Category Archives: Sailing

Diving Under Antarctic Ice

I get chills just looking at the series of photos from a National Science Foundation photography mission and thinking about the survival gear necessary for a human.

The National Science Foundation Office of Polar Programs sponsored an underwater photography team to dive out of the US Antarctic Program’s base at McMurdo Station, on Ross Island in Antarctica. For three visits in late austral spring, photos were taken on scuba dives and field excursions at locations around McMurdo Sound: Ross Island and the Antarctic mainland. The team was led by Norbert Wu, a professional underwater photographer/cinematographer.

Here is a very small crop from my favorite photo of the entire series. You can probably guess why.

The Norbert Wu collection says it holds more than 6,000 research images and he has been awarded the “Antarctica Service Medal of the United States of America ‘for his contributions to exploration and science in the U.S. Antarctic Program.'”

BayThreat Images: A-Cat

A couple people have asked to see again the photos I used in my presentation last week at BayThreat. It was called “Sharpening the Axe” because I discussed how to be as efficient as possible when pentesting cloud and virtual environments. I thought I should perhaps just post the photos here for convenience. Here are the first two, showing efficiency in modern sailing with an the International A-Class Catamaran. Both are a custom Bimare XJ built by Ben Hall.

Downwind, North American Championships in Islamorada, Florida

Upwind, club race in Santa Cruz, California

50km wireless link for Farallon Islands

I thought I wrote about this before but it doesn’t seem to show up anywhere. Tim Pozar gave an excellent presentation on how he and Matt Peterson built a wireless link from San Francisco to the Farallon Islands.

WMV and PDF available from NANOG49

The presentation will cover the requirements for a very limited budget and power consumption, issues of remote deployments, long distance microwave links over the ocean, sensitivity to the largest breeding colony the contiguous United States.

Additional network topics will be the requirement to support various services on the island via VLANs, fiber deployment to overcome distance and lightning, RF path calculations, “tuning” of the radio modulations schemes to provide the best up-time and remote support of a location that may only be accessible once a month.

Sailing around the Farallon Islands: Photo by me