i got asked to send a new bio somewhere, so i quipped up something quick:
three decades spent wondering is it rain falling on a window... pain, am i crying in quiet contemplation of the gates of vulnerability, or rather watching patterns emerge like unix shells crawling on a silicon beach under stormy clouds. i navigate the bicycle of balance between privacy and transparency, confidentiality and integrity, where ethical questions linger like a coal fog over the polluted thames. whispers preferred to shouts, in subtle architecture of security unseen yet ever-present. in a digital twilight i search for fragments of wisdom to reassemble into frameworks that protect what remains sacred in our increasingly integrous-depleted world.-- flyingpenguin
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Sometimes when I report on the absolute dumpster fire of Tesla product management, which produces dumber and dumber products of feeble engineering, I like to think back to when I was just a young boy growing up on the rough and rugged no-compromise Kansas prairie…
A jeep demonstration by the soldiers of the 92nd Mechanized Reconnaissance Squadron in 1942 at Fort Riley, Kansas. Photo: Farm Security Administration – Office of War Information photograph collection, Library of Congress
Back then, when we were asked to handle a “Death Ride,” we were dealing with genuine survival situations, not fantastical white-glove racist colonization scenarios. Kansas dirt trails meant rescue teams weren’t coming—sticky clay mud, mixed with locust thorns punctured tires to halt any rushed attempts.
I’d rather ride a bicycle 12 hours on gravel with flat tires than have to watch yet another damn Cybertruck Swasticar fail at being a truck
We faced real-world engineering meeting honest environmental challenges, something that seems increasingly absent in Tesla’s fee fraud of fascist fantasy futurism.
To his credit, Gerber — who is the president and CEO of Gerber Kawasaki Wealth & Investment Management — has had no issue putting his money where his mouth is. He reduced his firm’s Tesla stake by 31% in 2024, regulatory filings show, leaving him with 262,000 Tesla shares worth $106 million at the end of last year.
He gives simple (and I would argue exactly spot on) reasons the stock represents all hat (racist political rants), and no cattle (desirable cars). Cowboy costume is appropriated from Latinos (e.g. cowboy hat is an appropriated Mexican sombrero) and is popular among white supremacists to replace their traditional Nazi garb.Source: Domestic terrorism Skousen manual for white militias
A correction would be an understatement now since Tesla stock valuation/inflation appears sloppily designed to crash catastrophically – just like its cars. People overpaying are foreshadowing Musk’s hostile takeover of government to cause massive inflation to his personal benefit.
Without further ado, here are the four tests the Cybertruck failed.
Full-self driving (FSD) doesn’t work, and will never work because constantly rotating goalposts never achieved anything but fraud. Tesla has been on the run from the law for a decade to hide its massive failures (absence of innovation).
Elon Musk appears all-consumed by lying about video games, or playing dictator doll-house all day (ignoring hard work so he can instead unleash easy pain upon the most vulnerable) and the Cybertruck explosion of bugs and defects within the first 1,000 miles prove he never cared about real products that really work, just cheats for false perception.
Heavily dated ideas (e.g. constant promotion of defeated Nazism) and clearly inferior technology that has led to many tragic deaths in Cybertrucks, exposing more clearly than ever massive safety fraud (e.g. 17X worse safety record than the Ford Pinto). The CEO drove away or fired talent (independent minds) and most customers (independent minds), meaning there is nothing real for Tesla to sell and there is nobody real to buy from Tesla.
The stock seems worthless when judged on actual product use in the physical world (instead of trivially corrupt test labs), which suggests it is only being propped up by institutional liars or fools or both (e.g. Russia). Its value represents not the vapid promises of Cybertruck FSD but instead funds going towards political hate campaigns of white nationalism. The price simply tracks extremism, with zero to do with business valuation.
Tesla is nearly 5x larger than Toyota despite delivering just 20% of Toyota’s profits last year, according to data from YCharts. Its forward price-to-earnings ratio of 118x is more than triple that of the next most expensive “Magnificent 7” stock, Nvidia, and is above its five-year average of 84x.
Related: Nobody is buying Tesla cars. And nobody should.
Ludicrous: The Unvarnished Story of Tesla Motors, explains how Musk and Tesla have gotten away with so much lying and fraudulence.
Elon Musk drives a stock price to new highs because his plan increasingly has been revealed to be little more than an apartheid money-laundering fraud story. To put it simply, Wall Street still loves buying into audaciously racist fraud schemes, when we really compare America’s past with now.
The expansion of banks such as Citigroup into Cuba, Haiti, and beyond reveal a story of capitalism built on blood, labor, and racial lines.
WEST INDIES, LTD.: POEMAS by Nicolás Guillén (1902-1989), La Habana: Imp.Ucar, Garcia y cia., 1934. First edition
Words from an Exploited Tropical Paradise
with your stolen light
you warm the displaced clouds
and the borrowed sky, carved by the imperial noon arc!
You slice into the skin of lizards
the suffering of the displaced.
You grease the wheels of the force
that frightens the palm trees.
You pierce
a blood red arrow of exploitation
through the heart of ravaged forests
and poison the rivers!
I watch you march down scorched paths,
with your theft of mangoes,
your sugarcane fields of debt
and purple milk fruit, your harvest of enslaved Black women
I see your calloused hands...
Translation by me of a poem from the deeply corrupt, racist and exploitative period that President Musk and his assistant Trump try to frame as the “golden” age of American history:
“stolen light” = Tesla misappropriated technologies
“borrowed sky” = Tesla deceptive and inflated valuation
“sugarcane fields of debt” = Tesla gross financial fraud
“exploitation through the heart of ravaged forests” = Tesla environmental and social harms
Calling MAGA the word police would be an understatement.
Some U.S. Food and Drug Administration scientists have been told to stop using the words “woman,” “disabled” and “elderly” in external communications, two sources familiar with the matter said, part of a list of banned terms that a White House spokesman said had misinterpreted President Donald Trump’s executive order.
A list with the file name “Prohibited words” has been circulating since at least last week….
The White House spokesman told Reuters that… an error may have resulted from FDA officials misinterpreting Trump’s executive order against “gender ideology.”
The White House says it has banned gender ideology, that is all, not the idea of a gender. What’s so confusing about that, right?
Allow me to clarify. Ahem!
The White House insists they’ve only banned “gender ideology,” not gender-related words, which is like when you haven’t banned talking about elephants in the room, you’ve just prohibited mentioning any large gray mammals with trunks. Of course you can still discuss elephants! Just use the only officially approved words “non-hippo pachyderm.”
What is really going on is the White House has banned a list of banned words about banned words – but we won’t be allowed to call it that. The FDA soon will get the official list of banned words on a blank sheet of paper, because to make the list would violate the ban.
The White House has shut down offices for fighting disinformation and fired experts on the basis that any orders restricting speech, even dangerous adversarial attacks, should be seen as a violation of rights.
Next up: disbanding the weather service because predicting rain violates First Amendment rights of factories that pollute toxins into clouds. Meteorologists stand accused of liberal bias pushing a ‘precipitation ideology.’ Sources say rain now must be called only ‘spontaneous sky moistening events’ to avoid offending constitutional rights of the purest white snowflakes.