Category Archives: History

NeoCons back to the future

I have to admit I am really confused by the new US neocon strategy to say that they had nothing to do with the failure of the neocon strategy.

Another top neocon, Ken Adelman, had assured the administration in February 2002 that “liberating” Iraq would be a “cakewalk,” but today disavows all responsibility with how the venture has turned out.

There is nothing more annoying than having someone say that a plan is low or even no-risk, and then blame the operator(s) if the plan fails. Reminds me of some big software deals where the salesmen constantly say that everything will just “plug-and-play”, when those who know better understand that they really mean “plug-and-pray”.

Speaking of prayer…

Joshua Muravchik, a leading conservative scholar with the American Enterprise Institute, agreed that the neocon role has been overstated.

“In reality, of course, we don’t wield any of the power that contemporary legend attributes to us. Most of us don’t rise at the crack of dawn to report to powerful jobs in government,” he said in an article in Foreign Policy magazine.

“But it is true that our ideas have influenced the policies of President George W. Bush, as they did those of President Ronald Reagan. That does feel good. Our intellectual contributions helped to defeat Communism in the last century and, God willing, they will help to defeat jihadism in this one.”

In other words, don’t blame us when things fall apart, but we’d sure like to take credit for anything good that happens. Sounds like the sort of consultants you are better off never hiring.

The sad irony to Muravchik’s point is that the Soviet Union unilaterally stood down from the arms race because Gorbachev brought a reasoned and rational focus to his role and called upon Reagan to follow his lead. He started a process whereby the USSR could finally recognize that it had been run so poorly that it was over-committed to the war in Afghanistan, overspending on defense initiatives, and unable to keep up with the economic growth and expansion of the US. He argued for a more diplomatic, less militant, foreign policy, just like he did when he warned that Bush and Blair would regret their decision to invade Iraq.

Frankly, I guess I am truly disappointed by the neocons for mistaking the diplomatic compliance of Reagan and his cooperation with Gorbachev as some kind of clarion call for future half-baked unilateral military intervention into the Middle East. Instead, I thought they would recognize that China’s economic strength and influence in developing markets poses the same challenge to the US that the US once posed to the USSR. I thought they would try to avoid past mistakes (as Gorbachev suggested) rather than become the image of the enemy they thought they destroyed. Perhaps most notably, I do not see how they could have thought that pride and greed are a sound foundation for foreign policy. Harpers provides some insight into how the neocon strategy was a disaster waiting to happen:

The problem is that governments, even neoconservative governments, rarely get the chance to prove their sacred theory right: despite their enormous ideological advances, even George Bush’s Republicans are, in their own minds, perennially sabotaged by meddling Democrats, intractable unions, and alarmist environmentalists.

Iraq was going to change all that. In one place on Earth, the theory would finally be put into practice in its most perfect and uncompromising form. A country of 25 million would not be rebuilt as it was before the war; it would be erased, disappeared. In its place would spring forth a gleaming showroom for laissez-faire economics, a utopia such as the world had never seen. Every policy that liberates multinational corporations to pursue their quest for profit would be put into place: a shrunken state, a flexible workforce, open borders, minimal taxes, no tariffs, no ownership restrictions.

Of course, if you flatten the playing field and erase the rules, you might not like it when someone shows up that you simply can’t beat, or the tide turns from cooperative to contentious hard work and your hope for return on investment was based entirely on implied rules of engagement. This of course raises the question of whether the neocons were just sitting in the back row making suggestions to the Bush administration, or whether they were actively driving the Iraq bus while Bush gamely rode along?

Slate had an interesting opinion piece in 2004 describing the neocon foreign policy role in the Bush administration:

In December 2002, Wolfowitz, Feith, Wurmser and Vice President Cheney’s national security advisor, I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, acting together, maneuvered Condoleezza Rice into appointing Elliott Abrams to the position of special assistant to the president and senior director for the Middle East at the National Security Council. This appointment gave the neocons everything they wanted — the NSC, Executive Office of the President, Office of the Vice President, the Pentagon, a cornered director in George Tenet at CIA, and Wurmser at State.

The neocons had control of the information reaching the president and a channel for their pseudo-intelligence product from Wolfowitz and Feith’s secret Pentagon Office of Special Plans. The only wild card was Colin Powell and State’s elite and independent Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR).


INR kept telling Powell the truth about Saddam’s nonexistent WMD. State’s Future of Iraq project, led by a career Foreign Service officer, who was cold-shouldered by Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz, laid out what might happen if we took over control of Iraq. Unfortunately, even the sober minds of INR could not stop Powell from lending his credibility to the “unfortunate error” show at the U.N. Security Council.

That pretty-much says to me that the whole debacle is, in fact, more proof of the disaster of neocon strategy. If nothing else, the neocons had successfully gained so much control of the administration that there was virtually only one source of information allowed — that which suited the neocon strategy. Such amazing power coupled with blinkered pride, arguably fueled by Halliburtonesque greed, is hardly the sort of thing you can overlook when wondering where things went wrong. I mean they might have been able to make their plan workable in a utopian country endowed with a strong, secure infrastructure and a friendly yet competitive population (in the real world, the only thing close to that is usually a result of years of friendly and progressive economic/public policy balance — not exactly Iraq under Saddam), but to completely tear down all the rules and regulations of a country, fail to establish a secure foundation, and then just expect a “honeypot” approach to attract more good flies than bad…that totally defies the fundamentals of security, as well as common sense.

Bibles stop bullets, as do breast implants…

Bruce posted a story a few days ago about a “retired veteran and candidate for Oklahoma State School Superintendent” who thinks books are a good way keep school kids from getting shot — by putting the books between the bullet and the kid, literally (pun intended).

The advocate for this plan did not seem to be saying that children should put their faith in school books and thus carry them around with them everywhere they go, as one suggestion was to have a special armor-plated book stored under every desk.

On that note, I can not help but take this one step further and post a recent story that bibles (two small ones, to be exact) also stop bullets:

A 54-year-old Orange Park man credits two small Bibles in his shirt pocket for saving his life when they stopped a bullet.

You know what that means? Schools should be regulated so noone can use any firearm/bullet that is able to penetrate two New Testament shirt-pocket sized bibles. No armor-piercing rounds would be allowed anymore at Wal-Mart, sorry. Ok, but seriously, how unlikely is it that someone aiming at a person carrying trash bags would hit a shirt-pocket sized bible? Would the trash bags have stopped the bullet? And the fact that it took two bibles to stop a bullet might actually suggest that bibles are in need of some improvement.

I probably should not joke about this as it seems the “bibles stop bullets” theory is seriously sought after (hey, the person paid $4!), probably to demonstrate proof of something greater than the physics of transferred energy.

No one seems to have documented how many people carrying bibles were hit by bullets, or even died, in spite of having one (or two) with them. Nevermind that, even the guy in the Oklahoma story describes the scientific method as “just two or three people who had been in the military…took to an open field near Minco to see if a text book could stop a bullet during a school shooting”. What more evidence or data do you need than a few friends from the military shooting stuff out in an open field?

Incidentally, if you read the list of answers to the person looking for “proof” you might notice that someone has provided a list of examples at the end that show things like breast implants, lighters, coins, cell phones, and a few other things also seem to do the job.

So, given the recently revealed harmful nature of breast implants, maybe they can be repurposed to schools. All students would get implants to protect against gunfire, and the breast implant industry could be saved from the financial disaster of releasing products to the public that turn out to be hazardous. Or course Mr. Crozier should probably setup another “scientific test” to verify what size implants would give people the best “fighting chance”. If he does not choose to believe in the implants, maybe he could adopt a pro-environmental approach and mandate children in school wear clothes covered in pockets filled with old phones. Keeps the landfills empty and keeps kids safe; who can argue with that?

Alas, it seems the possibilities for believing in personal safety are endless if you lower expectations far enough.

Toddler and Infant face arrest/charges

Bruce wrote another spot-on post on the idiocy of secret US data mining programs and the fallability of travel info databases. The worst part about these programs is that they are apparently promoted, through any means necessary, by people who do not understand how very little integrity their information will have.

So in that vein, which is worse, an individual making robbery charges against the infant of a man s/he has a grudge against, or a country putting a toddler on their no-fly list and issuing an arrest warrant?

Compare, contrast:

3-month old baby charged with robbery

The baby had been charged with robbery, extortion and banditry, said local superintendent of police Rattan Sajai.

Though the robbery in the remote village of Muzzafarpur occurred Sept. 19, the fact that a prime suspect was an infant only came to light recently when police launched their investigation, Sanjai said.

Toddler gets travel ban, arrest warrant: paper

“While going through the passport checking procedures to get on board, one of the officers on duty said they wanted to take Suhail,” Emirates Today quoted the boy’s father, Abdullah Mohamed Saleh, as saying.

“I thought he was kidding me and said ‘Take him if you want’,” he said. “He showed me a print-out of a document that said Suhail was wanted and there was an arrest warrant for him.”

Now let’s say you are in charge of writing the queries for the mining tools. How would you prevent these errors from happening?

Is such a question even relevant if no one will face accountability for data integrity?

Welcome to The Trial, children…

Hip hop origins

Whenever I hear a song with a guy laying down a deep and rough bass rhyme while girls sing a liltingly melodic background, I remember the hits of Mahlathini and the Mahotella Queens (some of the best music ever made, IMHO). The similarities are very striking. Thus, I was not surprised to read that Zola’s success is bringing some to realize that “American” forms of music are rarely an invention at all, but rather an evolutionary step:

“Maybe hip hop does not come from the States,� Zola proposes. “Rhyming over a beat? Zulus and Xhosas have been doing that for a long, long time.� If that is indeed the case, then kwaito has thrown hip hop just about the most raucous homecoming bash imaginable.

And this translation shows a bit of humor in the darkness of poverty and violence, if I’m reading it correctly:

You need to be fluent in tsotsitaal, the street slang of South Africa, to understand so much as a bar, but you quickly get the gist. Like the cratered streets he grew up on, Zola’s music is littered with the scree, broken glass, spent bullet casings and other detritus of recent township wars. The music is a collection of sonic snapshots taken under fire. Umdlwembe sets the tone:

Always looking for more booze
When we leave the only people left standing will be widows
Real men die and left will be the gangsters
The gangsters will die and leave the beers