Category Archives: Poetry

Tiger Kidnapping

No, it’s not what you think. Tigers are not in any danger. The British media is reporting all kinds of odd news tid-bits in the wake of the recent Kent banknote robbery, and someone must have thought a “law of the jungle” reference would be fitting. Bruce Schneier did a nice job highlighting a dramatic piece in the Times:

It did not take gelignite to blow open the vaults; it took fear, in the hostage technique known as “tiger kidnapping”, so called because of the predatory stalking that precedes it.

Now what do we call it when some kidnaps a tiger? Or maybe that doesn’t happen very often, so there’s little chance of confusion. Personally, I’m glad the topic of tigers came up since it has been a while since I had a chance to read about their predatory practices. The Chris Brunskill photography site has a nice three-part review of a tiger stalking as it unfolds in real life, but the best part is where he shows the target narrowly escaping:

Suffice to say, those 15-20 seconds are imprinted on my memory forever and it stands out as the single most exhilaring encounter I have ever had with wild tigers – No matter what you do, never give up.

Now how’s that for a reverse lesson in how to deal with terrorists and/or robbers?

The Tiger
by William Blake

Tiger! Tiger! burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?

In what distant deeps or skies
Burnt the fire of thine eyes?
On what wings dare he aspire?
What the hand dare seize the fire?

And what shoulder, and what art,
Could twist the sinews of thy heart?
And when thy heart began to beat,
What dread hand? and what dread feet?

What the hammer? what the chain?
In what furnace was thy brain?
What the anvil? what dread grasp
Dare its deadly terrors clasp?

When the stars threw down their spears,
And watered heaven with their tears,
Did he smile his work to see?
Did he who made the Lamb make thee?

Tiger! Tiger! burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?

Wildwood Flower (I’ll Twine Mid the Ringlets)

by Maud Irving, 1860


I'll twine 'mid the ringlets
  Of my raven black hair,
The lilies so pale
  And the roses so fair,
 The myrtle so bright
  With an emerald hue,
And the pale aronatus
  With eyes of bright blue. 

I'll sing and I'll dance,
  My laugh shall be gay;
I'll cease this wild weeping --
  Drive sorrow away,
 Tho' my heart is now breaking,
  He never shall know
That _his_ name made me tremble
  And my pale cheeks to glow. 

I'll think of him never --
  I'll be wildly gay,
I'll charm ev'ry heart,
  And the crowd I will sway,
 I'll live yet to see him,
  Regret the dark hour
When he won, then neglected,
  The frail wildwood flower. 

He told me he loved me,
  And promis'd to love,
Trough ill and misfortune,
  All others above,
 Another has won him;
  Ah, misery to tell;
He left me in silence --
  no word of farewell. 

He taught me to love him,
  He call'd me his flower
That blossom'd for him
  All the brighter each hour;
 But I woke from my dreaming,
  My idol was clay;
My visions of love
  Have _all_ faded away. 

Note the differences between the song lyrics and the original poem?

After watching the movie “Walk the Line” about the Johnny and June Cash affair, I started to get curious about some of the history and poetry behind their music. It turns out that NPR did little story on Wildwood Flower as part of their “100 most important American songs in the 20th century”. Unfortunately the audio for the program doesn’t seem to work anymore, and based on the text introduction it seems they acknowledge that not much is known about the origins of the poem.

With a little bit more searching I found a reference to another poem by Maud Irving called “Mildred” in the Volume LXI, July-December 1860 edition of Godey’s Lady’s Book. Louis Godey’s publication (edited by Sarah Josepha Hale) was an American institution before the Civil War. Filled with poetry (from authors such as Edgar Allen Poe) it had a circulation of 150,000 and over a million readers. Unfortunately the war undermined Godey’s market, in spite of his attempts to remain neutral and keep up with the latest poetry/verse at the time. I wonder if anyone has captured any more information about Irving and his writing? According to Vicki Betts, a Librarian, “the Robert R. Muntz Library at the University of Texas at Tyler holds microfilm for Godey’s Lady’s Book for 1840-1892”. Might be a fun field-trip, or maybe someone will help convert the actual texts to a searchable database…

Hunger only for a taste of justice

by Tracy Chapman

    Don’t be tempted by the shiny apple
    Don’t you eat of a bitter fruit
    Hunger only for a taste of justice
    Hunger only for a world of truth
    ‘Cause all that you have is your soul.
    I thought, thought that I could find a way
    To beat the system
    To make a deal and have no debts to pay
    I’d take it all, I’d take it all, I’d run away
    Me for myself first class and first rate
    But all that you have is your soul.