Category Archives: Poetry

Bierce could be fierce

His report on the assassination of a governor-elect:

The bullet that pierced Goebel’s breast
Can not be found in all the West;
Good reason, it is speeding here
To stretch McKinley on his bier.

The Wikipedia has a nice summary of the events that led to this poem:

On January 30, 1900, before the committee had formally published its findings, [Democratic candidate] Goebel was shot by a sniper as he was walking up the steps of the State Capitol building. Incumbent Republican governor William S. Taylor declared a state emergency, called out the militia, and called the General Assembly into special session. In the immediate aftermath of the events, the legislature certified the election in Goebel’s favor, although the Republicans in the General Assembly refused to accept the commission’s finding.

And speaking of death, here is how Bierce put things in his last correspondence:

Good-by — if you hear of my being stood up against a Mexican stone wall and shot to rags please know that I think that a pretty good way to depart this life. It beats old age, disease, or falling down the cellar stairs. To be a Gringo in Mexico — ah, that is euthanasia.

Sometimes I wonder if people living in the United States ever think about what life was like 100 years ago, or how things could end up if they don’t think about it…

Search engines pun-ish journalists

On a slightly related note to my earlier comment about NSA data mining, I just read a rather amusing paragraph by Peter Preston in the Guardian:

The New York Times’s own search wizard recites his golden lessons for search referral. “Don’t get cutesy. Put yourself in the mind of your audience. Use the words your audience might use to seek your content.” Don’t say “Mourning crowds converge on Vatican”, say “Pope dies”. And don’t wander deep into the forests of argot, where Macca chases Mucca, where Big Ron used to be a footballer manager but may now be a tubby Brazilian centre forward, where German fans signal their enthusiasm for their English counterparts via “Love is in the Herr”. None of that is grist to the Google mill. All of it is search repellent. Bring me boring heads on chatty blogs. Computers don’t do jokes; it’s just pun of those things.

Nicely done Peter! Sometimes I wonder if the best writing in London comes after closing time on the Strand.

But more importantly, I also wonder if puns are not only classified by cryptographers as unbreakable to artificial intelligence, but whether they will find their way to clever linguistic acrobats trying to fly below radar. Imagine underground groups all speaking in puns. Oh, poetry, wherefore art thou…


The rustling of leaves
as a language of trees

A whole poem came to me as I was riding under a canopy of trees along a mountain highway, but unfortunately a motorcycle is not very conducive to writing things down. The above phrase is all that stuck, but I sure enjoyed it while it lasted.

Little Bird

by Jerry Jeff Walker

A little bird come sit upon my window sill
Sat there through the fog and rain
As I watched that bird upon my window sill
Song with thoughts of you goin’ by again

And the picture of my face
Reflected on the pane
Now is it tears I see
Or is it rain?

I remember how we talked before we said goodbye
Too young to know this world outside our door
Now the miles of time have built a wall my love
And though I try I just can’t tear it down

For I said that love takes many shapes, it has no form
Has no boundaries, has no grips to hold
The time will take the foolish hand and twist a tinge of pain
Make the heart look old with eyes grown cold

And the picture of my face
Reflected on the pane
Now is it tears I see
Or is it rain?

I have no regrets about the past, there’s nothing I can change
Life’s a road you walk just one-way down
But looking back I do recall that frame of time
When the world was love and time was just a thought

Many things go many ways, your course of life is such
We all must pick that road of life to walk
And each gives off old memories like hand-notes in a log
Where the world is time and that love is just a thought

And the picture of my face
Reflected on the pane
Now is it tears I see
Or is it rain?

As my thoughts go tumbling back, I wonder how you look
I wonder if you’ve seen that little bird
I wonder if he’s sat upon your window sill
I wonder if you’ll ever hear these words

And the picture of my face
Reflected on the pane
Now is it tears I see
Or is it rain?