Gravitic Drones From China: Classic Counterintelligence Pattern in Livelsberger Case

The gravity propulsion claims in Matthew Livelsberger’s communications merit separate analysis from his testimony about civilian casualties in Afghanistan. This distinction is crucial not only for evaluating his evidence about war crimes but also for understanding current drone operations security.

Claims about gravity control propulsion systems require extraordinary scrutiny because they don’t just suggest advanced engineering – they imply a fundamental revolution in physics that has somehow remained hidden from the global scientific community. This isn’t merely unlikely; it represents a fundamental misunderstanding of how scientific advancement works.

Our current understanding of gravity comes from Einstein’s General Relativity, one of the most thoroughly tested theories in history. Any gravity control system would require either overturning General Relativity, finding massive loopholes that thousands of physicists have somehow missed, or developing engineering capabilities that bridge enormous theoretical gaps. The closest historical research programs, like the Air Force’s gravity research in the 1950s-70s, produced valuable theoretical work on conventional gravitational effects (like Kerr’s discoveries about rotating masses) but found no pathway to gravity control.

Modern attempts to unify gravity with quantum mechanics – arguably the largest effort in theoretical physics – still struggle with basic questions about gravity’s nature. The idea that classified military research has secretly solved these fundamental questions while leaving no trace in the broader scientific community strains credibility beyond reasonable bounds.

Even if we entertained the possibility of a gravity control breakthrough, implementing it would require a massive scientific and engineering infrastructure, supply chains for exotic materials and components, testing facilities and programs, training programs for operators and maintenance personnel, and fundamental changes to aerospace engineering education. The scale of such an enterprise would be impossible to completely hide from the global scientific community.

For comparison, when the Manhattan Project developed nuclear weapons, despite wartime secrecy, thousands of physicists knew the theoretical possibility, the broader scientific community understood the underlying principles, and multiple nations were pursuing similar research. No comparable foundation exists for gravity control technology.

This makes gravity propulsion claims particularly useful for very targeted counterintelligence purposes. They’re superficially plausible to non-experts yet effectively impossible to disprove (unlike claims about conventional technology). They map onto existing UFO and advanced technology beliefs, and they’re so extraordinary that they undermine the credibility of any associated claims. This pattern appears repeatedly in intelligence history. The now famous U-2 program long ago benefited from UFO speculation when stealth technology development was obscured by absurd claims. Advanced drone programs often attract similar technological mythology for similar reasons.

The U-2 case is particularly instructive because it shows how counterintelligence operations deliberately introduced fantastic elements to protect real classified technology. When civilian pilots reported strange aircraft at impossible altitudes, the Air Force would provide multiple, often contradictory explanations ranging from weather balloons to hints of more exotic possibilities. This created a ‘noise floor’ of speculation that effectively discredited legitimate observers by associating their accurate observations with increasingly outlandish claims.

This pattern of introducing fantastic elements to discredit legitimate observers has claimed numerous whistleblowers before Livelsberger. WWII British Naval Intelligence under Godfrey and Fleming used a “double cross system” – varying fake details were inserted into real documents about convoys to detect which German spies were active in specific regions, based on which version of the false information showed up in intercepted communications. In the 1990s, several Gulf War veterans who raised concerns about chemical weapons exposure found their legitimate medical complaints becoming entangled with increasingly exotic theories about secret weapons testing.

Livelsberger’s case follows a well documented progression. His detailed, verifiable testimony about drone strikes and civilian casualties has become intermixed with gravity drive claims in a way that mirrors these historical cases. The key difference is that modern counterintelligence operations maybe have become sophisticated at exploiting integrity vulnerabilties — using combat trauma such as TBI to accelerate a process of narrative contamination. While previous cases often relied on external social pressure and deliberate contradiction to introduce doubt, Livelsberger’s communications suggest a more insidious approach that leverages mental harm and psychological suffering to blur the line between direct observation and introduced fantasy.

This vulnerability-based targeting becomes particularly concerning when we consider the timeline of Livelsberger’s service. His record suggests someone whose moral objections to civilian casualties made him a potential risk for whistleblowing. The introduction of exotic technical elements into his narrative may represent a calculated attempt to force him out of operations through an early retirement on disability status – a modern evolution of old counterintelligence tactics that exploit rather than surveil potential whistleblowers.

If this was indeed the strategy, it backfired tragically. Rather than quietly accepting a glass ceiling leading to medical discharge, Livelsberger appears to have recognized attempted interference and manipulation. His final communications suggest someone who, despite or perhaps because of his combat trauma, maintained enough clarity to provide separate claims. He gave both direct observations of war crimes, as well as exotic claims he was being fed. His choice of suicide while explicitly providing testimony about civilian casualties regardless of the gravity drives suggests a determined effort to ensure his credible core evidence wouldn’t be lost under plausibility of technological revolution.

Meanwhile, modern drone operations face genuine security challenges around detection and tracking capabilities, counter-drone technologies, command and control security, autonomous systems limitations, international airspace regulations, and civilian oversight mechanisms. These real operational concerns, and likely exploits, require serious analysis. Claims about gravity propulsion not only distract from actual drone advanced capabilities but also from legitimate questions about autonomous systems, civilian oversight, and accountability in targeted strikes.

For the national security community, separating these narratives is crucial because Livelsberger’s testimony about civilian casualties in Afghanistan aligns with UN ground investigations, Brown University casualty data, known changes in ROE and reporting requirements, and documented operational patterns. His descriptions of drone operations reflect standard military procedures, known technical capabilities, established command structures, and verifiable policy changes. The gravity propulsion claims, by contrast, show classic signs of introduced disinformation through physically impossible capabilities, absence of supporting infrastructure, violation of known scientific principles, and isolation from the broader scientific community.

Understanding how gravity propulsion claims function as interference helps clarify both the credibility of Livelsberger’s core testimony and the ongoing challenges in drone operations security. It demonstrates why extraordinary claims about breakthrough technologies should be evaluated against the required scientific infrastructure, the broader research community’s knowledge, the physical principles involved, and the historical patterns of similar claims.

When evaluating whistleblower testimony about classified programs, distinguishing between operational reality and introduced disinformation remains essential. Claims that require overturning fundamental physics deserve particular skepticism, especially when they appear alongside more credible testimony about conventional operations and policy violations. This separation allows proper attention to both the serious evidence of civilian casualties and the real technical and ethical challenges in current drone operations – without being diverted by speculation about impossible technologies.


  • No peer-reviewed physics papers support claims of achieved gravitic propulsion
  • Major physics institutions (CERN, NASA, etc.) consider gravity modification beyond current technological capabilities
  • Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity – our most thoroughly tested theory of gravity – demonstrates that gravity is not a force that can be “canceled” but rather the curvature of spacetime itself caused by mass-energy
  • Forward, R.L. (1963). “Guidelines to Antigravity,” American Journal of Physics, Vol. 31, pp. 166-170. Mathematical demonstration that any practical antigravity device would violate fundamental laws of energy conservation.
  • Bertolami, O., & Pedro, F.G. (2005). “Gravity Control Propulsion: Towards a General Relativistic Approach.” Instituto Superior Técnico, Departamento de Física, Lisboa, Portugal.

    Understanding our calculation as the energy that must be spent to control a region of space-time, leads to a radically different conclusion. From this point of view, gravity manipulation is an essentially unfruitful process for propulsion purposes.

  • Dröscher & Hauser (2009). “Gravitational Field Propulsion“, cites Tajmar’s definitive conclusion:

    Even if modified gravitational laws existed, their usage for space propulsion is negligible… nothing has been uncovered to allow any action-at a-distance force field for space propulsion in interplanetary or interstellar space.

Facebook Engineering Disasters Are Not Inevitable: Moving Past Casual Commentary to Real Change

In the wake of Facebook’s massive 2021 outage, a concerning pattern emerged in public commentary: the tendency to trivialize engineering disasters through casual metaphors and resigned acceptance. When Harvard Law professor Jonathan Zittrain likened the incident to “locking keys in a car” and others described it as an “accidental suicide,” they fundamentally mischaracterized the nature of engineering failure… and worse, perpetuated a dangerous notion that such disasters are somehow inevitable or acceptable.

They are not.

Casual Commentary Got it Wrong

When we reduce complex engineering failures to simple metaphors that get it wrong, we do more than just misrepresent the technical reality, we misdirect the shape of how society views engineering responsibility.

“Locking keys in a car” suggests a minor inconvenience, a momentary lapse that could happen to anyone. But Facebook’s outage wasn’t a simple mistake, it was a cascading failure resulting from fundamental architectural flaws and insufficient safeguards. It was reminiscent of the infamous north-east power outages that spurred the modernization of NERC regulations.

This matters because our language shapes our expectations. When we treat engineering disasters as inevitable accidents rather than preventable failures, we lower the bar for engineering standards and accountability, instead of generating regulations that force innovation.

Industrial History Should be Studied

The comparison to the Grover Shoe Factory disaster is particularly apt. In 1905, a boiler explosion killed 58 workers and destroyed the factory in Brockton, Massachusetts. At the time, anyone who viewed industrial accidents as an unavoidable cost of progress had to recognize the cost was far too high. This disaster, along with others, led to fundamental changes in boiler design, safety regulations, and most importantly engineering code of ethics and practices.

The Grover Shoe Factory disaster is one of the most important engineering lessons in American history, yet few if any computer engineers have ever heard of it.

We didn’t accept “accidents happen” then, in order for the market to expand and grow, and we shouldn’t accept it now.

Reality Matters Most in Failure Analysis

The Facebook outage wasn’t about “locked keys” since it was about fundamental design choices that could be detected and prevented:

  1. Single points of failure
  2. Automation without safeguards
  3. Lack of fail-safe monitoring and response
  4. Cascading failures set to propagate unchecked

These weren’t accidents by Facebook, they were intentional design decisions. Each represents a choice made during development, a priority set during architecture review, a corner cut during implementation.

Good CISOs Plot Engineering Culture Change

Real change requires more than technical fixes. We need a fundamental shift in engineering culture regardless of authority or source trying to maintain an “inevitability” narrative of fast failures.

  1. Embrace Systemic Analysis: Look beyond immediate causes to systemic vulnerabilities
  2. Learn from Other Industries: Adopt practices from fields like aviation and nuclear power, where failure is truly not an option
  3. Build Better Metaphors: Use language that accurately reflects the preventable nature of engineering failures

Scrape burned toast faster?

Build fallen bridges faster?

Such a failure-privilege mindset echoes a disturbing pattern in Silicon Valley where engineering disasters are repackaged as heroic “learning experiences” and quick recoveries are celebrated more than prevention. It’s as though we’re praising a builder for quickly cleaning up after people plunge to their death rather than demanding to know why fundamental structural principles were ignored.

When Facebook’s engineering team wrote that “a command was issued with the intention to assess the availability of global backbone capacity,” they weren’t describing an unexpected accident, they were admitting to conducting a critical infrastructure test without proper safeguards.

In any other engineering discipline, this would be considered professional negligence. The question isn’t how quickly they recovered, but why their systems culture allows harm with such a catastrophic command to execute in the first place.

The “plan-do-check-act” concepts of the 1950s didn’t just come from Demming preaching solutions to one of the most challenging global engineering tests in history (WWII), they represented everything opposite to how Facebook has been operating.

Every major engineering disaster should prompt fundamental changes in how we design, build, and maintain systems. Just as the Grover Shoe Factory disaster led to new engineering discipline standards, modern infrastructure failures should drive us to rebuild with better principles.

Large platforms should design for graceful degradation, implement multiple layers of safety, create robust failure detection systems, and build infrastructure that fails safely. And none of this should surprise anyone.

When we casually dismiss engineering failures as inevitable accidents, we do more than mischaracterize the problem, we actively harm the engineering profession’s ability to learn and improve. These dismissals become the foundation for dangerous policy discussions about “innovation without restraint” and “acceptable losses in pursuit of progress.”

But there is nothing acceptable about preventable harm.

Just as we don’t allow bridge builders to operate without civil engineering credentials, or chemical plants to run without safety protocols, we cannot continue to allow critical digital infrastructure to operate without professional engineering standards. The stakes are too high and the potential for cascade effects too great.

The next time you hear someone compare a major infrastructure failure to “locked keys” or an “accident,” push back. Ask why a platform handling billions of people’s communications isn’t required to meet the same rigorous engineering standards we demand of elevators, airplanes, and power plants.

The price of progress isn’t occasional disaster – it’s the implementation of professional standards that make disasters preventable. And in 2025, for platforms operating at global scale, this isn’t just an aspiration. It must be a requirement for the license to operate.

Livelsberger’s Final Message Exposes Covered-Up War Crimes in 2019 Afghanistan Strikes

The communications by Livelsberger in days leading up to his suicide say he was not trying to hurt anyone else, just protect himself and raise awareness about security risks and mistakes. His final message provided direct testimony about White House-led war crime policies from someone who was compelled to participate in them – testimony that came at such moral cost that he felt he had to take his own life to expose the truth.

Livelsberger left a clear note for responders: “This was not a terrorist attack, it was a wake-up call. Americans only pay attention to spectacles and violence. What better way to get my point across than a stunt with fireworks and explosives.” Source: Twitter

The following email was sent by him to retired U.S. Army intelligence officer Sam Shoemate, who then posted it to The Shawn Ryan Show.

Source: Twitter

Livelsberger’s allegations directly contradict the official U.S. military narrative from 2019. While his final message includes references to personal fears and contingency plans, including potential escape to Mexico, the core of his testimony aligns with extensive documentation from UN investigations and Brown University studies about civilian casualties. His direct experience as a drone operator provides crucial firsthand evidence of how the military’s public claims were forced by Trump to diverge from operational reality.

Livelsberger’s testimony about civilian casualties is corroborated by detailed UN investigations, including a special report about May 2019 airstrikes in Afghanistan.

UNAMA received reliable and credible information to substantiate at least a further 37 more civilian casualties (30 deaths and seven injured), including 30 children and two women. It is working to further verify these civilian casualties. UNAMA has not been able to corroborate information concerning the additional 69 persons reported killed or injured.

In one incident on 5 May in Shagai village of Bakwa district, multiple reliable and credible sources reported that three children were killed when an airstrike impacted their home. After one strike hit close to the house, the father shouted to his family members to run away from the house before a second bomb was dropped on the house. Three young boys, aged between one and a half to seven years old, were unable to escape in time. UNAMA has verified the death of one of the boys, as well as the injury of another boy around 12 years old who was in a neighbouring house. UNAMA also received specific information about the injury of a girl around four to five years old and a boy around two years old, relating to the same incident, and is seeking to verify the case.

In another incident in the same area, multiple reliable and credible sources reported that 12 members of the same extended family were killed and injured when an airstrike hit their house. UNAMA verified seven civilian deaths (including five children) and three injured civilians (including two children). For two of the children, UNAMA has not yet been able to determine whether their current status is injured or killed as information was received from sources at different points in time.

During the mission to Bakwa district, the fact-finding team visited an impact site where an airstrike on a house resulted in five civilian casualties (three deaths, including two children, and two injured), according to multiple reliable and credible sources. According to witnesses, two aerial strikes were conducted. The first one reportedly damaged the house. A few minutes later when people from the surrounding area gathered to see what had occurred, a second airstrike hit the same location, causing the civilian casualties. In addition to interviewing elders from the area and a victim of that incident, UNAMA visually documented the impact of the strike during the visit to the site. It has verified four of the five civilian casualties reported from that specific incident (three deaths and one injured).

The U.S. military justified these strikes by claiming the targets were drug labs operated by Taliban fighters. At the core of the UN investigation was determining whether these were actually “criminal groups with connections to international drug trafficking networks” as opposed to militant fighters working for the Taliban.

The U.S. military case relied solely on distant drone surveillance to claim they only hit legitimate military targets with no civilian casualties. This remote-only assessment directly contradicted the overwhelming evidence gathered by UN investigators on the ground who visited the many bombed civilian homes and interviewed survivors.

Livelsberger’s testimony, as a decorated combat veteran and drone operator, thus completely destroys the remote-only assessments. His account reveals how operators witnessing war crimes were forced to work under Trump White House directives that had deliberately removed protection of civilians from airstrikes.

The number of Afghan civilians killed in air strikes carried out by the US and its allies has risen 330% since 2017, a US study says.

In 2019 alone, around 700 civilians were killed, the Costs of War Project at Brown University says.

It is the highest figure since the first years of the US-led offensive following the 9/11 attacks in 2001.

The group attribute the rising figures to the US relaxing its rules of engagement in 2017.

To put it plainly the moral burden on service members like Livelsberger was made unbearable by Trump giving orders to cover up obvious war crimes such as civilian casualties.

President Donald Trump has revoked a policy set by his predecessor requiring US intelligence officials to publish the number of civilians killed in drone strikes outside of war zones.

The significance of Livelsberger’s testimony thus lies in how it illuminates the systemic disconnect between official policy, an operator’s reality, and the horrible human cost. His account serves as a crucial bridge between three distinct types of evidence of war crimes: the official U.S. military stance claiming precise drone surveillance with minimal civilian impact, the UN ground investigations documenting extensive civilian casualties, and the quantitative data from Brown University showing a 330% surge in civilian deaths.

This triangulation of evidence reveals a critical pattern: as the Trump administration implemented two key policy changes (relaxing civilian protection rules in 2017 and revoking casualty reporting requirements in 2019) it created a compounding effect. Drone operators were simultaneously given broader operational latitude while facing institutional pressure to suppress evidence of civilian deaths. This policy framework effectively trapped operators like Livelsberger between witnessing civilian casualties and being required to maintain an official narrative denying their existence.

The implications reveal a systemic failure in military accountability that created an impossible moral position for service members. When drone operators were pressured to validate pre-determined conclusions about civilian absence rather than report observed reality, it not only compromised the integrity of military intelligence but also forced them to choose between their duty to truth and their operational obligations.

Livelsberger’s final communications and subsequent suicide thus represent more than personal tragedy – they serve as powerful evidence of how policy changes at the highest levels created operational pressures that both increased civilian casualties and corrupted the moral foundation of military service.

His decision to speak out, even at the calculated cost of taking only his own life, suggests the depth of moral injury inflicted on service members forced to participate in a system that prioritized operational flexibility over both civilian protection and truthful reporting. The devastating human cost of these policies extended beyond the civilian casualties in Afghanistan to claim the lives of the very service members tasked with carrying them out.

Matthew Livelsberger: awarded five Bronze Stars, including one with a valor device for courage under fire, a combat infantry badge and an Army Commendation Medal with valor. Source: U.S. Army

CA Tesla Kills Two in “Veered” Crash Into Water

Two people missing since the end of December have been found deceased in a Tesla underwater after it abruptly veered off an Interstate.

“For reasons still under investigation, the 2016 Tesla veered off the roadway and ultimately came to rest in the creek, which runs just west of the freeway,” a CHP spokesperson said.

Tesla has such severe hardware and software design flaws that sudden veered crashes like this one, killing everyone inside, are being repeatedly reported.