Buffalo seems to have a pretty nice setup for external storage and now they are offering an AES-capable utility. I like their cartoon that explains why you need encryption, or “SecureLockWare” as they call it, and the fact that you can download the software for free. Appears to do whole disk as well as file and folder.
Now, if I could just find a vendor that offered a fire-proof external case for four SATA drives in RAID (one “hot” spare, ha) with a combo lock latch, all of which can be bolted to the concrete floor…
Teacher: “Can anyone find the flaw in this security system?”
Student: “The keys hide a secret that can be used to decrypt all the data if they are compromised.”
Teacher: “Excellent! Exactly right, but if these keys are compromised then the whole system is probably already lost.”
The BioPOETS (Biomolecular Polymer Opto-Electronic Technology and Science) have announced the development of insect-like artificial compound eye technology. Surveillance cameras are a likely application of this new technique for enhancing field-of-view, or as the website explains:
This work offers a promising new paradigm for constructing miniaturized optical systems for omni-directional detection, wide field-of-view or fast motion detection.
Note that the website name is “biopoems.bekeley.edu”? Could this be a clear case of POETS in motion? Har har.