Category Archives: Food

Drink Rate Control Through Visual Feedback

A long time ago, although I don’t remember where, I read that the martini glass was invented during the American prohibition to get people to drink more quickly. Supposedly it opened up the rate of consumption so people could gulp and therefore reduce the risk of being caught with a drink in their hand.

The idea sounded strange (ever try to gulp out of a large martini glass?) and was stuck in my head until I read a recent study in ScienceMag that explained how it might actually work. The study describes an observed difference in drinking speeds with curved and straight glasses.

After watching video of both sessions and recording how much time it took for the drinkers to finish their beer or sodas, Attwood’s team found that one group consistently drank much faster than the others: The group drinking a full glass of lager out of curved flute glasses. In a paper published this month in PLoS ONE, the team reports that whereas the group with straight glasses nursed their 354 milliliters of lager for about 13 minutes, the group with the same amount of beer served in curved glasses finished in less than 8 minutes, drinking alcohol almost as quickly as the soda-drinkers guzzled their pop. However, the researchers observed no differences between people drinking 177 milliliters of beer out of straight versus fluted glasses.

Attwood believes that the reason for the increase in speed is that the halfway point in a curved glass is ambiguous. Social beer drinkers, she says, naturally tend to pace themselves when drinking alcohol, judging their speed by how fast they reach half-full. Another experiment in which participants were asked to judge different levels of fluid in photographs of straight and curved glasses showed that people consistently misjudge the volume in fluted glasses, Attwood says. A simple solution to this problem would be to mark beer glasses with the accurate halfway point, she says. “We can’t tell people not to drink, but we can give them a little more control.”

Straight glasses do not seem to include an angled glass like the martini shape. A better distinction might be between a vertically symmetrical glass where consumption has a constant rate versus shapes that make estimation difficult.

Paul Ryan and the Great Irish Potato Famine

John Kelly, author of “The Graves Are Walking: The Great Famine and the Saga of the Irish People“, has posted a fascinating look at VP candidate Paul Ryan’s policy on public welfare by looking back at the Irish Famine.

It started in 1845 and before it was over more than one million men, women, and children would die and another two million would flee the country. Measured in terms of mortality, the Great Irish Potato Famine was the worst disasters in the nineteenth century—it claimed twice as many lives as the American Civil War.

Kelly points out that Ryan claims a direct Irish heritage, yet the VP candidate’s views are diametrically opposed to his own family’s story of survival. Ryan is compared with British who wanted to decimate the poor during famine.

…between 1845 and 1850, repeated crop failures reduced the population of Ireland by a third. But crop failure wasn’t what caused the worst of it: a government economic philosophy called “Moralism” and speeches made in Parliament that are almost word-for-word like Ryan’s own speeches about his Republican budget are what made the famine catastrophic, causing needless deaths.

Kelly later manages to drive the comparison home by bringing up widely and easily discredited Ayn Rand, Ryan’s choice of favorite author.

Back in mid-19th century Parliament, [Charles Trevelyan, the British official who oversaw famine relief] wasn’t alone, just as Ryan and Romney aren’t now. Sir Randoph Routh, the head of the Irish Relief Commission, was such a fervent crusader for the free market that not even mass starvation and mass death failed to shake his belief. When a starving delegation from famine-struck County Mayo visited Routh’s office, he presented his guests not with food, but instead with a copy of Edmund Burke’s pamphlet Details on Scarcity, in which Burke explains how market forces deliver food more efficiently than the government. In Routh’s enthusiastic gifting of Burke’s book are shades of Ryan’s fervent profferings, for years, of the works of Ayn Rand. (To be fair, Ryan didn’t give copies of Atlas Shrugged to any starving peasants.)

Just as well that Ryan didn’t hand out Ayn Rand’s work since it turns out her views actually contradict his stated religious beliefs.

Memorial in Dublin, Ireland to victims of the Famine:

Famine Memorial
Photo Source: Society of Environmental Journalists, 3rd Place, Outstanding Photography — National Geographic, Jim Richardson

Hitler Wine in Italy

The Drinks Business has just posted a story of an American visiting the northern town of Garda, Italy who objected to wine bottles decorated with images of Adolf Hitler.

The shopkeeper allegedly told [Philadelphia lawyer Matthew] Hirsch that the bottles were part of history, “like Che Guevara.” “The only crime that could be currently attributable to this is that of apologising for fascism,” prosecutor Mario Giulio Schinaia told news agency Ansa. “At this point though, it would be opportune to invent the crime of human stupidity,” he added. The mayor of Verona said the bottles will be removed from the supermarket.

Source: The Drinks Business

I am surprised he tried to use “like Che Guevara” as some kind of fancy intellectual insult instead of just saying the classic snide phrase “like your mom”.

Apologizing for fascism was made a crime in Italy after 1952. What is left out of the story is that this is not an isolated case (pun not intended).

Note the former news stories from 2008, 2007, 2003….

Those traveling in northern Italy will often find souvenier imagery of Hitler in shops. I have noticed it myself. When I asked shop keepers in 2001 for an explanation they gave me a simple one:

Austrians love Hitler paraphernalia so they come to buy it from Italy.

Italians sell it.

Here is a photo I took of a case of mini-bottles of wine displayed prominently in a convenience store in Assisi, Italy.

The yellow words with a pretty picture above the wine when you open the box cover say “Vino d’Italia”; that’s Italian for the “wine of Italy”.

Basically the stricter regulation in Austria against “promoting or glorifying” the Third Reich has created a market in Italy.

Even Austria’s law, however, earlier this year was tested and failed. The Daily Mail explains that “You can sell Hitler schnapps!”

…state prosecution official Heinz Rusch said the investigation ended because of a lack of proof that it was intended to glorify the National Socialist era. He said the 48-year-old, known as Roland M by prosecutors, from Vorarlberg in the east of the country, was motivated by profit and not by ideology.

Interesting logic. Austrians clearly have not given up glorifying Hitler. Reminds me of books about serial killers motivated by profit and other killers motivated by profit.

Should consequence be ignored when it lacks ideological motive? Likelihood of harm obviously will be far higher if protected by a profit clause. Meanwhile, popularity for Hitler is found even among the Austrian youth, as the Daily Mail also warns.

…new survey asked youngsters aged between 16 and 19 what they thought of the dictator. Pollsters were astonished when 11.2 per cent of them said that Hitler ‘did many good things for the people’.

What good things?

And who are the people? Protip: genocide isn’t great for people.

Maybe it should have asked whether Hitler did good things for their mom. Protip: fascism isn’t great for women.

Or perhaps these Austrian kids are so ignorant of history (in a culture famous for cover-ups) and confused by the Italian merchants that they think Hitler is just some cheap brand of bad wine?

Human stupidity clearly is not a crime, and the Italians seem to think of it as good for profit on dumb Austrians.

Chinese Security Mysteries and Social Networking

The old saying is that “information wants to be free.” In China this has proven to be helpful for citizen activists who use social networks to report and try to collaboratively solve mysteries in security.

First I noticed in What’s On in Ningbo (WON) the case of a corn cob thrown from a speeding police car.

The corn cob incident


That basically says “a white bag with a corn cob was thrown out of a window while driving 90 mph. It was a police car with Zhejiang B (Ningbo) plates.” My favorite part of the story is a quantified risk analysis offered as perspective.


I’m not sure but I think that says “The danger from a corn cob at 80 mph is like a 0.4 oz bullet hitting a 9 lb watermelon.” The watermelon not only is a reference commonly used for impact calculations but also a very popular fruit in China.

Anyway, photos of the car with a description of the incident with details like “Hangzhou-Ningbo Expressway to the direction of Ningbo, Yuyao near the toll station” were posted to a Sina Weibo microblog site. Soon after the topic gained hundreds of comments and thousands of views, prompting the police to issue a statement.


That says on June 6th a police car was traveling with 6 suspects in their car (really, 6 suspects on the 6th day of the 6th month?). One of the suspects was said to have thrown a corn cob out the window without being detected.

The statement was obviously not satisfactory. It raised questions like 1) why can a detainee throw anything out a window 2) how did a corn cob get in the car 3) why are six detainees in one car 4) why are biodegradable corn cobs in a non biodegradable plastic bag…eh, nevermind the last question.

Eventually the police made more statements and copped to performing below expectations. They apologized for the incident and asked the public for continued supervision and support.

Second, I also noticed in Ningbo news a story about a mysterious gap in surveillance.

The disappearing passenger incident

Soon after a taxi stopped for two passengers the police were called in to investigate.

Twenty minutes into the drive, Hong, who had gotten into the back seat, had disappeared. The door was closed and no sound had been heard.

Having failed to locate Hong or connect with him via his phone, Liang and Peng called the police. The police found that the video on the car’s monitoring system was blank from 7:49 pm to 9:10 pm, spanning the time when Hong disappeared.

The story was posted to a Sina Weibo microblog site and speculatons reached into the thousands. Could it have been a wormhole? Was Hong a ghost? Did he throw himself out the window in a plastic bag?

Instead, it turned out to be a very simple problem.

On the night of August 4, the police declared that Hong did not in fact disappear. He was left on the curb when the taxi pulled away, with Liang and Peng assuming he was inside. Hong’s mobile phone happened to be broken that night.

To better understand the Chinese perspective on this story (and how it became so popular) you have to include some cultural elements. 1) It is common for taxi passengers to sit in the front seat and not look at the back seat 2) Chinese are not accustomed to voicemail and expect people to answer the phone immediately 3) Infrastructure tends to be trusted but not verified.