CA Tesla Kills One in “Veered” Cliff House Crash

Source: SF Standard

Police are investigating whether the cars hit each other. Given the road’s famous blind curve with a steep drop, combined with the Tesla CEO’s regular false boast his cars have collision avoidance, it seems very highly likely.

One of the vehicles, a compact SUV, crashed into the former restaurant on Point Lobos Avenue and came to a rest at a set of stairs near the building’s lower deck, according to the San Francisco Fire Department. The driver was declared dead at the scene.

The second vehicle, a Tesla, crashed through a nearby fence before coming to a rest on a hill near the Cliff House.

Marks on the Cliff House suggest the SUV coming westwardly downhill at high speed launched off the road (missing the curve) and hit a wall 20ft above ground (or parts of it hit). Strong wall (earthquake proof)!

Source: SF Standard

How and why a Tesla could achieve speed required to crash northbound uphill off that curve and through the fence, is the big question.

Did it abruptly pull backwards out of a parking spot into oncoming traffic and get itself pounded back forwards through the fence? Was it just parked and hit by a runaway vehicle with an incapacitated driver? This would explain a downhill SUV losing control at increasing speed, careening/bouncing forward (driver’s hands no longer on wheel) instead of turning left or braking hard.

The one fatality, driver of the other car, was reported as 56 year old San Francisco resident Allen Wong.

2 thoughts on “CA Tesla Kills One in “Veered” Cliff House Crash”

  1. Teslas have cams on front, rear & sides… shouldn’t be too hard to review. Teslas speed.

  2. I hate Tesla so much, how could it roll forward and not stop a runaway if it was in park mode

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