Category Archives: Security

Labor Day History

This transcript from the PBS NewsHour does not mince words when it comes to the origins of today’s American holiday:

The movement for a national Labor Day had been growing for some time. In September 1892, union workers in New York City took an unpaid day off and marched around Union Square in support of the holiday. But now, protests against President Cleveland’s harsh methods made the appeasement of the nation’s workers a top political priority. In the immediate wake of the strike, legislation was rushed unanimously through both houses of Congress, and the bill arrived on President Cleveland’s desk just six days after his troops had broken the Pullman strike.

1894 was an election year. President Cleveland seized the chance at conciliation, and Labor Day was born. He was not reelected.

Hmmm, well actually 1896 was the election year, but never-mind that. Cleveland did in fact dispatch 10,000 federal troops in response to the 1894 Pullman strike.

Interesting to note, then, how the US Department of Labor portrays that period and the origins of Labor Day:

“Labor Day differs in every essential way from the other holidays of the year in any country,” said Samuel Gompers, founder and longtime president of the American Federation of Labor. “All other holidays are in a more or less degree connected with conflicts and battles of man’s prowess over man, of strife and discord for greed and power, of glories achieved by one nation over another. Labor Day…is devoted to no man, living or dead, to no sect, race, or nation.”

I find this quote ironic for two reasons.

First, it plays down the fact that conflict seems to be the reason that the holiday was born.

Second, this is quote is by one of the most influential pro-labor organizers in American history, Samuel Gompers. I think Gompers was more professing his preferred vision of how the holiday should be celebrated, rather than where it came from.

In fact, there is an important lesson in this story that might be obscured completely if we do not consider the nature of the conflict and how it was resolved. The Voice of America points out that Cleveland justified the use of federal troops against American citizens with a loophole in the law:

America’s constitution says federal troops cannot be sent to a state unless the state government asks for them. And no state government had asked for them.

President Cleveland met with his cabinet to discuss the railroad companies’ request. They finally agreed to send federal troops to Chicago — where the strike had started — to enforce federal postal laws. The troops would protect trains carrying mail.

Imagine if President Bush sent troops into New Orleans in order to ensure the mail was delivered on time? And so I suspect that the backlash against the President’s interpretation of the Constitution and the use of federal troops for domestic peacekeeping is what built public momentum and support for the laborers to a point where Labor Day was born.

Incidentally, Cleveland was also the President who put America onto the gold standard, referred to by some as the “yellow brick road”. Strange people later changed Dorothy’s footwear to ruby, while originally silver slippers were the only things that could take her back to reality. Alas, that’s a story for another day…

There’s no substitup! For quality!

i'm a bananaDon Hertzfeldt

Funny guy, that Don Hertzfeldt. Bitter, but funny.

He, like many of us, has been seeking the inner poetry in spam:

tonight i realized its been two years since i last wrote you poetry entirely cut and pasted from spam texts. apologies

slot machines uncovered
get rid of the pounds you hate
Made from an African cactus
never scrub your toilet bowl again.

Choosing the right corporate structure
Free today only, hurry!
Photoshop, Windows, Office.
my peenis is able to move without interruption

Sensationall revoolution in medicine!
Full of health? Then don’t click,
We cure any disease
Easy-to-clean pump container

Get paid to spend time with your kids
The pictures of Avery have been updated.
Shocking top secret wealth building program!
No anguish, just adoration.

Better success, wool moth
Let’s face it, you’ve always wanted it.
Bahama cruise voucher winner!
make your fat friends envy you

Do you want a w-atch?
Become a law enforcement professional.
What’s on your coffee wish list?
cursed by God,with a bucket and the milk can

Sudan releases Solvenian “spy”

Here’s an interesting story about identity:

Kriznar is well known in Slovenia as a human rights activist.

He travelled to Sudan’s troubled Darfur region in February as the Slovenian president’s envoy.

Three months ago, Slovenia held talks with two rebel movements which refused to accept a peace agreement between the main rebel faction and Khartoum.

Sudanese investigators said Kriznar was travelling around Darfur taking pictures and shooting video material of villages there.

Our identity, let alone intentions or motive, can be tough to prove in a stable environment like a local bank or in your preferred hospital. It can be nearly impossible to prove when we face an ad hoc and violent environment, especially when we pull out a camera and start taking “evidence” of our surroundings. Hard to tell what the exact circumstances were but it seems that Kriznar might have been pushing his luck even though he was part of the Slovenian President’s envoy, or maybe the Sudanese found him to be an easy target.

Scooter Airbag

Things like this airbag-equipped scooter in the Taipei Times make me think I should create a humor category. I mean, even if you wanted to prevent yourself from being hurt while riding a scooter, is an airbag exploding in your crotch really a good idea? Seems like a belt would achieve the same thing much more simply, and could be set to break above a certain load if that were a concern. I’m all for kevlar suits with armor, helmets, gloves and boots but I’ll pass on this concept. Maybe if the airbag were about ten times larger and covered the entire scooter, like a giant wrap-around pillow that would pop out so you could land in it no matter what direction you were impacted…and the force of your landing would cause it to dial the emergency services…

Ok, but seriously, would you want this thing to blow up between your legs?

scooter airbag