CA Tesla in “Veered” Crash Into Building Forcing Mass Evacuation

Firing like a cruise missile into civilian infrastructure, one particlarly dangerous road robot continues to kill and injure people without warning. Day after day, like Elon Musk is at war with America, the news is full of Tesla crashes such as this one.

A car crash Monday evening in Fremont has resulted in a structure fire, the Fremont Police Department said. The collision happened at Old Warm Springs Boulevard between S. Grimmer and Tavis Place.

A white [Tesla] sedan left the roadway and crashed into the first floor of an apartment building, officials said. The crash resulted in a fire, which crews were able to extinguish the fire “relatively quickly” within about 20 minutes.

Fire crews pulled the vehicle out of the building. Residents of Embark Apartments were evacuated, KRON4 has confirmed. As of now, residents remain evacuated until the smoke from the car fire “clears out.”

How many such abrupt “veered” impacts by the Tesla brand of remote controlled loitering explosive chemical cluster munition does it take before they are banned from public roads? Given Elon Musk’s extremist white nationalist views, are we seeing his normalization of domestic terrorism, with his surface fired rockets now legal to openly flaunt?

Elon Musk celebrates buying the Trump family, in his desperate attempt to turn the Whitehouse into a monarchy run by South Africans serving Russian interests.

We know it first is a Tesla because of the following detail, regarding an unwitting kamikaze role of the unfortunate owner. Many of them die unable to open the Tesla door, by design.

The driver of the vehicle remains inside, authorities said. The condition of the driver is unknown at this time.

Imagine dying completely unaware that you just unnecessarily sacrificed your life for Elon Musk’s campaign to replace democracy with a white nationalist dictatorship.

Photos of the crash, which involved a white Tesla sedan, can be viewed below.

Source: KRON4

We also know it’s a Tesla because… it’s always a Tesla in these sudden “veered” crashes. Until they are banned from public areas, Elon Musk’s shameless directed attacks on America will continue to mount an already alarming death toll.

Tesla deaths by year. Source:

2 thoughts on “CA Tesla in “Veered” Crash Into Building Forcing Mass Evacuation”

  1. It’s interesting how we say driver error is a significant cause of accidents across all vehicle types. It’s an easy excuse to ignore deaths and property damage. We don’t do this in aviation (looking at you McDonnell Douglas). So you’re doing a good job here of forcing us to admit where and how car manufacturing and design issues play a role.

    Tesla has such a high rate of documented safety issues versus other brands, like suspension failures, steering loss, software malfunctions, or problems with emergency egress. No other car has such serious concerns that so obviously contribute to accidents or exacerbate their severity.

    I think you would help us better see what you’re saying, however, by spelling it out by category. When comparing Tesla crashes to other vehicles (where driver error is cited as the primary cause), we might consider:

    1. Root cause analysis: Investigating whether Tesla crashes initially attributed to driver error might have underlying vehicle-related factors. I suspect Tesla design flaws, even as copious and annoying as they are in social media, still are underreported.

    2. Failure modes: Examining if certain types of crashes occur more frequently or with more severe outcomes in vehicles with alleged defects. The Korea and France cases just this week alone of Tesla killing everyone inside because they can’t open the door handles… what other brand has this?

    3. Statistical analysis: Comparing crash rates and severity between vehicles with known issues and those without, controlling for other factors. I think you’ve posted before how Tesla EV clock hundreds of death, yet EV made by Jaguar, Kia, BMW… (all outselling Tesla by a wide margin) have zero deaths. It’s almost like we don’t need to say what brand the car is in a crash like this because statistically the probability is Tesla.

  2. Thank you Snelly. Good points. The rate of Tesla death is truly alarming and you’re right about the disparity. The EV made by Chevy and Nissan sold more vehicles than Tesla, yet averaged one or fewer deaths per year. Tesla somehow ends up killing more people in direct proportion to making more cars, averaging over 30 deaths a year. Porsche, Rivian and Jaguar make EV with comparable performance characteristics to Tesla yet have none of the deaths. It’s a level of harm truly unlike any other brand and thus it would be negligence not to call out Tesla design flaws specifically as cause of death and damage. To your point about aviation, who wants a ride in the Boeing 737MAX of roads?

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