Category Archives: Energy

Tesla in Deadly Pole Position: FSD Kills More People

I’ve been noticing that Tesla lately are abruptly veering and crashing into poles.

Tesla’s CEO promised his customers that by 2018 they “do not need to touch the wheel“. This brand new 2018 Model 3 in California, produced by a polluting factory littered with engineering failures, immediately revealed the opposite. Without fraud there would be no Tesla.

This pole position is usually fatal.

And we know already that Tesla is by far the least safe, least trusted, EV maker because of its uniquely high rate of fatalities.

10 out of 10 “Driverless” Fatalities Were Caused by Tesla

Yet investigations of a Tesla in its usual pole position seem very brief and sketchy, instead of thorough and conclusive.

The woman was in a Tesla Model 3 northbound in the 27000 block of Sunnyridge Road about 11:35 a.m. [Aug 30] when, for unknown reasons, she turned right and hit the pole, California Highway Patrol Capt. Joe Zizi said.

Unknown reasons for turning into a pole and dying.

Here’s another abrupt pole position just a week earlier.

…hit a pole next to the road. The Atlanta Police Department’s Accident Investigation Unit is on scene and working to determine what led up to the crash.

Speeding, sleeping, movies, drugs, alcohol — all the usual things Tesla owners do after being told with extreme confidence by the CEO to ignore their steering wheel — surely will be investigated instead of applying basic science to reveal FSD is just fraud.

To put it simply, Tesla is causing more crashes by design and intention. Reading warnings about being attentive is actually worse when at the same time being told by the CEO to ignore them.

Having no warnings at all would actually decrease crashes, versus overconfidence that comes directly from being fed Tesla safety warnings brashly discredited by its CEO.

…countermeasures sometimes may increase danger, rather than diminish it [because] in the rare event it is [needed], the warning will no longer be received and there may be a victim. […] A warning that is not perceived as needed will not be heeded–even when it is needed.

At the start of 2022 a video was posted that clearly warned that version 10 of Tesla’s FSD had a pole position problem, if you remember (aside from running red lights).

That was right around the same time as yet another “Tesla driver dead” headline from Florida.

Highway Patrol said the man was in a Tesla that was traveling westbound… lost control and collided with the utility pole in the eastbound lanes. The vehicle then became engulfed in flames.

And also there’s this one from 2021.

…traveling west along Dey Road around 9 a.m. when the 2021 vehicle crossed into the eastbound lane as the car approached a curve, according to police. The car struck a pole in the eastbound shoulder of the two-lane country road…

Fell asleep (as instructed by the Tesla CEO) and, when approaching a curve, crossed into the oncoming traffic lane and struck a pole on the opposite shoulder.

The story even includes the line “officer who responded was not sure if the Tesla was in auto-pilot mode”.

Again and again.

Speeding? It’s a Tesla, so it’s speeding because the CEO has said it was designed for speed. Yet another reason to blame its design for failures.

We can’t just leave all these pole positions in such an unknown, unsure, state of investigation.

Shewhart Cycle for Learning and Improvement and the PDSA Cycle were the foundation of U.S. Army statistician Deming’s management of Japanese post-war car manufacturing including a mass-produced Nissan EV in 1947.

Tesla seems to have a very unique problem that demands focused study of how they alone are killing so many people so quickly.

…all Tesla issues we have covered so far never seem to get fixed…. That is also the impression Philip Koopman has after checking a video that clearly shows Navigate on Autopilot keeps getting involved in easily avoidable crashes…

If planes were suddenly veering and crashing (e.g. downdrafts or autopilot software error) there would be focused concern. Even saying it was a drunk crew in a stormy and low visibility landing wouldn’t end the case. Answers and prevention would be required, especially if it led to a design flaw affecting one particular aircraft.

With cars it’s the opposite, as people may treat crashes incorrectly as throwaway and isolated.

…the car was on Navigate on Autopilot until about two seconds before the crash. Automatic Emergency Braking (AEB) was activated, but did not prevent the collision. When it did so, it turned off Navigate on Autopilot, which may allow Tesla to say it was not technically engaged when the crash occurred.

It’s becoming clearer with every Tesla crash that without fraud, there would be no Tesla.

All that being said, the thing coming up lately is that FSD (despite being promoted by the CEO as a collision avoidance feature) may have a major defect: every Tesla may be at risk of swerving to crash directly into a pole.

However, inhibiting ongoing investigations and research is an army of tolls and orcs (pro-Russian trolls characterized by disorganization, minimal intelligence, and overwhelming bitterness). These accounts demand any related car crash reports online never include the word “Tesla”.

Here’s a perfect example. Peter Talbot about a week ago posted this report to The News Tribune:

A driver crashed into a traffic signal pole Saturday afternoon in South Tacoma, causing life-threatening injuries to himself and killing a woman in the passenger seat, according to police. Tacoma Police Department said the driver was going west on South 56th Street when he struck a pole at the intersection of Washington Street, two blocks from South Tacoma Way. Police said the car, a Tesla, briefly caught fire. […] It’s unclear what caused the crash.

Unclear cause. Maybe the car had a design flaw (highly likely) or maybe it was something else.

Of course the car brand is extremely relevant and necessary to investigators because a car has a designer, which is why it’s a common detail in news reports. Who created the defective design?

Now read these trolls in the comments, as they very clumsily attempt to erase the car brand.

Demanding to know the “other automobile involved” is a good sign orcs are at work here, and even unintelligent robots. That “Eve” account looks suspiciously dedicated to just attacking people critical of Tesla.

Calling the car brand political is an even stronger sign of systemic pollution.


That’s clearly an account setup for grinding a political axe unrelated to any actual story. They regularly churn out generic Russian hits like this:

Sep 24, 2022: What’s crude is this site’s and all you other’s support for communism.
Sep 25, 2022 Just another communist rag…
Oct 1, 2022: This globalist site catering to the gullible…
Oct 8, 2022: This site is a leftist echo chamber.
Nov 26, 2022: This sight is just another leftist echo chamber.
Dec 3, 2022: The gullible lefties on this sight will believe anything. 

You get the idea. Talk about a car crash and… leftist this, communist that, a “sports fan” who can’t see the difference between site and sight says you’re a Marxist.

(Protip: orcs often use “sports fan” comments to build personas that have allies in a conflict topic, before being launched as mercenaries into social forums).

While it’s reported that Tesla has no human PR department (because ethics got in the way), I wonder if anyone has ever probed for their annual budget allocated to social media trolls.

Seriously, Elon Musk is renowned for hating humans and wanting to replace everyone with robots designed to look like small black women. It just may be that he has a huge PR department when you account for him fueling robots to relentlessly attack media and interfere with safety investigations. His pole position seems criminal.

Update January 22: Pool position? A Tesla mysteriously veered suddenly off the street into a pool, killing the driver.

Update January 29: Another mysterious pole position fatality.

Tesla Driver Covers License Plate to Evade Arrest For Slamming Brakes on Freeway

Tesla engineering has been blamed for their cars abruptly slamming brakes and causing deaths, as well as big highway pileups.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk announced the automated driving assist was available to the public the same day that a Tesla on FSD caused a pileup in a tunnel.

They’re considered a “sore thumb” of transit.

Now a Tesla owner has taken this a step further and treated the unsafe car design as a platform to facilitate his plans for rage and hate.

A video from local news shows the man in a Tesla swerve abruptly and slam the brakes.

Source: NBC Los Angeles

See the hidden license plate?

The video in full shows he jumps out and assaults other people and their property, not just this one time.

Source: NBC Los Angeles

Look at the blue car to the right for a normal license plate, easy to read by comparison.

Hitting a car with a weapon, as we know from extremely rigorous police prosecution of bicyclists, is a serious crime.

There were no injuries, but [because he rode a bicycle instead of attacking from a car] he was charged with multiple felonies, and eventually pleaded guilty to assault with a deadly weapon, and vandalism.

Of course police easily could find this criminal, as the car is constantly being monitored in great detail by Tesla. Insurance algorithms may already have identified him.

He stands out as Elon Musk’s Twitter rage army… on wheels and in person.

Source: NBC Los Angeles

The pre-meditation is evidenced by measures taken to hide the license plate… and maybe that giant black pipe used in a very specific way.

Source: NBC Los Angeles

Police deal with illegally obscured plates all the time, of course.

Some may recall the license plate was invented specifically because car drivers from the beginning of cars were cruelly causing crashes and using their powerful engines to run away without being recognized.

Tesla seems to be not only trying to reinvent the wheel, it’s recreating the worst possible mistakes in history… by design.

Update January 14:

At least ten independent crimes have been connected to the same Tesla.

Everyone that has come forward has reported experiencing similar things: they were harassed, even chased, by a man in a dark Tesla.

This now begs a deeper integrity check of law enforcement ignoring hate crimes.

Source: ABC Los Angeles

A dozen alleged felony crimes with one vehicle and police say they are struggling to find a violent white male perpetrator despite him being in a constantly surveilled car.

All the drivers have filed reports with law enforcement. The incidents have happened across Southern California, so different agencies are investigating.

Source: ABC Los Angeles

Different agencies investigating violent crimes is a subtle nod to the unsolved killing fields of Texas.

His “uniform” is strangely consistent, as well as his premeditated and repeated use of that same Tesla and pipe.

It appears he targets non-white drivers, am I right? More specifically he may be targeting women or people he has profiled as unlikely to run him over, despite swinging a pipe.

For example in one video outside a shed in Atwater he yells “you better go outside Cali where you came from” and you can hear the clear retort “You don’t even know where I’m from. I’m born and raised in LA”.

Police easily could have pulled Atwater storage shed records, in that case of hate alone. He obviously had a reason to park there. So what is the reason police let the obvious criminal Tesla roam so freely?

Update January 31: he is arrested and has targeted women.

Tesla “Solar Factory” Implicated in FSD Fraud: 500 Workers Directed to Classify Images for Driving

Elon Musk launched the Tesla concept for chargers in 2012 as solar powered.

..the CEO announced that the company was developing a network of solar-powered, high-speed charging terminals to be installed at roadside restaurants, rest stops, and shopping centers…

Have you seen a solar-powered Tesla charger? Probably not. And now I’ll explain why “solar factory” means nothing of the sort, instead being a giant coverup for the fraud of FSD.

You probably also haven’t seen any 1940s Japanese Tama EV style “battery swap” stations despite Musk fraudulently announcing Tesla had opened them for business in 2015.

What Tesla did do, instead of making that station open as it had told the public it was—and, by the way, they told the California Air Resources Board, which was subsidizing it quite heavily—was ship in some extra superchargers and hook them up to diesel generators. Instead of seeing this cutting edge future battery swap technology, I saw Tesla—literally the long tail pipe problem, as it’s called—become very, very short, as these diesel generators puffed out emissions and recharged these Teslas. Then when I went to Tesla and told them what I found, the way they handled it was extremely jarring to me. And I realized how cynical this company could be. And I just had this instinct that that kind of cynicism is never an isolated thing. There’s never just one cockroach like this.

Cockroaches hate the sun.

Elon Musk lied to take government money and repurpose it illegally. He promised the sun would be the source of energy when any Tesla needed to recharge its batteries — even announcing it as “free energy forever”.

Indeed (at the very moment the US Environmental Protection Agency accused VW of installing illegal manipulation devices on diesel) Elon Musk did something even worse than VW.

He started running the dirtiest diesel engines possible while marketing it as “clean energy” for Tesla car chargers. Cynical doesn’t even begin to describe this level of willful harm and deceit, especially as VW executives went to jail for far less.

Despite having a view of the fake battery swap terminal and fake solar panels, Tesla gave car owners no choice but connect to giant dirty diesel generators as they listened to news about VW “cheating”.

Like all of his “promises”, Elon Musk had made a totally empty one meant to excite and confuse everyone while he did knowingly wrong/illegal things and walked away with ill-gotten money.

He doubled down on the lies two years after that, as a 2021 article complained.

In 2017, CEO Elon Musk said that Tesla plans to add solar and batteries to all Supercharger stations and eventually disconnect most of them from the grid. This has yet to happen. …for the most part, its charging stations are powered by the grid and from whatever source of electricity owned by the local utilities.

Why no solar charging sites? A whole decade has passed now since fraudulently being announced as already developing. Instead diesel-powered trucks have been delivering giant batteries to Tesla charging sites, and reportedly bursting into environmental disasters of highly toxic fires.

Safe and clean renewable energy generation for charging hasn’t materialized as predicted by Tesla, even though they soaked up government handouts tailored to their false promises of solar.

Some speculate all of it has just been a game to juice investors, redirecting funds with insider/family corruption.

SolarCity had never been profitable. In 2015 alone, it lost $710 million. The losses prompted Elon Musk, its chairman, to push for Tesla, which he also headed, to purchase SolarCity, which was managed by his cousins, Lyndon and Peter Rive. At the time of the merger, SolarCity was $3.4 billion in debt. That purchase went through in late 2016, despite misgivings by some Tesla board members, court records show. To win them over, Musk unveiled plans for a revolutionary product, a roof composed entirely of solar panels.

“Plans”. We all know what “plans” mean to Elon Musk, right?


No solar tiles covering roofs, just like no solar charging stations.

The plans were total hot air, not based in any reality.

Musk, in a deposition he gave during the lawsuit against him, conceded the Solar Roof was a “nascent product.” […] Stout, the current Tesla employee whose job involved building and maintaining manufacturing lines, said the plant struggled to produce the Solar Roof.  “It was a bad design all around,” he said of the initial version of the Solar Roof. “It was a poor product design, and then the manufacturing design was not sufficient to bring it to scale.” […] “Tesla just stopped using the solar cells that were being made in their own building because they couldn’t figure it out.”

The reporting goes on to say Tesla then had to stop importing Chinese panels it had hoped to pass off as its own, after it was disclosed that slave labor was involved.

Now another moral failure has surfaced as the dysfunctional Tesla solar factory in NY is being exposed more.

Idle staff are the brains allegedly behind Tesla’s infamously blind AI.

About 500 jobs — nearly one-third of the current workforce of 1,636 — are those entry-level desk positions, in which workers label images from the company’s self-driving vehicle software — merge signs, turning lanes, pedestrians — in an attempt to train the autonomous driving algorithms. The rest of the auto-related jobs involve the assembly of charging equipment for Tesla cars.

That software has been implicated in at least 17 fatalities. The charging equipment has a reputation for fires. None of it should be unregulated, or hidden in a solar factory.

See what Elon Musk meant when he said his cars would be relying entirely on “learning” cameras?

Learning? This isn’t what people think they are buying from Tesla.

Human classifiers aren’t futuristic.

Entry-level temp desk workers in Buffalo secretly trying to read and label video… sounds highly problematic and unsafe.

Privacy? Unlikely there is any.

Gas Stoves Dangerously Pollute Air But Can They be Banned?

The COVID pandemic has greatly raised awareness of air quality.

Caught now in the cross hairs of home safety are gas stoves.

A federal agency is reportedly considering a ban on gas stoves on the heels of rising concern about harmful indoor air pollutants emitted by the appliances. 

It makes sense to phase them out like coal or wood burning stoves, if not faster because air quality science is so much more accurate now.

That being said, coal and wood are regulated by controlling fuel supply more than usage. So the right move is to ban gas being supplied to homes, which we’ve been seeing already.

In a unanimous vote on Tuesday night, Berkeley became the first city in the U.S. to ban natural gas connections in new buildings. Beginning in 2020, all new buildings in Berkeley, including commercial and residential construction, will be all-electric…

A ban on stoves seems like very wishful/provocative reporting, at the wrong end of the stick.