SpaceX Disaster Again Shuts Down Florida Infrastructure

SpaceX has built a reputation for extremely expensive, toxic failures on a regular basis. The harm to society is measurable, let alone the environmental costs, and now it’s being reported as ground stops for nearby airports.

…a little over 8 minutes in — roughly the same timing as the mishap in January — several engines appeared to cut off as the upper-stage Starship vehicle was still accelerating into space. Live video showed the craft spinning before all communication was lost. […] Shortly after the accident, temporary ground stops were ordered at airports across Florida because of “space launch debris,” including at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport and Miami International Airport. During the explosion, the Federal Aviation Administration issued a “Debris Response Area,” which prevented planes from entering the areas where space vehicle debris was falling.

This is a good reminder that in 2016 Elon Musk said “efficiency” would be how he could land on Mars by 2018 and have people living in colonies there by 2022.

Those are real promises made by Elon Musk, used to divert funding away from NASA and eliminate public control over outcomes.

SpaceX presentation to investors in 2016 showing Mars landings done and dusted by 2018… because “efficiency”

Remember that NASA rockets first reached Mars in 1964, and the government has been successfully landing on Mars since 1976.

1976 means our first Mars landings were 50 years ago!

Somehow, all that talent and integrity has been forgotten and replaced now with just a North Korean-like rocket man who blows everything up over and over again. SpaceX hasn’t even successfully left Earth’s vicinity yet, a decade after they said “efficiency” would be why they should take all the taxpayer money away from government for a privatized landing on Mars.

Total fraud.

This is what DOGE really stands for. This is the “efficiency” Elon Musk promised. It’s a complete lack of integrity, a total disregard for law and order.

Everyone has to stop what they are doing suddenly and clean up a huge disaster, debris filling the skies. Why? Elon Musk just pushed a button to light another billion dollars on fire.

SpaceX ships regularly fail while Elon Musk avoids responsibility for huge “efficiency” mistakes (waste and fraud)

No public space program would ever fail like this.

NASA moon shot glass

3 thoughts on “SpaceX Disaster Again Shuts Down Florida Infrastructure”

  1. the obvious DOUCHE solution is to abruptly fire half the staff and cut all that waste, fraud & sloppy bloat.

    make Elawn fill out a form explaining what, if anything, productive he’s been doing this past week.

    TESLA’s tanking too ???

    bad week.
    boo hoo.

  2. @L

    What strikes me as odd is how obviously incompetent Elon Musk is and always has been. He was fired immediately at PayPal for being a fraud, claiming he could switch the entire codebase and infrastructure with a flick of his wrist. And yet his money laundering apartheid family tricks keep failing him upward.

    Any manager asking for a five-things you did this week report is demonstrating incompetence. It’s like a teacher collecting homework and afterwards asking for kids to explain to him what five things they did. It’s in the outcomes he’s already looking at!

    This shows two things.
    1) Musk doesn’t understand anything he’s looking at. He synthesizes it into gibberish and can’t tell an outcome from his own orifice. That’s why all his products are so flawed and get worse over time.
    2) He’s just feeding all the responses into AI and begging it to think for him. This is the worst abuse of technology in history.

    We’re basically watching a replay of Edison electrocuting pets to demonstrate his careless power.

  3. totally agree w/you, Davi.

    I am very distraught by the ease with which the trump/musk coup is happening, and the constant applause coming from so-called trump “base” who can’t seem to recognize the malignant fascist elements to this horrendous unlawful & traumatic power grab…they sure can recognize it when it comes out of LEFT field …but not NOW when it’s disguised as “Golden Age- MAGA- Make America First” political branding, and Elawn creates one massive wreck after another, and smirks about it.
    the deranged delusional levels of grandiose deceit , blatant lying, grotesque theatrics and palace intrigue are obscenely obvious…
    and, yet, the trained seals keep clapping.

    your posts & reports are like a life-line to sanity.

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