Category Archives: Security

Banning Happy Hour

Someone in the Minneapolis City Council is trying to clamp down on drinking:

City Council members are discussing options to ban happy hour and other drinking specials at bars to help prevent binge drinking. They are also looking at ways to ban drinking games in bars (think beer pong and flip cup).

Is there any evidence at all that a ban on discounted drinks in bars will help binge drinkers control themselves? A prohibition on happy hour is so superficial it is hard to believe anyone considers it a serious control. It is definitely a tricky issue but I suspect making the bars responsible for monitoring and regulating patron behavior might work better. They then assume the risk related to those they choose to serve.

Prawo Jazdy Caught by Irish Police

The story in the Irish Times is almost too funny to believe.

HE WAS one of Ireland’s most reckless drivers, a serial offender who crossed the country wantonly piling up dozens of speeding fines and parking tickets while somehow managing to elude the law.

So effective was his modus operandi of giving a different address each time he was caught that by June 2007 there were more than 50 separate entries under his name, Prawo Jazdy, in the Garda Pulse system. And still not a single conviction.

How did they catch this dangerous repeat offender?

In a letter dated June 17th, 2007, an officer from the Garda traffic division wrote that it had come to his attention that members inspecting Polish driving licences were noting Prawo Jazdy as the licence holder’s name.

“Prawo Jazdy is actually the Polish for driving licence and not the first and surname on the licence,” he wrote.

A classic study of security control failure. And an amazing example of overlooking everything different on a license by fixating on one thing — a form of blindness.

The police have since been trained, and their system updated, to handle the licenses of other countries, although it is not clear what happens if your name is actually a generic phrase like Driving License or something inverse like “Null”.

Chimpanzee Attack

There are several things that seem awry in the news of a chimpanzee fight with police in Connecticut.

First of all, the AP has titled the story “Huge chimp shot dead after mauling woman”. That has King Kong-sized drama. Giant ape attacks helpless woman, climbs Empire state building. This chimp was 200 pounds. Consider also how the police characterize the owner’s behavior in this context.

“She retrieved a large butcher knife and stabbed her longtime pet numerous times in an effort to save her friend, who was really being brutally attacked,” said Stamford police Capt. Richard Conklin

Her friend may have been brutally attacked, but the owner first ran inside to call for help and then came back with a kitchen knife? That sounds weird to me.

Second, the story tells us that any animal is prone to violent behavior that can not be predicted:

“It’s deceiving to think that if any animal is … well-behaved around humans, that means there is no risk involved to humans for potential outbursts of behavior,” she said. “They are unpredictable, and in instances like this you cannot control that behavior or prevent it from happening if it is in a private home.”

I wonder if the chimp knew that its owner would start stabbing it with a kitchen knife. Third, the police apparently forgot how to lock their car door.

After the initial attack, Travis ran away and started roaming Herold’s property until police arrived, setting up security so medics could reach the critically injured woman, Conklin said.

But the chimpanzee returned and went after several of the officers, who retreated into their cars, Conklin said. Travis knocked the mirror off a cruiser before opening its door and starting to get in, trapping the officer.

That officer shot the chimpanzee several times, Conklin said.

Note the “setting up security” line. What exactly did that entail? Was it a perimeter around the victim? Trying to get the chimp to attack an officer instead? Whatever it means, the failure to lock the door and the broken mirror seem to setup a defensive picture. The officers try to provoke the animal and when it comes, they say they have no choice but to kill it.

This reminds me of the San Francisco Zoo Tiger where officers also retreated to their car. They then realized that they had left their window open and so unloaded eleven pistol rounds into the animal to stop it from coming inside. What if the window had been closed? What if the door was locked?

The wounded chimpanzee fled the scene, but Conklin said police were able to follow the trail of his blood: down the driveway, into the open door of the home, through the house and to his living quarters, where he had retreated and died of his wounds.

Sad story all around.

Happy St Raphael’s Day

Thankfully the British Roman Catholic Church has tried to help clarify the holiday on February 14th. Apparently they have said that prayers for love should be directed to St Raphael instead of St Valentine.

Although St Valentine sent a nice note to his jailer’s daughter that said “From your Valentine” (not to mention he cured her sight) St Raphael helped Sarah survive a wedding to Tobias. Tobias’ previous seven brides died on their wedding night.

St Raphael thus saved women from death by marriage. Could anything possibly represent love more? On the other hand, if you still wish to pray to St Valentine on this day, perhaps eye surgery is a good fit, or even the mail.

Given the Church’s advice, I could not help but reference a Litany of St Raphael. Contrary to their suggestion, however, I found no mention of love. The only time the word seems to be mentioned is “lover of chastity”. Hmm, back to marriage again. Is there more to the Church’s advice than meets the eye regarding who to pray towards on February 14th?

Alternatively, we could just agree that Valentine’s day is not really about love, but rather celebrating criminal activity for which you may or not be canonized.