Simulated kids, real tragedy.
I won’t bore you with the fact that Tesla since 2016 has repeatedly been proven by engineers to be a dangerous fraud.
Truth can be boring, and safety design failures can be especially boring.
Take for example this dangerous design flaw in a Tesla cast aluminum frame explained by basic physics. See what I mean? No of course you don’t because… ZZZZZZ you fell asleep by the time I said “explained”. I get it, I do. As a security guy with decades of board-room experience, I have seen it many times before. I’ve literally watched a CEO in a zillion dollar NYC skyscraper office fall asleep when he is being presented with evidence of immediate danger to his customers. Wake up America.
Huh? What? Why should he care? Get woke for what?
Spoiler alert. Simple tests of Tesla dangerous design decisions repeatedly have proven them to be a known deadly threat to public safety… for a very long time. This post is about a cool new kid on the block.

Well, a dead new kid.
A mannequin of a kid run over by a Crunchlabs funded Tesla (in partnership with a Lidar company)… like a drunken Russian sea captain crashing broadside into an anchored oil tanker. Side burn, literally.

So let’s consider that anyone with an ounce of integrity has known for decades why and how LiDAR is considered by experts to be a mandatory autopilot safety requirement. Navigation safety is very well known and extensively studied, despite Tesla pretending like it’s all up in the air. Cameras are very poor at object recognition due to visibility issues and, just to make this point abundantly clear, Tesla implemented low-quality cheap webcams. It’s such an intentionally bad design decision as to appear some kind of sick, cruel joke on all those who have died as a result of trusting Tesla with their lives.
Everyone knew that Elon Musk removing LiDAR was a short sighted (no pun intended) “cost cutting” measure that would definitely kill people, let alone the subsequent “cost cutting” by slapping in flawed AI with cheap and weak cameras…. And yet, how many saw it as foreshadowing for Elon Musk in 2025 rapidly firing American government workers and shutting down critical agencies as “unnecessary” in his latest unhinged “cost cutting” fallacy? Remember when he argued “the best part is no part” as if to warn everyone he believed the best life would be no life at all? As if to admit everyone was going to die?
Making Americans Dead Again.
Just as dozens of people unnecessarily have been killed by Tesla autopilot by having its LiDAR stupidly cut out (leading to a Tesla death rate higher than domestic terrorism), Elon Musk is on track (no pun intended) to get even more people killed with his extremist nihilist “the best is nothing” attack on American federal government services.
Same guy. Same deadly moves. Same outcome expected: unnecessarily dead children.

I say all that because this flashy new video shouldn’t be making news, given it rehashes such a long-known fact. Instead it’s already at 5M views and rocketing higher and higher. The creator pumps his volume to 11 on being “first” and doing something novel. He falsely implies that we didn’t already have copious tests showing Elon Musk knowingly removed safety and intentionally caused deaths. That’s a dangerous tactic, undermining the community to benefit the content creator (subscribe, subscribe, money, money, buy this new LiDAR device).
Everyone knows the Dawn Project right? They suck at marketing, no doubt.
Yet Dawn Project also has top notch engineers. They staff the BEST quality engineers and have been doing these Tesla mannequin demonstrations for years. Nobody should make a new video doing what the Dawn Project have been doing, nobody should fail to mention such very well known prior art… oh, wait, unless you are a fan of Walt Disney.
Ahhh, Disney. That a**hole. This new video guy is like, really into liking Disney.
Disney NEVER was about credit. Disney is the quintessential idea theft model used in attention seeking for profit. Random example? Who can forget Disney saw a woman in LA had made a successful family business after she invented tortilla chips. Doritos were then launched as a brand with high production value to bascially sell across the street from her, taking her business away in direct competition without credit due. Everyone knows about Doritos, nobody remembers the woman inventor they were meant to erase from history.

What was her name? She literally invented tortilla chips and like nobody remembers her?
That’s Disney.
Many, many prior engineers have tested and proven what is being repeated in this new high production level video. I believe my public presentations on hacking LiDAR in automotive systems (*cough* Tesla *cough*) even go way back over a decade to 2014. This unfortunately had the opposite effect intended, as high-integrity LiDAR was perceived to be expensive compared with dreams of cheap fantasy-3D-optics. By 2015 the BlackHat conference sprung even more proofs (PDF) of what I had been presenting the year before.

Beyond that I have met with real LiDAR experts over the last decade as they spilled ink criticizing the safety flaws of Tesla. These are legit aerospace engineers who laid it out for all of us to see. And, like the rest of us, they got zero attention. I bet you wouldn’t even know their names. My talks were based on such priors and peers, as well as current research, and always used citations.
Very unlike Disney.

What’s being shown in this video is thus VERY OLD AND WELL KNOWN as a Tesla design flaw forced by Elon Musk. That can’t be said enough, and should be said in context of all the experts in agreement over time because the timeline and persistence of experts matters.
Ok, ok. I know what you’re thinking. Production matters. Getting attention matters. Ok, fine, I can’t say I don’t appreciate a novel new presentation style. I do appreciate someone having sizzle and sass of a heavily-funded influencer meme. The “gosh golly” squeaky narrator voice really spins his way into our heads like a Mickey Mouse clubhouse song. I get it. The Snow White or Mermaid story under a Disney-style big production hammer can fool people into thinking everything is new, as if kids had not been told that same story since forever before. Is this new video any different? We can appreciate his polish, surely, without also losing sight of the real origin thread, right? Over a decade of this same message, does the new video break through?
I just wonder why his high budget anti-Tesla production didn’t end with the crucial statement THREE KIDS DIED in the simulated safety tests. Too honest? Too real? The story here AGAIN is that Tesla knowingly sold straw huts to pigs while falsely claiming to be selling them space age materials that prevent wolf visits… predictably resulting in three poor little pigs being eaten by the wolf.
Let’s face it, this new “Tesla can’t see” video ups the game with some production whiz (as in propaganda wizards, like military intelligence agencies). The star of the show goes to Disneyland a lot, that’s clear, so we can understand his aspirational “wow kids” style (his marketing foo… formerly known as propaganda).
The polish is very different than the work I usually see from focused safety engineers, who correctly regard most forms of attention seeking as integrity risk or even loss/corruption. The buried lede is that a LiDAR company did the work with him, promoting safety advantages of LiDAR. It’s practically a commercial, an ad itself. And then it ends with a icky plea for subscribers.
Watch it if you want, but it simply tells you what you already should have known: Huff-a-puff, blow the camera hut down… all the Elon Musk “efficiency” really just means cheats and short-cuts that kill people in the way that corruption always does.
It’s a long video so the TL;DR is a straw hut (camera) isn’t a brick house (LiDAR) when the wolf blows in.
Elon Musk’s life of white supremacist privileges, which led to his alleged habit of intentional shortcuts of “efficiency” to avoid real engineering work, means that twenty time three little pigs are dead.
For real, over 50 people have been killed by Tesla autopilot: Or perhaps to the real point, where has this new video guy been for the last ten years?
They do not have the best engineers.