla issued the latest software update to every single car due to dangerous “Autopilot” and FSD software design errors, the number of incidents seems to be going up, getting notably worse.

AL Tesla Crash and Burn Leads to Arrest

A resident of Georgia crashed his Tesla in Alabama where local firefighters and police seem to be not very pleased.

ALEA identified the driver as 33-year-old Michael Sherrill, a Georgia resident. Sherrill was arrested and taken to the Autauga County jail. He is charged with driving under the influence of alcohol… Firefighters say due to the thermal runaway of the Tesla’s battery, the fire required over 36,000 gallons of water before it was brought under control in a little over an hour. Pine Level Fire Chief Austin Worcester said a typical car fire can take between 300 to 1,000 gallons to put out. …the chief said it is too expensive for the volunteer fire department.

Blood Alcohol Content = BAC
Water in Tesla Fire = WTF

It took two hose lines, 36,000 gallons of water, three engines, two rescues, one ambulance, four water tankers, one squad, one brush truck, three command vehicles, and a full hour to put out the flame in what the Pine Level Fire Department called “a first for Autauga County.”

Teslas Start Off New Year by Crashing Into Buildings, Again and Again

Another day, another Tesla catastrophically plowed itself into a wall in Pennsylvania.

A Tesla sedan smashed into a South Philadelphia building [at South 18th and Snyder streets] early Monday, leaving cinderblocks scattered on the ground and the air bags deployed in the car on New Year’s Day.

Source: CBS

In related Texas news, police say a driver wasn’t in control of his Tesla when it crashed into a house at 15719 Beechnut Street in Houston.

Tesla crashes into Fort Bend County home, leaving housefront damaged after allegedly losing control

15719 Beechnut Street. Source: Google Maps

Furthermore, Alabama police say a Tesla destroyed a house.

A Tesla plowed into a Mountain Brook home in the early morning hours of New Year’s Day, leaving catastrophic damage but surprisingly no injuries. The wreck happened at 2:25 a.m. Monday in the 700 block of Euclid Avenue, which is in the Crestline community.

Source: Google Maps

And then there’s Florida, where police claim mechanical issues and driver issues are to blame for another Tesla destroying a building.

…the car smashed into a Winter Park home on New Year’s Day, according to police. No one was injured in the crash, which happened around 5:55 a.m. Monday in the 1600 block of Bryan Avenue near Aloma and Lakemont avenues. […] Winter Park declined an on camera interview with News 6 Tuesday, but they told me over the phone The 20-year-old driver was unfamiliar with the operation of the vehicle and that a mechanical issue occurred which caused the crash, but they wouldn’t specify what that issue was.

Source: Google Maps
Do people listen more to experts or a CEO of Tesla? A notoriously abusive racist with callous disregard for human life, Elon Musk (I know, I know, it sounds like Henry Ford) since 2013 has viciously spread disinformation and propaganda campaigns to directly undermine law enforcement, let alone safety regulators.

If that sounds like a driver is being blamed, that’s what Tesla always says to avoid any conclusion about it delivering a uniquely toxic and flawed product that sells based on fraudulent claims about “driverless” capabilities. No driver is ever safe in a Tesla, nobody around a Tesla is safe, as known engineering failures are the commonality in all these stories.

Tesla blamed drivers for failures of parts it long knew were defective

It’s a strategic defect rate, an intentional disaster, like selling cigarettes and blaming smokers for cancer. Here’s the most important part.

“We’re freaking out we don’t know what to do, no one prepares you for a Tesla or a car ending up in your house,” Mason Gregory said.

Think about the five people in Toronto who were just sent to the hospital after a 17 year old plowed a Tesla through their home. It’s very unlike other cars.

No one has prepared homeowners for a speeding explosive Tesla ending up in their house? Tragic story after story in the news, including rapidly increasing fatalities, isn’t preparation enough yet?

Sounds like a ban on Tesla is warranted before more innocent people sleeping in their bed are violently attacked.

The more Tesla the more tragic death. Without fraud there would be no Tesla. Source:

In light of recent developments, it is imperative that we apprise the military and political leadership of the imminent dangers posed by Tesla’s actions. Reiterating my frequent concerns posted on this blog for the sake of public safety, I again assert that Tesla exhibits characteristics akin to an explosive loitering munition, potentially orchestrated (due to the always connected, remotely controlled robotics) with nefarious support of adversarial nations such as China or Russia.

This ominous entity, analogous to a hostile missile infiltrating residential areas, poses a grave threat to individuals, residences, businesses, and critical infrastructure, rendering affected locales akin to war zones.

It is crucial for those residing in ostensibly peaceful and unassuming cities and towns to recognize the exigency of preparing for a confrontation with what can be perceived as Elon Musk’s ideological inclinations, potentially aligned with white nationalist sentiments.

Addressing the underlying motivations propelling his envisioned robot army to undermine the foundations of the United States demands urgent attention and strategic consideration. Failure to proactively engage with this burgeoning threat could result in severe ramifications for the nation’s security and stability.