Category Archives: Energy

FBI Announces Arrest of Nazis Attempting to Destroy Baltimore

There are limits to the first and second Amendments in America, apparently.

A plot right out of the 1916 America First playbook (e.g. Preparedness Day bombing of SF) has been foiled by FBI arrests.

Here are some of the many important details to this new story, as documented by Heavy.

According to the criminal complaint, Russell was using the name “Homunculus” on an encrypted communication app in June 2022 and began talking with an FBI informant. He “encouraged” the informant “to attack electrical substations,” and said sniper attacks could cause a “cascading failure,” the FBI said. He also encouraged the informant to “read a white supremacist publication that provided instructions to attack critical infrastructure”…

Encryption doesn’t do much good to hide speech from the FBI if you’re using it to speak with the FBI.

Also “homunculus“?

German 1916 6-part epic film series follows the exploits of the soulless supervillain Homunculus, a creature created by science, as he wows to find love or destroy humanity. Robert Reinert’s multi-layered script draws on Frankenstein and Faust, as well as Freud, Nietzsche and Marx to create both a treatise on the human condition as well as a comment on WWI. …in repeated fashion Homunculus finds a woman whom he tries to love, but ends up driving her to kill herself, kills her family or is rejected and hunted…

That’s another America First 1916 reference.

Nazism really is rooted in the perverse hateful visions of men like Woodrow Wilson and Henry Ford. Hitler just followed their lead, which few Americans seem ready to admit.

I’m not surprised these white supremacists think their absolute right to own guns today translates directly into license to destroy critical infrastructure like it’s 1916 or the Red Summer again.

Promoting the KKK as “America First” while violently destroying black prosperity, President Wilson’s race war inspired Adolf Hitler in Germany.


Homunculus also stated that the ‘goal is for when most people are using max electricity’ and that ‘follow on [attacks] could lead to cascading failure costing billions of dollars.’

Max suffering? Guns are usually treated by white supremacists as their easiest force multiplier for domestic terrorism, right behind lighting fires. It’s the old Missouri Quantrill mindset, which did in fact start the Civil War. Heavy:

Clendaniel, using the name Nythra88 on an app, began talking to the same informant in January 2023, the FBI said in the criminal complaint, after Russell told the informant to work with her.

User name of 88? That’s plain Nazi signaling. Might as well name yourself Hitler.

She also used the account “kali1889”, named for Hitler’s birth year. Not subtle. It’s like someone wants to flaunt their intent to commit crimes.


Now that’s different. Nythra signals modern seditious conspirator in an American militant “accelerationist” hate cult trying to start race war.

…user Nythra claimed to attended Hate Camps in Death Valley and Washington State. Nythra also participated in a conversation that discussed raping and beheading a woman. The court also heard a portion of the phone call in which he tells his mother that the Garza County deputies, whom he referred to as pigs, were lucky that they caught him off guard or he would have shot them.

White supremacists want to target and control energy. They lust for power. This particular cult even named itself after nuclear energy.

Now back to the point about the FBI using someone’s speech to take away their guns. When I mean someone, I mean a person clearly unwilling to be anti-racist.

Free speech extremist (Twitter).

Free speed extremist (Tesla).

Accelerationists. It’s literally what they call themselves when they hate people.

0-60 in 2 seconds was made to kill how many?


Get it?

Elon Musk certainly does. Heavy:

Prosecutors wrote, “The fact that Russell lied about going to see his father and was found in Key Largo (at a restaurant and not his final destination), with long rifles and ammunition that he purchased less than 24 hours after being interviewed by the FBI, camouflage gear, and a skull mask, shows the character of someone prepared to follow-through with his violent ideology when called to arms.”

Serial liars, all of them.

Although Elon Musk tends to pretend that being rich somehow makes his lies different. Call it instead openly opposing science and safety regulation to create a state of permanent improvisation — as if nobody reads history.

Consider how a petty and jealous CEO says his workers must be loyal only to him and sacrifice all their family, sleep, feelings.

I wonder what would have happened in this case if mental health services had been more easily available than guns.

DoJ Requests Files After Tesla Engineer Testifies “Driverless” Claims Are Intentionally Deceptive

Tesla’s SEC public disclosure filings have revealed that it received requests from the DOJ (US Department of Justice) for documents related to “Autopilot and FSD” (Full of Shit Driving) features.

Tesla has a long habit of doing exactly what everyone says is wrong.

One example is that when the U.S. government was cracking down on VW for diesel emissions… Tesla acquired giant dirty diesel generators to power its regressive charging stations as the future of “environmental” electric cars. It was disinformation.

Nobody stopped them.

Tesla power management caught fire, creating an environmental disaster and closing an overly centralized proprietary Tesla charging station. Source: PlugShare

Another example is when an owner tried to sue the company after he fell asleep and killed a cyclist, Tesla announced it was soon deploying Autopilot for owners to be able to fall asleep. It was disinformation.

Nobody stopped them.

And so the obvious question, given serial liars who for over a decade have flagrantly ignored pubic safety for self-enrichment, is where does the buck stop in America… if ever?

In 2016 I gave expert security presentations to show how dangerous and deceptive Tesla was while not being regulated adequately. Such a low quality car company with harmful engineering standards should have had their product grounded back then.

In case you didn’t hear, because of the loud parade of spontaneous combustion news, the following is what you still should expect from a brand new 2023 Tesla:

Much to his surprise, @preneh24 reports that the steering wheel of his new Tesla Model Y came off while he and his family were traveling on the freeway…. “We lost trust in Tesla and would greatly appreciate this car be taken back and full refund be issued. I feel safety is more important than tech car,” he wrote in the tweet.

Fact: safety versus tech car is a false choice. Many tech cars are safe. Tesla is neither a tech car nor safe.

Bernie Madoff couldn’t make a worse car.

It has been clear for almost a decade that many more people would die from the Tesla fraud, cynically self-described by them as having “fun” tricking people into unnecessary risks (the CEO referred to NHTSA anti-fraud work as the “fun police“).

And so it happened as predicted. Other car brands report their safest years in history, yet the Tesla death tolls grow higher and higher as they continually fraudulently promise to be the safest car on the road.

Tesla deaths per year keep increasing, as warned by me since 2016. Source:

Bogus “Driverless” and bogus “Autopilot” and bogus “Full Self Driving” all were a key element to the false promise of safety, which they might as well have declared would cure pandemics, poverty and world hunger too.

…like making Big Macs a mandatory part of all grade-school lunches because the CEO of McDonald’s says he dreams of the Big Mac one day preventing cancer.

Apparently people now are shocked to hear a Tesla engineer testify in a wrongful death case: his CEO intentionally decieved customers about safety with grossly doctored evidence to juice sales/stock and ruin market competition.

Anyone worried about “deep fakes” in 2023 should be looking at Tesla PR since 2016.

The decision to advertise partial lane assist with serious safety flaws as FULL Self Driving when it was well known to be on the complete opposite end of automation (barely Level 2), was a callous disregard for human life.

How could any of this still be a surprise? That’s the power of disinformation.

Nobody stopped them.

A 1990s Mercedes is far more capable at self-driving than any Tesla, yet somehow the Tesla CEO who has no idea how to build cars is allowed to flagrantly sell dangerous snake-oil that repeatedly kills people.

Now comes the Department of Justice asking for files, to look into what everyone already knows is by design a total fraud.

The regulators can’t bring back the hundreds of dead, but maybe they can deliver justice for the many victims of Tesla…

Tesla deaths as of 2/2/2023: 356 (Killed by Autopilot: 19)

Did you know 23 Ford Pinto deaths caused national outrage?

Americans serving jury duty eventually became so offended by evidence of Ford downplaying the significance of deadly vehicle fires (an obvious and odious failure of “self-regulation”) that punitive and even criminal charges were floated against the car maker.

Tesla is long overdue for punitive and even criminal charges.

Toxic Radioactive Pea-sized Capsule Found Near Australian Road

A mining company in Australia stands to be charged with dumping toxic radioactive material.

Officials said the capsule the size of a pea was found south of the mining town of Newman on the Great Northern Highway. It was detected by a search vehicle travelling at 70 kilometers (43 miles) per hour when specialist equipment picked up radiation emitting from the capsule.


It contains the caesium 137 ceramic source, commonly used in radiation gauges, which emits dangerous amounts of radiation, equivalent of receiving 10 X-rays in an hour. It could cause skin burns and prolonged exposure could cause cancer.

The radioactive signal was obviously strong, which begs a question why a truck carrying it wasn’t equipped with sensors to detect dangerous loss of load.

It reminds me how coal trains in America were dumping huge amounts everywhere, as if dangerous loss of load has been business as usual for mining companies.

In 2009 a representative from the company testified before a federal review board. He was asked how much dust escapes from each coal train car during a 400 mile trip.

His answer? 645 pounds. Per car.


Coal has been transported via train for decades, yet little research has been done on the potential health effects for people who live near coal train routes.


Coal dust has been shown to coat the lungs of coal miners, contributing to problems like chronic bronchitis, decreased lung function, cancer and death.

That article goes on to point out there are 125 cars in a typical coal train.

645 * 125 / 400 = ~200 pounds of coal dust being spread every mile by its train.

And when you read that the charge in Australia for this radioactive pollution case carries a penalty of less than $1000, is it any wonder why a giant corporation didn’t try to prevent such serious disaster?

Have there been other radioactive peas lost before and never reported?

At the very least the huge week-long search and clean expense should go directly to the mining company. Gross negligence and a disregard for public safety is putting it lightly.

The pea really shines a spotlight on just how little attention has been paid to huge pollution risks (safety and environmental integrity) around and in mining supply chains.

Hundreds of Brand New Teslas Piling Up in Junk Yards

Barely a scratch. This late model junkyard Tesla with less than 10,000 miles is ready for a new devoted owner.
Many times this week people have asked if I heard about the spontaneous Tesla fire near Sacramento.

Yes, of course.

The fire department said yet another Tesla just burst into flames without warning, I mean a warning other than the badge on the hood.

It’s all over the news and for good reason, even while the Vancouver fire is barely being reported.

Within two or three minutes, he said, the whole car was on fire. “The whole thing just burst into flames.”

Tesla is a fraud, a rolling death trap. It’s nice people ask me about it, but something else has been on my mind lately.

I ask them all in return if they know how many Tesla go from the dealer to the junk yard with almost no miles.

Nobody has said yes.

I’ve written about it before here, and some of my security talks since 2016 have been based on this state of disaster, not to mention others’ research.

Using a salvaged Tesla Model 3 purchased at auction last year, researchers discovered all of the mobile devices that had been paired to the car, as well as phone numbers and email addresses from those devices. It discovered that it was owned by a construction company in the Boston area, the last six dozen addresses entered into the navigation and video footage from the crash that sent it to the junkyard. That was from one of the many cameras in Teslas that owners have often said they don’t know when they’re actually on. And, according to the business news network, it’s somewhat difficult for even owners to clear that data off of their Tesla.

My first (and last) ludicrous ride was using a Tesla pulled from a junk yard to be reverse engineered; its “driverless” system was exposed and audited (to predict reliably whether Tesla would kill many people, which it has done). It’s probably this hands-on junkyard experience a decade ago that had the most impact on my view of the vehicle as dangerous to society.

Nonetheless, since people are still surprised today, I’ll say it again.

No, even better, I’ll let someone else explain:

Of more than 120 Model Ys that were totaled after collisions, then listed at auction in December and early January, the vast majority had fewer than 10,000 miles on the odometer, according to online data from Copart and IAA, the two largest salvage auction houses in the United States. The retail prices of those cars ranged from about $60,000 to more than $80,000.

How many $60,000 or higher vehicle brands so regularly fail to get more than 10,000 miles on their odometer?

Don’t forget this car company boasted to investors shortly after launch it would be the safest of all.

Here’s even more detail from the same article.

An Austin-built 2022 Model Y Long Range involved in a front collision and listed by IAA in early January had a retail price of $61,388 and estimated repair cost of $50,388. The vehicle’s owner was not listed. A second Austin-built Model Y, involved in a side collision and listed by IAA, had a retail price of $72,667 and estimated repair cost of $43,814.

What a bunch of regressive environmentally toxic junk.

I remember the Audi A8 warning about its special construction (“space frame” introduced 1994), which meant a nightmare to repair unless the owner had access to certified aluminum welders — almost certain rapid depreciation. Tesla took an exact opposite marketing approach by falsely promoting its extremely high cost difficult to repair vehicle as a long term investment and the huge losses have been… sadly predictable.

There are many simple explanations for why Tesla is again proven to be a total fraud. Here are three:

First, and most notable, is a CEO preying on fear to inflate his ego (ponzi scheme). As soon as he heard about people fearing a crash (related to a Tesla owner suing the company), he started repeatedly claiming his cars will soon magically avoid a crash (they can’t).

According to Musk, Tesla actually “hustled so much” to get the “V1” iteration of Autopilot released to consumers. This was because a driver had fallen asleep behind the wheel of a non-Autopilot Tesla and crashed into a cyclist. … Musk stated that the driver who struck the cyclist actually sued Tesla after the tragedy, claiming that his vehicle’s “new car smell” caused him to fall asleep.

Musk used this tragedy to start promoting his car as safe for drivers to fall asleep in. He spun common fears into disinformation about faith; engaged in really, really targeted social engineering attacks to spear people using false comfort, not just the usual bland exaggeration about product.

When people said drivers who fall asleep kill, Tesla’s CEO jumped on it to suggest everyone should go ahead and prepare to fall asleep in his cars… which then actually killed them and/or others.

Tesla drivers will be able to fall asleep behind the wheel by 2021, says Elon Musk

Tesla safety has been this kind of an absurd lie since 2013, absolutely proven false since at least 2016, yet many still buy the car because they aren’t qualified to judge such baseless and illegal claims.

Belief in the lies gives them false comfort, extremely dangerous for operating a vehicle. People in fact crash as soon as they start driving these catch-me-if-you-can lying clown cars. The data shows Tesla makes drivers worse, less safe than if they drove another car.

Oh, but isn’t there a boiler plate warning that tells people the opposite of what the CEO says?

Risk research suggests the boiler plate warning when coupled with the exaggerated lies of the CEO are far worse than if there was no warning at all. It’s perhaps counter intuitive, but studies show either the CEO has to stop lying or the warnings have to be removed; the combination of the two is the most dangerous because people are primed to ignore warnings.

In Nigeria the advance fee fraud criminals say they don’t feel sorry for their victims. The line generally goes that if the victim hadn’t believed in a better life, hadn’t taken the bait of safety promises, then they wouldn’t have lost everything… so the liars say it’s their victim’s fault for believing in a liar.

That’s the Tesla fraud.

Second, the car is designed and engineered so poorly it crashes often. There is copious evidence of workplace fraud and shortcuts that weaken safety, even worker abuse in factories… lists of basic manufacturing failures that are endless.

A culture of abuse and pollution.

I’ve called the results of this Tesla in Pole Position — meaning they are being credited with 10 out of 10 deaths — because their “best” engineering keeps abruptly slamming directly into poles.

Tesla’s CEO promised his customers that by 2018 they “do not need to touch the wheel”. This *brand new* 2018 Model 3 in California crashed and proved yet again that without fraud there would be no Tesla.

Nissan (early mover advantage in EV) and Mercedes (early mover advantage in driverless) both far exceed the late-comer (1997 TZero knock-off) Tesla in quality and safety. Economy or luxury, Tesla is the worst.

Did you know Nissan runs nearly the same number of cars as Tesla on the road using “driverless” software, yet Nissan had ZERO crashes to report to regulators?

That’s quality.

Tesla’s software by comparison has had so many bugs and fatalities from crashes we’re having to start a count of graveyards.


It stands alone as an EV lacking hardware innovation (2012 model S is the same today, nobody wants one, and its look-alike derivatives have only gotten worse with time).

Third, high repair cost is not rocket science. Tesla is literally saying in 2023 that they are realizing bumpers could be designed for better parts availability and lower cost for minor repairs.

I refer you again to the Audi A8 that was honest about its engineering, warning people to not buy the car if they planned to inexpensively repair things.

Ten years ago people would grab a wrecked Tesla, hack them back together and put them out as rogue vehicles (disconnected from Tesla). Then people realized just how much Tesla sucks overall, and they moved the Tesla’s TZero guts to project cars. Now, there’s not really a point to either. It’s a disposable landfill nightmare.

Tesla is just a terrible company that struggles to deliver more than 10,000 miles without a catastrophic event. Hundreds of vehicles showing up like this is NOT explained by a bad driver or a patch of road.

Although, to be fair, Tesla’s brand does attract people who don’t want to drive and are likely bad drivers. That goes back to my first point, though.

It’s hard to say with certainty what was going on inside the vehicle, but it appears that the Model Y actually accelerates into the opposing lane, suggesting that the driver may have mistakenly hit the accelerator pedal instead of the brake. That sends the Model Y into the path of a silver Model S and gives the sedan driver almost no time to react and nowhere to go, leading inevitably to a collision.

Tesla leading inevitably to a collision? That sounds accurate, if you move up the timing to within the first six months.

Bottom line, while spontaneous fire is a regular Tesla fact, the even bigger picture is that the whole company is a raging dumpster fire.

We’re not talking enough about the systemic flaws in risk management within this third rate mediocre car company. It simply doesn’t make a product safe or reliable enough for mass market. Worse, it knows its safety warnings aren’t working and undermined by its own marketing.

The latest rankings of the top seven electric SUV put Tesla dead last (scoring in the 70s while all others are in the 80s). It shouldn’t even be on this list given deadly “flaws in comfort and build quality”.

1. BMW iX
2. Genesis GV60
3. Cadillac Lyriq
4. Volvo XC40 Recharge
5. Mercedes-Benz EQB
6. Audi e-tron
7. Tesla Y

“Y” indeed. Why would anyone buy a Tesla? It is the sad lawn dart of the car industry.

It should be banned and the CEO in jail.