Category Archives: Poetry

Kuito, a child’s map of war and infinity

by Ana Paula Tavares in Lisbon, Angola

These children live free, while the clocks, jammed by bullets, are destined to repeat time, just as the to and fro of bells sounds the cycle of birth and death. They tame the silence, sowing laughter into the folds of day. There is still milk in their laughter, fermenting the hopes of an afternoon. Beyond the doors of houses, the children are exploring the labyrinthine walls. They have a key for everything–even to the stairs that they climb up to reach the sky, bared by a missing roof. They sleep on the ground, parched by bullets, under a sheet of stars that slowly descends until the light is eclipsed and night ushered in.

Interesting contrast. On the one hand I sense boundaries and depleted value in infrastructure, which succumbed to violent disagreement, while on the other a playful adaptiveness and growth that seeks to renew. Confinement versus access.

Merched Llanbadarn

gan Dafydd ap Gwilym (1320-1370)

Plygu rhag llid yr ydwyf –
pla ar holl ferched y plwyf!
am na chefais, drais drawsoed,
onaddun yr un erioed,
na morwyn fwyn ofynaig
na merch fach, na gwrach, na gwraig
py rusiant, py ddireidi,
py fethiant, na fynnant fi?

Py ddrwg i riain fewiael
yng nghoed twylldew fy nghael?
Nid oedd gywilydd iddi
yng ngwal dail fy ngweled i
ni bu amser na charwn,
ni bu mor lud hud a hwn
anad gwyr annwyd Garwy-
yn y dydd ai un a dwy
ac er hynny nid oedd nes
ym gael un no’m gelynes
ni bu Sul yn Llanbadarn
na bewn, ac eraill ai barn
a’m wyneb at y ferch goeth
a’m gwegil at Dduw gwiwgoeth.

More info on Dafydd here and here:

Dafydd ap Gwilym is recognized as one of the most innovative European poets of the Middle Ages. His refined and erudite verse introduced a unique brand of poetry into the turbulent society of Wales during the aftermath of its loss of independence. While drawing on the contemporary elements of bardic poetry, his themes of love and nature embedded in original metric forms was a revolutionary technique. Though his work is relatively obscure outside of Wales today, largely due to difficulties in translation, Dafydd is still recognized as a radical poet of great significance in his era.

Makes me long to return to Wales, or at least conjure up some native Welsh speakers to better understand.

Ronald McHummer Site

Here is a clever idea from a group that is protesting McDonald’s latest gimmick. It’s a sign you can edit yourself. McDonald’s apparently has adopted a “Hummer in every Happy Meal” policy, and some people think that sends the wrong message to kids.

Although the sign interface ate a few letters off the second line, this is what I came up with:


Er, that should read:

“Revealing fatty nuggets;”

Some interesting health and safety issues related to Hummer exhaust are highlighted here. I could not find a diesel-engine rating, let alone a way to specify bio-diesel is in the tank rather than petro-diesel.

There’s no substitup! For quality!

i'm a bananaDon Hertzfeldt

Funny guy, that Don Hertzfeldt. Bitter, but funny.

He, like many of us, has been seeking the inner poetry in spam:

tonight i realized its been two years since i last wrote you poetry entirely cut and pasted from spam texts. apologies

slot machines uncovered
get rid of the pounds you hate
Made from an African cactus
never scrub your toilet bowl again.

Choosing the right corporate structure
Free today only, hurry!
Photoshop, Windows, Office.
my peenis is able to move without interruption

Sensationall revoolution in medicine!
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We cure any disease
Easy-to-clean pump container

Get paid to spend time with your kids
The pictures of Avery have been updated.
Shocking top secret wealth building program!
No anguish, just adoration.

Better success, wool moth
Let’s face it, you’ve always wanted it.
Bahama cruise voucher winner!
make your fat friends envy you

Do you want a w-atch?
Become a law enforcement professional.
What’s on your coffee wish list?
cursed by God,with a bucket and the milk can